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Messages - sbouju

Quote from: luce on March 30, 2021, 15:43:10
Maybe this could be what you mean...

Thank you, and yes, this is a way... but only for recently *planned* destination, I fear!   ;)
Quote from: Menion on March 30, 2021, 12:02:54

Hmm, probably not. There is no list of recently used points ... an interesting idea ...

Not *my" idea !  Such a feature figure in many other navigation software I used (and probaly others), as those from Garmin, TomTom, etc...
Quote from: slarti76 on March 30, 2021, 09:25:04
First of all: Great work, so happy it's finally out. Wish you good luck with the subscription model!

Same fore me !  :)

And a first question...
Is there an easy way to navigate again to a recently used waypoint of its own library(ies)?
I gave a try yesterday to the live tracking fonction from Locus "Gold"...
Is it something which particularily drain the phone battery ?
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Locus Map for Garmin
March 25, 2021, 09:29:24
If I start to record an activity from the Locus Map module of my watch only (and Locus Map app not launched on the smartphone),  is it a normal behaviour to see this recording stopped when the smartphone shut down (for example if it has no more power...) ?
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Locus Map for Garmin
January 18, 2021, 17:22:02
Thank you, You've got great! ;)
I probably had this problem because of my two valid Locus accounts...
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Locus Map for Garmin
January 18, 2021, 16:15:56
Just begining  with Locus v4 beta...
How can I inform Locus 4, or my Garmin watch, or both, than I am already registered for the full version of Locus Map for Garmin, and so, to go out the preview mode on my watch?
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2020, 09:50:30
Even easier should be to draw a circle around your home with menu > more > geocaching tools > draw circle ;)
Yes, fine !  :)
Is quiting/relaunching Locus the only way to clear such a circle ? And if it remains always useful, can it be saved in user data...?
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2020, 08:15:03
Ah, understand. Sorry, such parameter does not even exist in the whole Locus Map.
Just my curiosity, for what is this useful?

Currently in France, and due to the Covid19 confinement, walks are allowed, but only for an hour and a maximum of 1 km from his home ...

Note that with Locus, it remains easy to show distance (from GPS position) circles on the map, and to check from time to time if the home remains inside the 1 km one... ;)

Quote from: Menion on November 03, 2020, 12:49:07
Hmm, and what exactly is "Distance from the start during recording"?
I mean the length of the straight (and shorter) line between the actual position and the start point...

I have an add-on module in my Garmin fenix which do exactly that ;)

Can the value "Distance from start" be available in a dashboard during an activity recording (with no route planning)?
OK... So if it is OK, you may prefer record your session with the watch app alone (= without any Locus app), in this case of twin HR sensors ?
Are you sure that your Garmin watch cannot use an external HR sensor in place of its own...?
Playing again from time to time with the couple Locus Map (on a OnePlus 3T) & my Sony Smartwatch 3...

My today's question...: can the watch launch itself the Locus Map app recording on the smartphone, of the app on the smartphone needs to be launched first (for me, it is this second behaviour)?
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Locus Map for Garmin
January 20, 2020, 20:52:23
Quote from: Jan Čapek - WearSoft on December 23, 2019, 14:00:48
Please let me know if reinstall really solved this issue for you or it returned occasionally.
I had it one more time yesterday. So yes, it comes back occasionally, but no so often... ;)