[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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Andrew Heard - I think the latest changes to presets are a nice compromise. Well done @menion. Glad to see panel hiding settings have been added back - thank you.

I now notice when preset is renamed and saved (OK if cancel tapped) that bottom of screen is not refreshed, note that "driving" preset is truncated, and big "+" is not displayed:

Question: when I modify an existing post the normal editing controls (underline, bold, add image) are not possible. Any trick to obtain these? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Good progress with Presets, Menion, well done.
Now some more "food" :-) Like Overlay setting (#4 in poll ...)
Have a nice weekend first.


Maybe I have lost some posts but I do not clearly understand the use of live tracking live in quick share.
If I enable it my position is shared on http://www.locusmap.eu/live-tracking/
But within locus I cannot share this link with friends to tell them that now I am online and they can follow me on the web page.
I do not also understand why there is the time limit for the one who not payed for the private version while the normal live tracking has not time limit.

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Thanks for the Basic/Advanced Presets in current BETA! Very nice solution! I think the discussion here and menion's patience with us once again payed out!

Have a nice weekend!

Žajdlík Josef - experience in tourism
Presets - great design, initial preferences are a good idea to offer newcomers a simple presets. Advanced mode OK. Good work.
Manager training - everything I tried worked. It might be worth it but at least some items to add vocal expression of what the item is. If they had added more reports are becoming confused. For example, the time on the route in combination with the clock reads 15:30, 15:30. - zkušenosti z turistiky
Presets - skvělé provedení, počáteční předvolby jsou dobrý nápad jak nabídnout nováčkům jednoduché přednastavení. Pokročilý režim OK. Dobrá práce.
Manažer tréninků - vše co jsem zkoušel funguje. Možná by ale stálo zato alespoň u některých položek přidat hlasový výraz o jakou položku se jedná. Pokud se jich totiž přidá více, začínají být hlášení nepřehledná. Například čas na trase v kombinaci s hodinami zní: 15:30, 15:30.


Tested a few minutes ago
Live tracking live from quick share no result on web page of locus live tracking

Normal live tracking immediately shows my position on website

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Hello guys,
thanks for a positive feedback on "Presets". We may close this topic for a while now ...

@Andrew Heard: hmm problem with cut bottom part of preset and missing button looks to me like some drawing problem because of keyboard. Otherwise there is no reason to behave like that.

And problem with editing? Well, no idea if we talk about this forum, sorry.

@michaelbechtold: hehe, oki :). Overlays as well as "map selection" are little bit complicated. Not sure if they belongs to presets ... we will see.

@lor74cas: ah, because of blue bubble hint, bottom "share" buttons are not visible, damn. Isn't possible to scroll with page? Have to fix it, thanks.
Without bottom "share" button, this feature is useless. Because your location is not shared on public live tracking web, but on special web page, where only people with required link may see just your location.
Use case is: I ride how and wants to display my wife where I am. Instead of complicated setup of big "live tracking" feature, here with three taps I may share url to web page, where my wife will see me. Fast and simple ... well, but "share" button is needed :).

@Žajdlík Josef: yep, I'm aware of this "problem". We will see, but some custom notifications will be probably needed ... thanks for testing btw!
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on February 18, 2017, 17:32:26

@lor74cas: ah, because of blue bubble hint, bottom "share" buttons are not visible, damn. Isn't possible to scroll with page? Have to fix it, thanks.
Without bottom "share" button, this feature is useless. Because your location is not shared on public live tracking web, but on special web page, where only people with required link may see just your location.
Use case is: I ride how and wants to display my wife where I am. Instead of complicated setup of big "live tracking" feature, here with three taps I may share url to web page, where my wife will see me. Fast and simple ... well, but "share" button is needed :).

No way to scroll the page, no share button. Good idea I hope to test it soon

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


For presets, can we have styles as well as themes, please.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


anouncement in trainingsmanager "pace"
TTS english > e.g. 5 point 20 minutes per hour kilometer :)
TTS german > e.g. 5 Uhr 20 Min :-[
it should bee 5 Minuten 20 Sekunden pro Kilometer
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


5 point 20 minutes per hour is not the same as either of those.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote5 point 20 minutes per hour is not the same as either of those.
sorry, my fault > corrected
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


5 point 20 minutes per kilometre is 5,20 Minuten pro Kilometer.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Žajdlík Josef

The idea sometime in the future.
Not long ago there was a discussion regarding the simplification of Locus for novice users. When I saw the new option item Preset "Advanced" I wondered whether it would be better to go for simplifying control the other way. After installing Lucus everyone can choose whether he wants the Basic or Advanced. Basic would always open the flat screen offered with pre-programmed presets a Bike, Car, Running etc. The user would just clicked the code and Locus would equal start in the most appropriate settings for the selected sport. Do advanced settings should the user ever received.
Advanced would be the same as now. This would Locus has made available to the general user and may not be provided for each added feature to consider how to simplify it so that the application is not very complicated.

CZ: Nápad někdy do budoucna.
Před nedávnem zde proběhla diskuze ohledně zjednodušení Locusu pro začínající uživatele. Když jsem viděl novou volbu u položky Preset "Advanced" napadlo mě, zda by nebylo lepší jít na zjednodušování ovládání jinou cestou. Po instalaci Lucusu by si každý mohl zvolit zda chce verzi Basic nebo Advanced. Basic by vždy po spuštění rovnou nabídla obrazovku s přednastavenými Presety typu Bike, Auto, Běh atd. Uživatel by jen klikl na předvolbu a Locus by se rovnou spustil v nejvhodnějším nastavení pro vybraný sport. Do rozšířených nastavení by se tento uživatel vůbec nedostal.
Advanced by byla stejná jako nyní. Tím by se Locus zpřístupnil pro laické uživatele a nemuselo se u každé přidané funkce zvažovat, jak moc ji zjednodušit aby aplikace nebyla moc složitá.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: john_percy on February 19, 2017, 11:09:03
For presets, can we have styles as well as themes, please.
@John- just interested what styles are you referring to? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a