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Messages - sbouju

Quote from: Menion on May 07, 2021, 22:42:13

it is not needed to use ApkPure. Usually, I upload the latest version to our Google Drive:

But (may be) only the "normal" stable versions?
Quote from: Menion on May 06, 2021, 20:11:57
And because of the new interesting crash that appears with a new version for a few users, new versions 3.52.1/4.1.1just published.
Thank you a lot, as I found it too at APKPure this morning, bored with my GooglePlay app not working at all on my One+ 6T...!  :)
Other features / Re: LoRouter, Brouter
May 05, 2021, 18:04:25
Currently "Gold", I finished by removing all BRouter stuff and previously purchased LoMaps, on my smartphone, as I had very often double ou triple indication of same things on the maps, especially street names.
Quote from: d1039532 on May 04, 2021, 21:37:24
In 4.1 version the delete button disappeared from record track panel when you stop recording
I have this too on one smartphone with the 4.0.2 version.
Is there another way than going through Google Play to update Locus 4? My Google Play app has been crashing for several days now, on my only OnePlus 6T, and so I'm doing my important updates via APK Pure, but it doesn't seem to be effective for Locus 4 Beta ...
Hopefully, the update works OK on the 3T.
I started recording my track with Locus on a smartphone 1, and after stopping this smartphone with standby, I used a smartphone 2 for my return, having noticed with some surprise that the recording was then done in continuity of the first :)
Is this a feature directly related to the synchronization activated on both smartphones?

About my record too: I find sometimes difficult/impossible to stop it and delete it directly, and I need to save it first, in order to get out of the recording process...
Quote from: CabrioTourer42 on April 26, 2021, 15:08:23
When zoom in or out the not drawn parts of the map gets black and switches back to light when the map part was drawn
Same thing in the light mode (but white to map in place of black to map), no...?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 24, 2021, 23:53:14

  • if more than one point is already defined, change the error message "Place a point on the map to define the start of your trip" to "To suggest a new round trip, please add at most one starting point"

...or calculate a round trip with all the already defined points, if possible...?

Just had a first look on this function I did not know...
It seems to me that the proposed route is the longest away possible, quite like a forth and back.
May be an option to have the trip the more circular ("round") possible would be fine ?
Or one or two via points...?

Another thing I see: very often (always?) the proposed route goes preferentially to the north...
edit: oops, I had not seen the arrow! :o
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Locus Map for Garmin
April 16, 2021, 09:47:28
Quote from: sbouju on March 25, 2021, 09:29:24
If I start to record an activity from the Locus Map module of my watch only (and Locus Map app not launched on the smartphone),  is it a normal behaviour to see this recording stopped when the smartphone shut down (for example if it has no more power...) ?

Quote from: Menion on April 11, 2021, 20:40:05
May you please write your question in detail? Unfortunately, it's not clear at least to me, thanks.
I can try...
When I move, I can see on the map where I am (=where the cursor is), but I see nothing where I was just before... Is a kind of "snail trail" available without launching the record the track recording (where this snail trail is, in this case...)?
Is there another way to see its track on the screen than by turning on its recording?
Live tracking again...
If I launch a live tracking in a private group and share the link to some other persons, do they need to have a gold, or silver subscription to fully reach the tracking in their Locus app ? Or the free version of LM is sufficient...?
Looking at my LocusMap web (sync being done) and going in "PLANNER"/"MY LIBRARY", I can find all my tracks OK, but I have no access to my waypoints...


Quote from: Menion on April 01, 2021, 08:54:33
what happens when on the Android device with Locus Map click on invite link? I've just tried and Locus Map was correctly started, then started Live tracking and app correctly joined the invited group. Now you only need to start tracking with the invited group. If you expect that the app will simply display the group, it does not work like this. In the app, you have to actively track to a certain group to see its other users.

OK, thank you, I had not understood that live tracking needed to be started too on the invited smartphone... I shall try all this again!  ;)
I am testing Locus live tracking.

When I share a link from my tracking with another person, they have several possible choices to follow me on their smartphone, after clicking on the sharing link: among the applications offered for this tracking, there is in particular Chrome, where the tracking works very well, but also Locus Map himself, where unfortunately there is no detectable tracking.

Is this an error in the Android proposal? A future function not yet implemented? A setting to be made ...?