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Messages - michaelbechtold

Hi all with beta trouble: I went through same issues myself, but in the end I got the beta to my Android:
1) register in thsi G+
2) wait to get admission to the beta program (!!)
3) then go to Google Play - but what you see looks foolish - it is old version from April 8th, HOWEVER
4) once I got it installed, it was in fact the desired beta version, 
5) the information pane shows v, but News only shows old, original April 8th version info
6) no ads, with Pro functionality until May 30th
Hopefully you can reproduce above.
Good luck
Navigation & Guidance / Re: BRouter Version 0.9.4 +
October 26, 2013, 12:45:56
It seems you broke the Locus integration. When starting the App, it requests from Orux stuff. Even after I gave the base directory with all brouter files in it (profile etc.)
Not good !
Hmm, I never enable Autoloading - but still I see no caching - let us double check the directory where caches should reside:
Locus/cache/images - containing files without extension, right ?

Quote from: menion on October 15, 2013, 07:36:41
that's correct, no caching if you have enabled "Auto loading". Anyway question wasn't if map are slow (we all know they're in certain levels), but question is whether they're slower then in previous version as @alex_dd wrote. I hope not
@Menion: On levels 9 to 13 Vector maps are still pretty slow. In particular as there seems to be NO caching for ALL of those levels.

Quote from: menion on October 14, 2013, 23:39:10
@alex_dd: online maps will be almost always little faster, mainly if you have area already cached. Anyway there should not be any slowdown of vector maps in last versions. Anyone experiencing some problems with speed of vector maps?
Navigation & Guidance / Re: BRouter Version 0.9.4 +
October 12, 2013, 21:40:08
You set the bar high for brenche ;-) !!

Quote from: KaHeMu on October 12, 2013, 17:01:16
Normally you're right. But next year I'll do a very long hike (about 2000 kms) and first I have to do is looking for a good and interesting way with some fix points for sightseeing or another things. The breaks or accommodation places I'll see from day to day.
Looking for the generally trek is a job where brouter and locus could help.

Kind regards,
Navigation & Guidance / Re: BRouter Version 0.9.4 +
October 12, 2013, 15:43:07
I go by all three ;-)
My failed situation was > 500 km, and in all fairness, neither walking nor bicycle will allow 500 km IN ONE GO.
Even 200 km is pretty extreme for both, again, without a "via" target. You would typically target some place in between, right ? Drink, food ?
While for car, going to a place 100s of km away where you need directions is not unusual.
There are workarounds, yes. But why not have a proper solution rather than a workaround.
And why using yet another app in addition when it can be in one solution (Locus+brouter) ?

Quote from: KaHeMu on October 12, 2013, 13:39:44
Quote from: michaelbechtold on October 12, 2013, 12:24:32

And for bicycle and foot path search, such single long distance searches do not make sense anyway (and you do not need to optimize for irrelevant use cases). For motorcar, the relevance is obvious. though.

This applies only for that people they aren't moving without a car. For car navigation there are special apps or devices to do very good job.
But there are many people outside which are moving by foot or by bike, often for long distances (>200 kms).

Just my 2 pence,
Navigation & Guidance / Re: BRouter Version 0.9.4 +
October 12, 2013, 12:24:32
Well, one more question then: does brouter have a notion of highways ? So this partitioning would be INSIDE your app, not manual ! I.e. first search highway connections only near to start and end points, then get from those points to/from the valid entries to the highway system. Do not mind about "optimal" connections - this is an NP-complete problem beyond reach on smartphones ... ? By above searchtimes will really collapse automatically. For motorcar search.

And for bicycle and foot path search, such single long distance searches do not make sense anyway (and you do not need to optimize for irrelevant use cases). For motorcar, the relevance is obvious. though.

Quote from: abrensch on October 07, 2013, 13:32:32
Quote from: michaelbechtold on October 07, 2013, 12:21:30
Not sure if somebody reported already that 60000 ms (1s) are a too short timeout for brouter.
Just tried with a route from Frankfurt to Praha -> Locus timeout ...

Maybe you could make it a something like: timeout = (geo distance) * (configurable factor)

The timeout is important to protect the device. 60 seconds is the default, but there's a parameter in the aidl-interface, so it can be changed from outside.

However, the long-distance solution I am working on is "fast-partial-recalculation": the idea is that if a route to the same destination-point and for the same routing-profile is already known, a partial recalculation is done and the result is a combination of the old and the new calculation. This way you can do a long-distance calculation by starting the brouter-app, but then have fast recalulations if you follow the route and get off the track.
Navigation & Guidance / Re: BRouter Version 0.9.4 +
October 07, 2013, 12:21:30
Not sure if somebody reported already that 60000 ms (1s) are a too short timeout for brouter.
Just tried with a route from Frankfurt to Praha -> Locus timeout ...

Maybe you could make it a something like: timeout = (geo distance) * (configurable factor)

All this is brand new, and nobody knows yet, so this would allow to gain experience.
Navigation & Guidance / Re: BRouter Version 0.9.4 +
October 06, 2013, 23:03:43
All three modes documented above do work for me - however, bicycles and walkers are all sent to use HIGHWAYS ...
As Menion confirms he relays the selected mode to brouter via API, this should be a brouter problem then. I will try to report it to brouter support.
Quote from: balloni55 on October 06, 2013, 19:03:50
Hi Michael,
please read in this thread
there are some posts from today
Thank you Balloni55, for this successful hint to the other thread.
Hi all, tried brouter today, fed tons of rd5 to the right directory, put profile from 0.9.4 brouter zip in place and started 2.16.1 beta.
Which the tells me that the brouter service cannot find motorcar-fast config (neither the others).
I did configure the motorcar, bicycle and foot configs in the service tab of brouter. but do not see any new files in the brouter config folder.
brouter folder resides on /storage/extSdCard, BTW.

Did anyone try brouter so far ?

Hello Menion,
how did you set this up ? I trust it worked for you ;-)
Thank you !

Last option, Menion: Points-Icon, Tracks-Icon - and an Items-Icon (so nothing is lost).

And looking forward to the 2.16.X beta with the POI-DB back ;-)

Quote from: menion on October 03, 2013, 14:17:08
@michael and others: "data" problem - I'm not sure I understand. You don't like two separate screens for points and tracks (so you want just one that unite both) or you don't like word "Data" and it's icon (so you suggest to separate it into two buttons "Points" + icon and "Tracks" + icon? Then what about "Items" tab?

And offline POI's will be in Locus in future. This feature is here just for testing in testing versions, not in public version.
Yes, you did - I am well aware of the icons in a POI definition.
My point was to give POIs and Tracks individual, separate function on the uppermost level (which implies they get an icon other than th eold "Data")

Quote from: balloni55 on October 02, 2013, 09:06:57
i hope i do not missundersand you
Quotequick POI categories could have their own icon assigned so that they appear in the map with real sign instead of generic "i"
You can change the POIicon ore the foldericon by long click on the grey underlaid icon and select anotherone
Much more icons you can download
store this zip to
PS: and I have not lost hope to see the offline OSM POIs come back. What I saw in earlier Betas was definitely useful !