[APP] - version 3.25.+ ( 9. 8. 2017 )

Started by Menion, August 09, 2017, 18:25:00

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Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 02, 2017, 23:33:53
Quote from: poutnikl on October 02, 2017, 21:16:46
They should not be used as "negative viapoints/shapepoints".
I sometimes find nogo's very convenient for negative viapoints/shapepoints. Sometimes it is the fastest method for shaping my route.
I mean - description of what I want is easier by expressing what I want, not by what I do not want. If I would try to order my dinner by nogo approach.....

The admitted advantage of nogos for route shaping is that it bypasses eventual viapoint count restrictions. Personally I prefer to use the profile that follows my priorities and eventually I choose viapoints that I do want visit or go through.

It not at all about users should act this way, I am just describing my way. That is all.


Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 03, 2017, 11:13:30Generally for me a NOGO is only needed for the life of the route. No longer. As my cycle touring is always to a new area.

I see. But imagine everyday bicycle commuting in big cities with regular municipal announcements about short and long term road closures. There is even Android application to monitor them for my country. They are often not updated in OSM, or with delays, or routers generally do not deal well with time restrictions.

I have a nogo folder in Locus and put their nogos there with target date in name, periodically purging them.

Žajdlík Josef

It would also be possible to make NOGO points as sets. One set would be cycling, another for hiking. Selecting a set-up for a route outside the route planner could then be solved using presets, and NOGO could also appear on the screen while driving.

CZ: Bylo by taky možné udělat NOGO body jako sady. Jednu sadu bych pak měl třeba na cyklistiku, jinou pro turistiku. Výběr sady pro výpočet mimo plánovač tras by se pak mohl řešit pomocí presetů, NOGO by se taky mohly ukazovat na obrazovce za jízdy.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: poutnikl on October 03, 2017, 11:53:15
But imagine everyday bicycle commuting in big cities with regular municipal announcements about short and long term road closures.
@poutnikl - yes of course. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


New Beta version just uploaded. Enjoy it.
Also because of new problems with Dropbox, I'm thinking about publishing new version with updated Route planner & Track editor next week. Few last days to stop me ;).

EDIT: ah, incorrectly inserted list of news, so here is it:
chg: huge number of changes in Route planner and track editor. Polished UI, texts, functionality
chg: completely removed old "Add new route" and "Track editor". No way back...
fix: not working Dropbox support
fix: crash when sharing export track on Android 8.0
fix: not working language switch on Xiaomi devices
fix: disabled store permanently for navigation does not work correctly ( http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/if-navigate-to-route-is-recalculated-the-store-permanently-setting-is-ignored-route-is-permanent )
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Why do not add import function to the pop up window of + icon in data manager instead to search it in the top right corner on the ... icon ?

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on October 04, 2017, 18:42:49
New Beta version just uploaded. Enjoy it.
chg: huge number of changes in Route planner
@menion - huge change from really? what to test?

Until now I haven't tested the Track Editor. For me not needed much with Route Planner. But a question: if I move to first or last track point in the Track Editor does it make sense for Tools > Insert break menu item to be enabled? A break can only be inserted when an intermediate point is selected?

Track Editor > Tools > "Tuto, remove" RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


hello, my name is shara, i'm italian girl and sorry for my language  ;-)
I have install first time locus for a week
i have nexus 5x and android 8 Oreo
pc windows 8.1
my question's:
1) to know my version where I have to look?

2) one problem is share track, but I saw that it was solved with new version..good
but i have another problem: if I save the track (example in the export folder...), if i connect the nexus of the Pc
in the Locus/export folder I can not find the gpx file...I have to restart nexus, for find the file..
(is the problem locus? or android, nexus, pc..?

3) the version in this post is beta...where then I find the  stable version ?
and for update version, first best to uninstall actual version? but the folder locus/map are you lost?
(i have several maps GB in this folder..)

thanks shara



Quote from: Shara97 on October 05, 2017, 12:01:01
hello, my name is shara, i'm italian girl and sorry for my language  ;-)
I have install first time locus for a week
i have nexus 5x and android 8 Oreo
pc windows 8.1
my question's:
1) to know my version where I have to look?

2) one problem is share track, but I saw that it was solved with new version..good
but i have another problem: if I save the track (example in the export folder...), if i connect the nexus of the Pc
in the Locus/export folder I can not find the gpx file...I have to restart nexus, for find the file..
(is the problem locus? or android, nexus, pc..?

3) the version in this post is beta...where then I find the  stable version ?
and for update version, first best to uninstall actual version? but the folder locus/map are you lost?
(i have several maps GB in this folder..)

thanks shara
Answered in PM in Italian
Locus Map 4
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    The following users thanked this post: Menion


@menion, some small ideas:
When I in Track Editor and press to any point, point menu is shown. The most used action is track modifying (Insert/edit trackpoint), so you may enable editing mode by long press to pencil. And also in top point info with (i) sign, you can show Details on long press. Also, why you disabled long press on "delete point" action to clear route?
In point detail screen it would be useful to have left/right swipes for showing next/previous point.


not sure what you expect from me now.

@Andrew Heard:
I wrote huge list of changes ( smaller changes I thought ).
List? Hmm ... as I see in my source code repository, changes related to Route planner system:
- chg: completely new system of dynamic actions for move/zoom/fling actions and applied this system on few places
- chg: new system of centering map content  ( based on panning instead of direct set of new location )
- chg: disabled "map" button on chart displayed from Route planner
- chg: fixed validity of Nogo points to one day ( to be valid also for selected day )
- chg: performance improvements
- chg: removed old Route planner system
- chg: convert trackpoint > shaping point does not trigger recalculate
- chg: improved internal handling of nogo places
- chg: text improvements

"Insert/remove break" .. bug, thanks

Insert/edit trackpoint action is maybe most used Your function, but for sure not to every user. No long click is currently planner, sorry.

"Also, why you disabled long press on "delete point" action to clear route?" - you mean in Route planner, right? Clear of route is currently placed in side menu. It's usage is not so often so one slide to open menu to access this feature is for sure not a problem.
"Left/right" swipes ... yes, that should be nice. I know I've read this idea a long time ago on help desk, cannot find it now. Anyway it's not an easy task for now, sorry.
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I noticed that when you add a point from the database, say Restaurant A to the track with the + button, it becomes a via point and uses the name as description. When you move the point, it is converted back to a shaping point. This is a good feature, as it makes planning and shaping easier.

Maybe I missed it, but I was looking for the remaining option: moving a shaping point on top of / near a point from the database could offer the conversion to a via point. That way, I could plan a route, search for a place along the route, then add a shaping point near the POI and move it to the search result and directly have a via point with the additional information :-)

The fix for the Google Places works like a charm. I haven't seen any wrong entries starting with the previous beta. Thanks a lot!

I noticed one more thing during my tests: I planned the routes using the beta version, stored them and then use the pro version as usual (because I added the widget, etc) for track recording. This leads to the following behavior: If you start recording on the pro version  and open the beta, suddenly both are recording. And both use different pause / recording state at least they indicate this.. Is there a way to lock recording to only one of the two instances? ;-)

Sadly my motorcycle vacation is almost over, so I won't be able to do a lot more testing.


Hello, thanks for a feedback.
I have to ask, why you would like to create via-points by moving shaping points closer to existing points? Why not to directly tap on existing point and add it to plan?

Google Places fix: thanks for testing and confirmation!

Hmm using both versions at once is really not recommended. It may lead to unexpected problems like these you wrote about. No simple solution on this, sorry.

Hope you had a nice time!
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The advantage of installing both versions at once is that when the beta expires and reverts to locus free functionality you can use the pro version until the next beta comes out.

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