Web planner / portal

Started by Menion, February 12, 2021, 20:32:44

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There are always questions about things that are already planned. There are also some who say that it is useless because some things are missing and go back to Komoot and ....
Insert a menu at the top. There the settings and history (what was changed and when, improved. And one more point with Panung future. Many people are already doing this.
In the view for future plans:
1. planned in 4 weeks
2. later

This way you can avoid a lot of questions. And people stay with Locus and wait.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)



Viajero Perdido

Sharing planned tracks that were sync'd from an Android, eg this one, doesn't always work.  (Error message, try again later.)

(Note to self, avoid embarrassment, always double-check links before sending to people!)

Also, do these links really need to end with periods?  I noticed my email client (Thunderbird) likes to NOT include the periods as part of the link, which could be a problem too.  But even with the periods, sometimes the link doesn't work.


Hi everybody! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am sorry for the response delay. I have been quite bussy with the Web Planner past weeks. In the next post I am going to sum up all new great features :). Thanks again for your support. I am looking forward for your feedback.

@Viajero Perdido
1) Thank you for your reply. I will take it into consideration.
2) Sharing planned tracks - yes, current solution is not the best one (flag of the tracks is changed and sync in triggered). We have much better solution on our mind - I have to discuss this with @Menion but I hope that we can implement it quiet soon.
3) Period in the link - oh, this is a good point which we were not aware of. I will try to think about possible improvement (it is not so easy as it can look like).

1) Visible last update date - I totally understand your point but unfortunately (what I know) we are using external service for hosting LoMaps and we have no API integration to know when update happened. And doing this manually ... no, no - it would be soon out of sync and would cause much more harm then good.
2) Confusing color - we are aware of this issue. To be honest there is no perfect choice. There will be always some color conflict with the underlying map. We plan to offer color customization in the future which should hopefully limit this problem (like you can do it in the mobile app).
3) Elevation in tunnels - thanks for the example. I am not sure you are right ... for sure there are strange elevation "jumps" but mountain above has elevation around 130m above the sea and elevation displayed in the chart is at most 98m above the sea. Anyway, we would like to improve this but it will probably require change in the Brouter internals so I am not sure when this will happen ...

1) Display multiple tracks - sure, this is our planned multicontent feature which we have in the pipeline. See: https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/23769-web-planner-display-multiple-tracks

1) GPX import - not yet implemented, but planned. For now, you have to use import in the LocusMap mobile app and then sync it.

@Andrew Heard
1) First waypoint is not selected - this is intended behavior. You have to intentionally start planning (right click -> start/finish here, select waypoint, add POI to the route) in order to active "routing mode"

1) Edit route - yes, this is on our list and should be implemented soon (~1 month).
2) Change of routing profiles - actually, I am working on this right now. So you can most probably expect it within one week ;-)
3) Other questions - More or less they are collected as ideas for improvement. Please, have a look and vote - https://help.locusmap.eu/topics/all/status/all/category/30/sort/new_updated/page/1. If something is not there, please, add idea and others vote.

1) Public high level plan - yes, this is definitely a good idea. We are thinking about the best way of communicating this.



New features in web planner
I am listing all the features added after LM4 lunch (April, beginning of May).

  • Elevation statistics in the planner tab
  • Altitude formatter - using only ft/m
  • Saved track detail - added elevation chart
  • Remove waypoint from the map - using context menu (right click)
  • Modify planned route by drag&drop everywhere on the segment (previously only possible by red handle placed in the middle of the segment)
  • Show / hide waypoints in order to prevent moving statistics out of the screen
  • Recalculate all segments
  • And several bug fixes and minor improvements :)

And we are working hard to bring you another set of new features soon. Thank you for your trust and support!

Andrew Heard

Quote from: janaton on May 06, 2021, 16:29:39
1) First waypoint is not selected - this is intended behavior. You have to intentionally start planning (right click -> start/finish here, select waypoint, add POI to the route) in order to active "routing mode"
@janaton - I find the user experience with BRouter-web (also RideWithGPS, plotAroute) much more intuitive - cursor is already a cross, simply click the 1st point & start. To me & I suspect other users, LoRouter-web is more confusing; the casual user asks themselves "why can't I just click this point to start my route?". Have you got 5 people into the room that haven't yet used LoRouter-web & asked them to create a route (most common use-case) and observed how easy/ hard they found the task? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 08, 2021, 00:30:25
Quote from: janaton on May 06, 2021, 16:29:39
1) First waypoint is not selected - this is intended behavior. You have to intentionally start planning (right click -> start/finish here, select waypoint, add POI to the route) in order to active "routing mode"
@janaton - I find the user experience with BRouter-web much more intuitive - cursor is already a cross, simply click the 1st point & start. To me & I suspect other users, LoRouter-web is more confusing; the casual user asks themselves "why can't I just click this point to start my route?". Have you got 5 people into the room that haven't yet used LoRouter-web & asked them to create a route (most common use-case) and observed how easy/ hard they found the task?

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker

Andrew Heard

not a bug or feature, just an interesting user interface design tradeoff GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Viajero Perdido

I like the handling of bridges and tunnels.  (New?)  It appears to (now?) consider the elevation of both as simply the average of the endpoints, a straight line between the two.  Perfect.

In my city, there's one high bridge across the entire valley that's much more convenient than all the others, in terms of elevation effort.  The web route planner shows no dip into the valley, thus doesn't penalize that bridge.  (LoRouter Offline does show a dip and avoids the bridge, but I assume that'll change shortly.)

In other words, thanks.  :)

Notable example:  https://web.locusmap.app/en/?planner=C7BOGcF8AEAMBsBWBXAJgYQMYDsAe0BvXAWwCEBugGQHsBxUAQwDcBTeAbnKA
(Though interestingly, the road bike profile would prefer to climb the pass. Fine.)

Andrew Heard

wow - beautiful location! GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Viajero Perdido

So I hear.  I experienced 15 minutes of darkness in the tunnel, on a bus,  (Plus 3 hours in customs, not moving very fast.)
I hopped off nearby in Portillo to FTF a cache or two, and grabbed some pictures.  :)



When a user logs into the portal and synchronizes, the information relating to the units of measure should also be able to be exchanged. In this way, the window for choosing the units of measurement would only be necessary for users who are not logged in.
For example, now in the panel it is not possible to choose whether kj or kcal.
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Quote from: Radim V on April 03, 2021, 11:33:35
Quote from: lor74cas on April 01, 2021, 09:28:40
One of the most important things when you are outdoors is water. In the screens you can see that even if there are two fountains nearby, selecting the first search result which should theoretically be the closest sends me more than 50km away.
Thanks for reporting this. The problem here is: Currently the search only uses "names", so only the objects that have the term "water" or similar among their names in two languages ("local" language and "English" in this case) are found. The two nearby fountains are not named at all - "Drinking water" is the overall category of them. More complex search using keywords is needed here. It is already done internally. Sorting: we don't think sorting based on distance entirely is a way to go. More content (Wikipedia, user related) is coming, so "close calls in terms of distance" are resolved based on content.
then waiting for the other keys / attributes present for the objects in osm to be recognized, I will modify the names in osm so that they are also recognized in locus
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


once the list of points has been expanded, I can no longer group it again.
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Hi  :)
Trying Locus and some settings on my (little...) Jelly Pro, I loosed the menu button and the lower bar...
So, no access to the settings again... How to recover?