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Messages - michaelbechtold

should help
You can also fill the Locus SRTM directory on the SD card via PC
OK, I know what you mean. But I enjoy a bit if fun and brainwork on the road. I am not a robot ... :-)
Navigation calculation does not require internet if you use BRouter. My reply refers to your yellow be-aware.

The Navigation article does mention offline routing options, though.
In general: the manual is VERY good stuff!
Weil Asamm für Bandbreite zahlen muss und eine Firma ist. Und Christian OAM als Hobby macht und einen Sponsor für das hosting seiner Maps hat. Eine Institution die breitbandig am Web hängt.
Den Backup Manager habe ich zu diesem Zweck schon benutzt. Ein Gerät der Master, das andere Slave. ABER: ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob der B.M. beim Restore alles platt macht oder einfach nur hinzulädt. Wäre einen kleinen Test wert :-)
Ich denke die SRTM-Daten der Satelliten sind genauer als alles was das Smartphone messen und/oder berechnen kann. GPS ist bzgl. Höhe teilweise ziemlich wild, da habe ich genug Beispiele erlebt. Druckmessung habe ich nie praktiziert, kann aber m.E. nicht mit Radarmessungen konkurrieren, da eine akkurate Normierung fehlt.
Die Funktion Höhe eintragen nutzt SRTM.
Quote from: menion on April 05, 2015, 07:36:03
@michaelbechtold: similar as with points, I'm not convinced about need of "edit" button for tracks, and it's even worst with "Navigate from", sorry

Well, 1000s of users have more use cases than a single person can imagine. And only very few participate in discussions and forums - mostly the same crowd since years; I am using and following Locus closely since years ...

The ability to configure context menues was a great move - and it turns "need" discussions into a religious exercise. Let the users - ANY user, outspoken, vocal or not - decide for themselves.
Use the Free version. Then it worked for me.
Good start, Menion. Now use this momentum to add the edit option to tracks, too, and the Navigate From ... :-)
Yes, and this is why I prefer to have the main directory on internal storage; only mass data like (vector) maps and SRTM on external SD.
Which rings another bell: configurable directories have been a GREAT enhancement. When it comes to SRTM, it is still troublesom: some GB of SRTM sits on external SD are there already, directory points there. Then you go to a new area, where you do not have SRTM yet - guess what ... GRRRR !!
It would make a lot of sense to try external first, if file not there, look at default dir, if not there, offer to download to default (which is writeable, if Locus setup is done smartly).
Some housekeeping (move from default to external SRM) stays a manual job every x weeks, no worries here.
OMG - what a crazy design ! TXs for explanation, Menion !
Fully understand Locus and alike cannot work with such crap functions.
I had hoped that 5.0 would simply allow full access for an app to a complete directory e.g.; ask user once, then open door. Shame on Google.
Wasn't there a new way in 5.0 that would allow to grant access to SD card for apps ?
The total SD mess is with Kitkat ...
Wie wäre es mit einer klaren Ansage: max. 1000 Einträge, ABER: es kann ein Query-Filter verwendet werden.
Und alles wird gut, solange dieser Filter weniger als 1000 Ergebnisse impliziert ?
Download von Playstore, ohne zusätzliche Kosten. Ich habe drei Geräte, plus Virtual Machine. Einmal zahlen.