[APP] - version 4.0.+ ( 30. 3. 2021 )

Started by Menion, March 30, 2021, 07:22:08

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Andrew Heard

@Menion some comments on installing LM4 on a 2nd device:

Display Go Premium or My Subscription?

  • on 1st device - Gold subscription displayed at bottom of menu
  • on 2nd device with newly installed LM4 - menu @ bottom displays Go Premium
  • on 2nd device - menu > Locus Store - confirm account, exit
  • on 2nd device - now menu @ bottom correctly displays My Subscription, and each further time LM4 is run
Because the new 2nd device is logged in to the same Locus World account, it should be able to immediately determine that the My Subscription menu item is displayed instead of the confusing Go Premium menu item.

Duplicate track & point groups & folders for Cloud Sync
You may vaguely recall many months ago when I used Cloud Sync on a 2nd device I got duplicate track & point groups & folders. Again on a 2nd device (different one this time) the same annoying thing has happened. My partners phone had LM3.51 installed. I installed LM4 & used same Locus World account so we have the same points & tracks. I restored the settings ZIP from my own phone. Then performed cloud sync. Now every track & point group & folder is duplicated. So I have to very carefully delete each folder then each group. I think/ hope it will be only once from past experience.

PS. now after performing a Cloud Sync on 1st device (after cleaning up device 2 & new sync), all the groups & tracks & points are duplicated on this 1st device. So I gave up trying to merge tracks from 2 phones; I exported far smaller # from device 2; did a complete Cloud Sync > Advanced > Full download on 2nd device. LM4 crashed once doing this! Just me?

Presets not backed up on device 1, or restored on device 2

  • Backup of settings on device 1
  • Restore of settings on device 2 - custom dashboard, function panels & buttons are correct
  • tap any of preset > custom dashboard is OK but function panels are wrong, buttons are in wrong order/ not identical - appears to be old 3.51 buttons, haven't been overwritten by restore of ZIP
Confirmed - file timestamp of LB files on 2nd device are old, haven't been overwritten by restore of ZIP. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

LM4.0.0 Cloud Sync > Compute Plan error:

  • Cloud sync (manual)
  • dot-dot-dot > Advanced > Compute Plan
  • interesting geeky plan > tap Back
  • observe error 10601 in attached screen cap
can reproduce 100%; cloud sync in general is 100% fine GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

LM4.0.0 Locus Store bug: successfully downloaded a LoMap (vector) then tap Back > Back > Back > Back > ahhh - I can't escape  from LM4 ;-)

stuck on the screen cap page
tap Back > displays Loading..." for 5s then returns to same page GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 01, 2021, 05:26:17
LM4.0.0 Locus Store bug: successfully downloaded a LoMap (vector) then tap Back > Back > Back > Back > ahhh - I can't escape  from LM4 ;-)

stuck on the screen cap page
tap Back > displays Loading..." for 5s then returns to same page
This behaviour was always like this (LM3, too). Tap the "home" button in the lower left corner.


Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 01, 2021, 02:50:35
LM4.0.0 Cloud Sync > Compute Plan error:

  • Cloud sync (manual)
  • dot-dot-dot > Advanced > Compute Plan
  • interesting geeky plan > tap Back
  • observe error 10601 in attached screen cap
Same for me - me and others pushed Menion to add this option, obviously Menion forgot to take out the error message in this - now intended - situation.


Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 31, 2021, 23:19:19
Display Go Premium or My Subscription?

  • on 1st device - Gold subscription displayed at bottom of menu
  • on 2nd device with newly installed LM4 - menu @ bottom displays Go Premium
  • on 2nd device - menu > Locus Store - confirm account, exit
  • on 2nd device - now menu @ bottom correctly displays My Subscription, and each further time LM4 is run
Because the new 2nd device is logged in to the same Locus World account, it should be able to immediately determine that the My Subscription menu item is displayed instead of the confusing Go Premium menu item.
I had the same, but frankly, what do you expect? As long as you didn't log the new device in with any account, Locus can't check for subscription, can it?


what happens when on the Android device with Locus Map click on invite link? I've just tried and Locus Map was correctly started, then started Live tracking and app correctly joined the invited group. Now you only need to start tracking with the invited group. If you expect that the app will simply display the group, it does not work like this. In the app, you have to actively track to a certain group to see its other users.

Are you using native dark mode by the app or is some system-defined Dark mode forced to all apps? If the second option, then doesn't do this!

Translaton in the Locus Store is more complicated. Many of visible texts is directly on the Locus Store server so translation in the app is not used here.

@Andrew Heard
long feedback, thanks!

1. Display Go Premium or My Subscription
Here is a small unfinished task: the server not yet actively notify all devices about change in the user account. But, because of many optimizations, the app does not contact the server until it knows for sure, that it needs it. So now, it is necessary to do something that forces the app to load fresh user account parameters from the Locus Store > well, for example, open Locus Store :). We already have a plan for improvements, so it will be done in next month(s).

@slarti76, right, but we already have a working system for "push-notifications" for sync (so server tell the app to download new data), so we will use the same for changes in subscription, accepted LoCoins gifts etc.

2. Duplicate track & point groups & folders for Cloud Sync
Thanks for the description, but based on your steps, no problem like this should really happen there. When you start the sync on the second (and third, etc) device and some data are already on the server, the app should offer "Full download" (so discard local data and download only data from the server). Nothing like this happens to you?

In case, you have a valid backup before the sync, it is possible to clear server content and start the sync from scratch.

3. Presets not backed up on device 1, or restored on device 2
Restoring backups from LM Pro may cause a mess in rare cases I believe. I'm not sure to which settings this applies, but in the LM4 are some methods that a) convert old settings to new and then b) remove old settings after that. Maybe it may be a reason for this behavior? Anyway, if this is not an easily repeatable problem, please just set your function panels again. Thanks.

4. Compute Plan error
Geeky function (compute plan) > Geeky result > Geeky "error". It is not a real error. App simply force-stop sync process and you see this result. It is correct.

5. Stuck in Locus Store
Heh, funny right? This issue is there for years. I was still never able to simulate it and fix it. Also because of this exists small "Home" button as @slarti76 correctly wrote :).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: Menion on April 01, 2021, 08:54:33
Are you using native dark mode by the app or is some system-defined Dark mode forced to all apps? If the second option, then doesn't do this!
Oh! Got it. I added Locus Map 4 to the exceptions list for dark mode and it now works in light mode.
I was pretty sure this would work when I saw the blog post and there were light icons on a dark background.

Quote from: Menion on April 01, 2021, 08:54:33
Translaton in the Locus Store is more complicated. Many of visible texts is directly on the Locus Store server so translation in the app is not used here.


Sure, enable officially supported dark mode in the app settings > Display.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download
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Žajdlík Josef

Just query. LM4 no longer has a feature lock zoom?


Michal discovered this yesterday as well. Together with "magnifier", these items were available as a button to function panel, but only in Beta. I've forget to enable this in the final version, sorry. So in the next version ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Viajero Perdido

Hi.  First off, congratulations - this looks great!

Just a few minor items...

The "Select Subscription" page shows for me (in Canada), prices with "$".  It's unclear whether that's C$ or US$; it's a perpetual source of confusion for those of us with non-US "$" money..  On the previous page (Premium), it does show "CA$", but I hadn't noticed.  (Both C$ and CA$ are understood here.)

I see "Weather" with the "silver" graphic beside it, but on the feature-comparison chart, it appears to be a gold feature.

I was perplexed at first to see "Map Manager" in three places on the hamburger menu, but before long figured out, I can press-and-hold to change the assignment.  Is there a way to make that more discoverable, press-and-hold?  (Maybe a popup, "OK, got it!")

And (per your previous post), I assume it'll soon be easy to attach a "magnifier" button somewhere convenient?  I use the magnifier a lot (old eyes), but only for a few seconds at a time.  So I'll never go through all the menus twice just for that.  (I know I can magnify everything; that's a workaround.)  Thanks!


Map screen content menu: Map overlays [SILVER][SILVER] (see screen shot)

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Andrew Heard

Quote from: slarti76 on April 01, 2021, 08:11:23
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 01, 2021, 05:26:17
LM4.0.0 Locus Store bug: successfully downloaded a LoMap (vector) then tap Back > Back > Back > Back > ahhh - I can't escape  from LM4 ;-)

stuck on the screen cap page
tap Back > displays Loading..." for 5s then returns to same page
This behaviour was always like this (LM3, too). Tap the "home" button in the lower left corner.
@slarti76 @Menion - may be a known problem, but was 1st time it happened to me, and even now while replying & checking again, I can simply tap the Back button with no problems; so partly why I've never needed/ observed the "home" button. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Menion on April 01, 2021, 08:54:33
what happens when on the Android device with Locus Map click on invite link? I've just tried and Locus Map was correctly started, then started Live tracking and app correctly joined the invited group. Now you only need to start tracking with the invited group. If you expect that the app will simply display the group, it does not work like this. In the app, you have to actively track to a certain group to see its other users.

OK, thank you, I had not understood that live tracking needed to be started too on the invited smartphone... I shall try all this again!  ;)