[APP] - version 4.0.+ ( 30. 3. 2021 )

Started by Menion, March 30, 2021, 07:22:08

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Quote from: Mapper on April 28, 2021, 18:51:53
Actually I love the small Track-popup screen in Locus Pro because it shows me both the distance from the start and the distance to the end of the track. For me that's usufull information when hiking, often I don't need more!
In the new large Track-popup screen I can't find this valuable information, am I overlooking something?
The way I see it there is no longer the small popup. The replacement is the new track screen that can be swiped down. I love him.
You want to see other information there (at mapper)
Suggestion: There is an option in the settings where you can select the content of the pop-up screen. Perhaps you can choose which statistic fields are displayed in the window (max. 4 units). For more you have to use the arrow to the right.
Perhaps you can also select other fields there. I would love not to see "Best Interval".
One more point about this screen.
When I click on the track, this sub-screen opens.
When I select a track in the track manager, the full screen opens.
I don't like the full screen because it can't be swiped down (other users too).
Proposal in the settings select which screen should open when selecting on the map and when selecting in the track manager.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


automatic update of routing files still does not work. Still files from 04/11/2021. I chose 4 days.
I now wanted to change the interval in order to trigger it again. I chose 7 days But it doesn't change. The following message appears (image)
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Quote from: freischneider on April 29, 2021, 11:38:30
Perhaps you can also select other fields there. I would love not to see "Best Interval".
Quote from: freischneider on April 29, 2021, 11:38:30
One more point about this screen.
When I click on the track, this sub-screen opens.
When I select a track in the track manager, the full screen opens.
I don't like the full screen because it can't be swiped down (other users too).
But the question is: when you swipe coming from track manager, where do you want to go? Back in the track manager or on the map?
For me it's the track manager, but the swipe gesture with the map at the top suggests the map
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


I'm checking if there is any reason for a delay and can't see anything suspicious. Video does not help here, so do not waste a time on it. Does also other screens and dialogs "lags" (some noticeable slow-down)?

@Žajdlík Josef
labels > good point, removed
route name > only recorded. Imported or planned has different names. Also, in the recent version, you may modify the pattern for the name of the recorded track, so ...

what about selecting a point on the big chart? There is already a system for zoom in/out and later display on the map. Seems that the "center" button does not work correctly now - fixed.

As I mentioned before, the display of the track detail as a bottom dialog is not possible on other screens than the main map. Technical limitation.

Change in time for BRouter downloader > little more investigating and I think I've got it, thanks. Try it with next version, hopefully, it will help with automatic updates as well. Because this issue caused that default "Disabled" value was used.
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- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: Menion on April 29, 2021, 13:21:22
route name > only recorded. Imported or planned has different names. Also, in the recent version, you may modify the pattern for the name of the recorded track, so ...
There's the timestamp there {t} - I was wondering - will you add more variables? Especially (next) city name is interesting.

Quote from: freischneider on April 29, 2021, 11:38:30
I would love not to see "Best Interval".
Oh yes. Same, also the waypoints symbols aren't useful for me. Maybe at a later stage we can define which elements are shown, while the rest (their fullscreen windows) can be accessed via a submenu.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: tapio on April 29, 2021, 07:37:28
@Menion I experienced the same as Andrew! Recording initiated by an intent. I noticed, it wasnt stopped by Tasker, but should have. And so I wanted to stop it manually. Not possible, as Andrew wrote. I stopped Locus, it comes up with that message "recording running", and I think I just dumped the recording with that recycle bin icon, which made the recording stop. Serious problem.

I ran into the same issue, also in some betas from the past. After some swearing I used the "save actual part", hence no data lost.


huaa, what the ... Never saw something like this. You use caches from the live map or any imported and stored in the app? Any idea how to simulate it is very welcome here. Does it happen always for any cache?
Yes, it is the same with all caches. For the saved caches only if I click on refresh before. With unsaved caches it is always like this.

Viajero Perdido

I can duplicate flyingman's issue (latest beta).  Tap a G4L cache.  If it says "Updating cache", then the title bar doesn't scroll.  Tap the same cache a second time.  If it doesn't say "Updating cache", then the title bar can scroll up, showing more text info below.

I prefer the second behavior.   8)

Quote from: michaelbechtold on April 29, 2021, 18:03:58"save actual part"
The text should be "save current part".  The word is often mis-translated to English, eg Spanish actualmente should be currently (correct) not actually (very different).


New version MapGooglePlay_4.0.2.7_1012_beta

exactly what I hope for - tips & ideas on what other variables should be filled in the new track name. City, perfect. So parameter {city} added, thanks.

@michaelbechtold, @flyingman_ch
The issue should be fixed, thanks

@Viajero Perdido
Hmm, more and more suggestions to original English translation. I'll probably create a specific topic for Michal who takes care of English texts ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

Quote from: slarti76 on April 29, 2021, 09:15:02
I tried to do a screen recording, but you can't see when I tap anything, so it's not that helpful...
@slarti76 - check out Android settings > Developer Options > Show Touches (it's a long list - do a search instead) - this will then show taps in your screen recording.

  • Route Planner > previous plan restored - map now zoomed/ panned to show whole route > Delete > please restore original zoom/ position - occurred 1st time but can't reproduce ;-(
  • I still observe Android "Locus App stopped" at exit - also occurred 1st time but can't reproduce ;-(
  • Each time I have to restore settings (luckily rarely) I notice the settings > Miscellaneous > Directories > Backup directory doesn't get restore & I have to reselect it? My custom export directory is restored correctly.
  • offline vector LoMap appears slower to refresh - while dragging there are more noticeable black boundaries - proof here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQStJnjaBlk
  • presets > edit > Map themes (V4+) - only General is displayed for Internal themes, whereas menu > Map Themes > Internal themes displays Hike/ Ski/ City/ Road
  • saved a recorded track without problems

Quote from: Menion on April 29, 2021, 08:52:13
itinerary is ... available in Route planner as well, as I wrote before
confirmed from track > More, but sorry Menion but can't find it anywhere in the Route planner?
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Viajero Perdido

Beta 1012, I'm happy to report, fixes both parts of the LoRouter auto-update issue, on both my devices.  Good job.  (While in a web browser a bit later, I did see a mysterious "Process successful" toast, but I figured out where it came from.)

Not sure if it's Locus, but twice recently (with the previous beta), I couldn't get the keyboard to pop up when entering a name for a newly-created waypoint.  Had to abandon my averaged waypoint because I had hit "x" to delete the default name, couldn't enter another, and it wouldn't accept a waypoint without a name.  Restarting Locus made the issue go away.  This is Android 9 with Swiftkey Keyboard, and like I say, maybe not a Locus issue.


Quote from: Menion on April 29, 2021, 08:52:13
There should be a "more" button that displays full-screen window with a description. Hmm, may you please share one track with such description as GPX? I'll try to improve it, thanks. And yes, it is definitely the correct place!

Thanks for making the "more" button in the new beta version
gpx file was attached


Quote from: Menion on April 29, 2021, 13:21:22
I'm checking if there is any reason for a delay and can't see anything suspicious. Video does not help here, so do not waste a time on it. Does also other screens and dialogs "lags" (some noticeable slow-down)?
No, not that I remember. And there's no unnecessary net requests for the subscription status?


New 012 version instantly crashes (often) when:

- tap a track (planned one, from route planner)
- New track screen is open
- Bottom left icon (to point screen)
- Crash
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I can also confirm a lag of 1 sec when tapping the main menu button. Because of that, using 3x5 functions grid is not really practicable for functions that are used quite often. This behaviour was always like this since LM4. No noticeable lags with other menus. I take my mobile to be quite fast, but in this fast changing world maybe I'm wrong ;)