Re: [APP] - version 3.39.+ ( 25. 7. 2019 )

Started by Menion, July 25, 2019, 15:34:13

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a) oki :) works for me on Android too ...
b) thanks, the issue in "import dialog" fixed

The issue with the track preview has to be in the app ... probably since begin. As I wrote, it currently does not have known a simple solution to me and needs major rewrite of tracks-list screen ... later.

@Andrew Heard
I've set export to directory Locus/export/test, then I've deleted "test" directory in file browser and then pressed "export" button. And no error, all went well. "test" directory was automatically created and inside is exported file. So please, precise steps or video needed if you want to fix it, thanks.

Interesting with route planner problem is that there were no change in the app. It seems to be some side effect. I'm trying to measure possible slowdown because even on my device it took 2 seconds and at least I see that no matter what happens, it block UI completely ... as you wrote. I've improved this at least.

Free & Pro simultaneously ... problem is in detection that something like this is happening. Generally in Android is nothing like "app is running" and "app is not running". Well, Locus Map tries to simulate this behavior, but it is more a hack then suggested method. So one app cannot simply say if any other application is running. And in case of track recording: current recorded track is save directly into internal memory to cache directory to prevent some possible loss because of unexpected situations. And this cache directory is shared between both versions. For most of other features, there should be no problem.

nono, MF4 library in Locus Map is used for 100% of map content you see. There are no my own inventions regards to how map or texts are drawn. Yes, only what I did were some small optimization to force side map tile reload in cache of overlaping texts. If this may cause these problems? Hard to say.

@Viajero Perdido
if possible, may you please try to test your map with the Cruiser application? I'm suggesting this because Emux who create Cruiser is current probably most active MapsForge developer. In case, same problem will be in cruiser as well (which I expect), it is more MF problem. Thanks.
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It does seem to be an MF problem. At least I found someone reporting the same artefact with MF two years ago.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

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Andrew Heard


bad export directory: so you don't see a big orange error message briefly? Maybe just toooo brief on your device. I'll record next week when holiday is finished

saving from route planner: now displays Saving... progress msg, previous beta didn't show this? and saving time is now quicker. I can't give better steps at present.

simultaneous apps: no worries

I still see after new track saved from route planner still showing 435738h track time? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Viajero Perdido

Quote from: menion on September 20, 2019, 10:42:19
@Viajero Perdido
if possible, may you please try to test your map with the Cruiser application? I'm suggesting this because Emux who create Cruiser is current probably most active MapsForge developer. In case, same problem will be in cruiser as well (which I expect), it is more MF problem. Thanks.
Ah yes, the same thing does happen in Cruiser.  So I guess it's a MapsForge problem...

Žajdlík Josef

Greetings Menione,
lighting up the display when going off track works well in the latest Beta. Thanks.
Problem with not quitting Autopreset after navigation ends.
I did three scr.
scr1.jpg - status before navigation
scr2.jpg - Dashboard change using Autopreset when navigation starts
scr3.jpg - exit navigation. The dashboard did not return to scr1.jpg

CZ: Zdravím Menione,
rozsvícení displeje při sjetí z trasy funguje v poslední Beta dobře. Díky.
Problém s neukončením Autopreset po skončení navigace přetrvává.
Udělal jsem tři scr.
scr1.jpg - stav před zahájením navigace
scr2.jpg - změna dashboardu pomocí Autopreset při zahájení navigace
scr3.jpg - ukončení navigace. Dashboard se nevrátil do stavu jako u scr1.jpg

EDIT: by menion, removed backup, thanks


Quote from: menion on September 20, 2019, 10:42:19
Free & Pro simultaneously ... problem is in detection that something like this is happening. Generally in Android is nothing like "app is running" and "app is not running". Well, Locus Map tries to simulate this behavior, but it is more a hack then suggested method. So one app cannot simply say if any other application is running. And in case of track recording: current recorded track is save directly into internal memory to cache directory to prevent some possible loss because of unexpected situations. And this cache directory is shared between both versions. For most of other features, there should be no problem.
I experiences this too on the weekend: Had to change phone battery, after restart Beta & Pro were both showing notification about unfinished track recording. Now that was rather aestethic, but tbh I was afraid to stop the recording in one app for fear it might also affect the (already unpaused) recording in the other. Is there a danger?
And couldn't you just write a tag in the file to say who started it? At least in the above situation you don't need to find out if the other one is running or merely installed - just make sure that Pro continues a recording started by Pro and the same for Beta/Normal.


@Žajdlík Josef
thanks for backup. Restored on my device, tried to simulate your issue ... no problem :/. Weird.
Important question: this problem affect only the dashboard? All other settings are restored correctly or everything remains in the state set by preset at the start of navigation?

oki, good point. I'm rather separated files that store current active track recording for every Locus Map version. So Locus Map Free (Beta) should not affect (since next version) recording of Pro version.
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Žajdlík Josef

I wasn't sure, so I added "Line of View" to Autopreset Navigation. Sending scr.
scr1 - preset Attendance to work
scr2 - Navigation and Autopreset Walking Navigation
scr3 - exit navigation - The line of sight remains on the screen
scr4 - manual preset Entering work - The line of sight has disappeared

In the first BETA where the Autopreset function was introduced everything worked. Therefore, this problem must be caused by some change from the second BETA.

CZ: Nebyl jsem si jistý, proto jsem do Autopreset navigace přidal "Čáru směru pohledu". Posílám scr.
scr1 - preset Docházka do práce
scr2 - navigace a Autopreset Navigace chůze
scr3 - ukončení navigace - Čára směru pohledu zůstala na obrazovce
scr4 - ruční zadání preset Docházka do práce - Čára směru pohledu zmizela

V první BETA kde byla funkce Autopreset zavedena vše fungovalo. Proto musí tyto potíže způsobovat až nějaká změna od druhé BETA.

Žajdlík Josef

Minor problem with last BETA. In the right panel I have defined a button to open the Musicolet music player. There is no problem in the PRO version - scr1. In the BETA version, the button does not load - scr2 after Locus starts. However, when I manually apply a preset that activates this panel, the button appears - scr3. However, it will not load again when I quit the application, and I must run the panel preset again.

CZ: Drobný problém s poslední BETA. V pravém panelu mám definováno tlačítko na otevření hudebního přehrávače Musicolet. Ve verzi PRO s ním není problém - scr1. Ve verzi BETA se po startu Locusu tlačítko nenačte - scr2. Když ale ručně aplikuji preset, který aktivuje tento panel, tlačítko se objeví - scr3. Po ukončení aplikace se ale opět nenačte, a musím znovu spustit preset s panelem.


Thanks Josef, this is nice mystery :).
Seems that for you, old settings are not restored at all.

I've just published version 3.40.0 RC1 into Beta channel, so please try it and if the same issue happen, may you please create a log for me? Maybe you should simply enable logging in "Expert settings" directly in the app for the time of this experiment, it should be enough. (logs are then stored in Locus/logs directory). Thanks.
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Thx for the RC. Lots of crazy word wrapping, with one letter in the next line going on.
This is N 51°27.541', E 007°31.375' on OAM v4 Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen map and Vol UK theme.

EDIT. Applied a preset, now I am not able to get the problem any more. Have no clue yet what caused this. Its not map zooming.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Wordwrap, not enough space in point screen in my language.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on September 25, 2019, 21:12:06
3.40.0 RC1

Issue with autopreset termination in BETA RC1 resolved. Again, everything works. Thank you.

Today I found that not displaying the Musicolet icon only works when Lucus Beta is in the list of recently used apps. Samsung - left button. When I delete Lucus Beta from here, the Musicolet icon appears after the launch. But it's not a big deal.

CZ: Problém s neukončením Autopreset v BETA RC1 vyřešen. Opět vše funguje. Děkuji.
Dnes jsem zjistil, že nezobrazení ikony Musicolet se projevuje jen pokud je Lucus Beta v seznamu naposledy použitých aplikací. Samsung - levé tlačítko. Když odtud Lucus Beta vymažu tak se ikona Musicolet po startu objeví. Není to ale velký problém.


@Žajdlík Josef
Perhaps, it may be related to the recent fixed issue of escaping the route planner if Locus was brought back by clicking on its icon, versus staying in route planner if Locus was restored from the list of recent applications.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 9, via Tapatalk


V 3.40.0 RC1
where can i find Locus GPS-Averaging ??
Locus Map Gold AFA

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