[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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I think presets need a little testing before it is clear what are the best ideas. It's probably not good to decide in a rush.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: menion on February 13, 2017, 11:28:55
My personal opinion is anyway still the same ... I think that "Presets" are too powerful tool to stay with current limited number of preferences without option to turn some of then off completely. Petr kill me for this :), anyway I would like to introduce some "advanced mode" that allows to add more preferences (like panels) and also option to remove some preferences from preset at all (maybe simple "toggle button > advanced mode" below name/icons in presets parameters).
100% agree! Advanced mode sounds great and still gives a simple version for not-power-users!

Quote from: menion on February 13, 2017, 11:28:55
Anyway as first public version, I think current solution is fine. Votes in ideas on help desk may show me, what (advanced) users wants.
Ok, first public version with simple presets is ok, if advanced mode is implemented afterwards! What do you mean by "votes on help desk"? Is there more than one idea regarding presets, that I could vote for?

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on February 13, 2017, 11:28:55
Understand request for "panels". Based on small quick poll I made, it looks like it is not too often used settings ( http://www.rkursem.com/poll/view.php?cmd=view&id=11bf3a1b70e4b1937 ), so for now not, sorry.
@menion - I use another app "F-Stop Media Gallery" and the developer uses Google Analytics service to gather huge amount of information from users on which app functions are most used/ most popular. I guess user must opt-in to provide information, I hope. Anyway my point is this service could provide greater insight into how users operate Locus rather than a poll with very small sample size. I guess Google is paid for this service :-[

I may sound like broken record, but with simpler Garmin model, most settings are part of preset/profile, at no additional cost, no special editing form/dialog is needed, no need for preset > Edit, no advanced mode is needed, because user edits all settings via existing methods. Simpler yet more powerful. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: john_percy on February 13, 2017, 18:44:29
I think presets need a little testing before it is clear what are the best ideas. It's probably not good to decide in a rush.

Every friend I show locus tell me the same thing "beautiful but too complicated for my skill" all these friends are trail runner, trekker etc used to manage maps, they are scared about too many options menu etc.
In my opinion not only present needs a basic and advanced mode but every menu in locus.
My wife for example uses locus pro too but all starting settings are made by me.
A basic user is the 90% and wants something simple.
The 10% who wants a particular set up is skilled enough to use also a menu a little more complicated.
IMHO hello locus friends

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@zossebart : because it's not yet public version, I do not expect new ideas on help desk, so maybe later. Anyway really for now, keep it simple

@Andrew Heard: I see here two differences compare to Garmin. 1) I'm currently unable to simply backup all settings like this. We may improve restoring of backups over backup manager ( restart will be anyway still needed ), but it's really almost impossible to include everything into preset. 2) how system you mentioned in Garmins, allows to define which settings to restore? There is no such option, right? It simply save current state and later restore it and overwrite everything you meanwhile changed, am I understand correctly?

@lor74cas : well I try to simplify Locus Map as much as possible last months, maybe years :). If there is need for something like "but all starting settings are made by me", then I see a problem that such setup is even needed. Why it does not work after install without any setup for your wife/friends?
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on February 14, 2017, 08:01:05
@Andrew Heard: I see here two differences compare to Garmin. 1) I'm currently unable to simply backup all settings like this. We may improve restoring of backups over backup manager ( restart will be anyway still needed ), but it's really almost impossible to include everything into preset. 2) how system you mentioned in Garmins, allows to define which settings to restore? There is no such option, right? It simply save current state and later restore it and overwrite everything you meanwhile changed, am I understand correctly?
@menion - the way I see it simplified (variation of "Garmin" model) you can save/ restore existing subset of Locus settings, not all settings, and not provide any extra form for modifying those preset settings (that is - delete Preset > Edit - it will save you heaps of work - no form, no translations, no doco, no explanation via ? icon). If user wants to modify a preset setting they just modify the "global" setting, delete existing preset and create a new preset. The programming cost of adding an extra setting is simply code to copy field between global setting structure & preset structure. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Selection of activity
The removal of the selection of activity from the recording profile can i not understand.
For me that was very useful.
How is it planned for the future?


@Andrew Heard : please forget on " it will save you heaps of work - no form, no translations" ... all these stuff are already made automatically, so it is not a problem for me. We talk mainly about simplicity for user, for using, "my time" is not important here.

I was thinking about it a lot and figure out that we are in the end talks only about two choices:

  • a) hide "edit" button > Garmin style, all available current! settings stored without any option to modify it. Why to do it when it's easy to create new Preset with few taps, right?
  • b) show "edit" button > Locus style, exactly same as Garmin style except this small "Edit" option, where users may modify stored values without need to create new Presets + (maybe) option to set which preferences will be included in presets.

And that's all I think. Because Locus always offered wide range of choices, for me is closed option b) , which also isn't so disturbing to complicate life to basic users. Anyway I have to think about it little more ... thanks for opinion!

@LocusUser#1: check discussion with @zossebart here: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5498.msg46674#msg46674
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Quote from: menion on February 14, 2017, 08:01:05
@zossebart : because it's not yet public version, I do not expect new ideas on help desk, so maybe later. Anyway really for now, keep it simple

@Andrew Heard: I see here two differences compare to Garmin. 1) I'm currently unable to simply backup all settings like this. We may improve restoring of backups over backup manager ( restart will be anyway still needed ), but it's really almost impossible to include everything into preset. 2) how system you mentioned in Garmins, allows to define which settings to restore? There is no such option, right? It simply save current state and later restore it and overwrite everything you meanwhile changed, am I understand correctly?

@lor74cas : well I try to simplify Locus Map as much as possible last months, maybe years :). If there is need for something like "but all starting settings are made by me", then I see a problem that such setup is even needed. Why it does not work after install without any setup for your wife/friends?
Because they all need to use locus without mobile connection with openandroidmaps but without the effort in locus store, they want the beautiful hill shading as me, they want the hide panel to see the entire map, someone want the dashboard I use and so on ...
They are scared about to put their hands in settings but they want all this features, if I help them they will use locus, elsewhere they will look for an other app.
Not all the users are gps/mobile/teach fan in other words nerds as us on this forum. With respect for all the nerds

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Žajdlík Josef

I do not think it was necessary to simplify the setting of Locus power. I would say that the majority of users have bought it just because it provides such a variety of settings. Simple applications for athletes like Endomondo, diet, etc. Is full Google Play, Locus is extraordinary just how it can adapt to the user. I think that this uniqueness would be necessary to build a promotion applications.
  It might be worth it for beginners to make a few presets like "bicycle", "car" or "ski" (ideal to use new presets) and the remaining options left in its current form, to the locus become just one of many applications like you alike.

CZ:Nemyslím si, že by bylo třeba nastavení Locusu moc zjednodušovat. Dokonce bych řekl, že většina uživatelů si ho pořídila právě proto, že poskytuje takové množství nastavení. Jednoduchých aplikací pro sportovce jako Endomondo, Strava apod. je plný Google Play, Locus je výjimečný právě tím, jak si ho může uživatel přizpůsobit. Myslím, že právě na této jedinečnosti by bylo třeba postavit propagaci aplikace.
Možná by stálo za to pro začátečníky udělat několik přednastavení jako, "kolo", "auto" nebo "lyže" (ideální k využití nových presetů) a zbytek voleb nechat ve stávající podobě, aby se z Locusu nestala jen jedna z mnoha aplikací podobných si jako vejce vejci.


@lor74cas : hmm oki, so they wont's all these nice features , but instead of try to use them, they rather install app they don't have them? :). Anyway I got the point and agree, that "few" things should be made more user-friendly while keeping same functionality.

@Josef : btw. your English is maybe better then mine, so I believe, translation to Czech is not needed, save your time ;). Undestand and partially agree. On second side, very complicated application may be a problematic to generate enough income for four people that currently on Locus Map works. So it needs to be some "compromise". Do not worry, I do not plan to make from Locus another mapy.cz or google maps application, it is not the point here. I'm just trying to be more careful here and make this completely new feature rather more simple now and improved later, then opposite = complicated now and reduce functionality later.

Anyway as we all may see here ... it's just few of us here and so many opinions :). I'll try to sumarize it little bit in my head and create optimal solution for most of us ;).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on February 14, 2017, 19:54:08
@Josef : btw. your English is maybe better then mine, so I believe, translation to Czech is not needed, save your time ;).

To mě hodně pobavilo, anglicky umím tak pět slov :-) Překlady dělá translátor od Google a českou verzi zde dávám právě proto, aby byla pro Tebe srozumitelnější než ten strojový překlad :-)


Quote from: menion on February 14, 2017, 19:54:08
@lor74cas : hmm oki, so they wont's all these nice features , but instead of try to use them, they rather install app they don't have them? :). Anyway I got the point and agree, that "few" things should be made more user-friendly while keeping same functionality.

@Josef : btw. your English is maybe better then mine, so I believe, translation to Czech is not needed, save your time ;). Undestand and partially agree. On second side, very complicated application may be a problematic to generate enough income for four people that currently on Locus Map works. So it needs to be some "compromise". Do not worry, I do not plan to make from Locus another mapy.cz or google maps application, it is not the point here. I'm just trying to be more careful here and make this completely new feature rather more simple now and improved later, then opposite = complicated now and reduce functionality later.

Anyway as we all may see here ... it's just few of us here and so many opinions :). I'll try to sumarize it little bit in my head and create optimal solution for most of us ;).
Yes if they can not understand it they use another app even without offline maps but more simple and their choice goes to the most downloaded from the store (with 10.000.000 download) and with poor features.
I always offer to install locus free but they have not time to spend to acquire the necessary skill.

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Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on February 14, 2017, 20:00:08
Quote from: menion on February 14, 2017, 19:54:08
@Josef : btw. your English is maybe better then mine, so I believe, translation to Czech is not needed, save your time ;).

To mě hodně pobavilo, anglicky umím tak pět slov :-) Překlady dělá translátor od Google a českou verzi zde dávám právě proto, aby byla pro Tebe srozumitelnější než ten strojový překlad :-)

Aha tak proto občas nějaké slovo je dost ujeté jako třeba "moc zjednodušovat = power". No tak je alespoň vidět, že jsem se ty roky anglicky učil zbytečně když stačilo počkat na Google Translator :).

@lor74cas: understand. At start, maybe just LoMaps from Locus Store of required country (3 are for free) + all evlevation data for this country .. these are downloaded quite easily on few taps. Dashboard is more complicated, understand. I have to create some sync device-to-device tool/feature finally ... :/
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on February 14, 2017, 16:28:39

  • a) hide "edit" button > Garmin style, all available current! settings stored without any option to modify it. Why to do it when it's easy to create new Preset with few taps, right?
  • b) show "edit" button > Locus style, exactly same as Garmin style except this small "Edit" option, where users may modify stored values without need to create new Presets + (maybe) option to set which preferences will be included in presets.
@menion - yes agreed. With option A the preset is read-only, settings can't be modified, the exact list of preset settings is not displayed. To "refresh"/ modify the preset the user would delete existing preset & create new one.

With option B the preset is read/write, settings can be edited.

If just thinking about my own use, I prefer option B too, and with every setting possible, I love all the settings, but was trying to consider how to simplify for the 95% of users. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a