[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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- add new profile, title must contain minimum 5 characters > why?
- profile title list, click on title > message "training activated" and title is red displayed, but not used. It is furthermore red displayed even when i select another recording profile with another set training profile
- german announcement for "pace" and "lap pace" is furthermore wrong
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@john_percy: you does not see "more" button, because in your device are only two applications (Navigator and Maps, except Locus Map) which are able to handle this basic intent . They both are added directly in context menu of point. "Navigation" and "Street view" us special technique and are added there by custom method. Because all usable apps are added directly in this menu, there is no need for "more" button. Install one, two more apps that may appear here and "more" appear as well. And this "more" as well as "share > apps", call very basic Android method called "geo - intent", which is most widely used method how to add coordinates from one app to another.

@balloni55: 5 chars .. hmm copy & paste from presets. Isn't it looking better with at least 5 characters? :).
"Red title"... I'll check it thanks and announcements ... they are probably spoke based on basic translation which is rarely perfect. Because of this exists special TTS file , but as I see, German V5 version is not yet ready ( https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B7v_sPhHE6RgMk0wTDNlMm1QMkE ).
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QuoteGerman V5 version is not yet ready
who take care about this ?
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Whoever wants :). Anyway as I see, this file was managed by @gynta. Which reminds me that I wanted already few times ask .... hey @gynta, where are you and how are you? :).

Btw. this reminds me as well that I felt little weird last week. We all are here "working" together on one things that merge us ... application, but at least I know almost nothing about all of You. Shame ...

So how do you do guys this winter? Was it short? All fine? :). At least little personal feelings should not be bad to share, I believe, hmm? In Czech it was really really freezy this year. Almost -20°C over night near Prague was probably record during last 4 years I live here ...

Hmm back to work. @balloni55: I'm trying to play with training manager and I'm unable to find any problem. When I change training profile in manager to different one during active recording, Locus Map correctly start talking different announcements. Please some more precise steps, thanks!
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on February 22, 2017, 20:13:13
So how do you do guys this winter? Was it short? All fine? :). At least little personal feelings should not be bad to share, I believe, hmm? In Czech it was really really freezy this year. Almost -20°C over night near Prague was probably record during last 4 years I live here ...
New record high temperatures, winds, rain in Australian summer. Bushfires earlier and later in summer season. +40degrees for weeks on end in some inland areas - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-13/nsw-heatwave-melting-roads-as-temperatures-soar/8172222 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


- very busy. new projects in office...
- Locus & tts/navigation = outside my interest :P
- winter
Wolfgang is doing a good job here. So i'm happy  :D
i'll come back - i think...  ;)


@Andrew Heard: 40°C+? Hmm not sure if this is better then -20 here :). I just hope, that this won't cause two much stupid human-made forest fires, this always make me sad :(.

@gynta: nice to hear you are alive!! "Projects in office", hope something you like and agree with, then it's usually fine to work on something new! And yes, @balloni55 is really active , so I'm happy too :). Have a nice day and may the force be with you!
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QuoteI'm trying to play with training manager and I'm unable to find any problem.
while playing on sofa i had no satfix, that cause my "problem", sorry

working with tts file i do my first steps now, using V5 en.tts and modify V4 de.tts from google drive
units of pace are now anounced  well in german language (Minuten per Kilometer) :)

For now i miss to translate for announcement:
- tracktime
- pace
- lap pace
- current time  and here additional an alternative option for german language
current anouncement for "current time" in german language:
current time 13 Stunden 36 Minuten
it should:
aktuelle Uhrzeit 13 Uhr 36 Minuten

EDIT: btw, today spring 20° bright sun and strong wind
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on February 23, 2017, 15:43:36
current anouncement for "current time" in german language:
current time 13 Stunden 36 Minuten
it should:
aktuelle Uhrzeit 13 Uhr 36 Minuten
Hi, balloni55.
Please download an attached de.tts and put it as Locus/data/tts/de.tts. Then, in Locus, set both 'Language' and 'Text-to-speech settings' to german. With this configuration and google tts engine, I confirmed that announcement of current time was correct (aktuelle Uhrzeit X Uhr X Minuten). Though I don't understand german. ;)

@menion: I don't know why but it seems that leading spaces in tts file cause a problem. I replaced them with tabs and it works.

Quote from: balloni55 on February 23, 2017, 15:43:36
For now i miss to translate for announcement:
- tracktime
- pace
- lap pace
- current time  and here additional an alternative option for german language
Because these words are missing in tts file, crowdin texts are used as fallback. This fallback is based on 'Language' setting but not 'Text-to-speech settings'. So, if you set 'Language' to english and 'Text-to-speech settings' to german, Locus gives "current time X Stunden X Minuten". Am I right?
    The following users thanked this post: balloni55


Hi ta-ka
thanks for the tts file 8)
QuoteThen, in Locus, set both 'Language' and 'Text-to-speech settings' to german. With this configuration and google tts engine, I confirmed that announcement of current time was correct (aktuelle Uhrzeit X Uhr X Minuten)
confirm, if both languages are set to german it´s correct announced now  :)
QuoteBecause these words are missing in tts file, crowdin texts are used as fallback.
understand, so it seams that:
- tracktime
- pace
- lap pace
are not translated on crowdin

btw isn´t it more understandable to use "pace last interval" for currently used "lap pace" ?
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hi guys,

20°C? crazy. We had as well nice temperature today, around 10°C. So I finally tested new training manager + my live location in the field. Both works quite well for my surprise :).

Yes, I'm well aware that value names are at crowdin and values itself are from TTS files, little bit weird. But problem is that I need these names on crowdin because they are visible directly in app. And I wanted to save some work and prevent duplicities in TTS file. But probably best should be insert this to TTS as well, to keep it logical and united right? Hmm ...
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione,
I noticed that after installing the latest version of Locus is in the "data" directory, there are two "preset" and "profiles". The "profiles" seems like a remnant from an earlier version, it is possible to delete it?

CZ: Ahoj Menione,
všiml jsem si, že po instalaci poslední verze Locusu se v adresáři "data" objevují dva adresáře "preset" a "profiles". Ten "profiles" mi připadá jako pozůstatek ze starší verze, je možné ho smazat?


Hi, exactly, it's directory used by initial beta versions, and should be deleted without worries.
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@balloni55 , @ta-ka : I was thinking about system for TTS "Audio coach" notification , and decide that most flexible and most precise will be insert these texts into tts files as well. So if you find a time, update please version V5 of these files based on added parameters in english version. I've updated only parameters "value_XXX" in "actions_A" container. Thank you!
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Hi, menion.
I agree with your decision. Have you updated en.tts in google drive yet? And don't forget to replace indent spaces into tabs.
Quote from: ta-ka on February 23, 2017, 20:39:36@menion: I don't know why but it seems that leading spaces in tts file cause a problem. I replaced them with tabs and it works.