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Messages - michaelbechtold

Einige Dinge zum automatischen Kartennachladen habe ich bemerkt:
1) selbst auf einen Galaxy Note 3 dauert der Wechsel des Kartennamens in der oberen Leiste lange, aber Locus turnt schon fleißig inkl. Anzeige in der neuen, korrekten Vektorkarte auf Level 19 z.B.
2) WENN es das denn tut: der Auslöser für den Kartenwechsel ist definiv fehlerhaft in Locus. Ich nehme an, Menion hat das umfassende Rechteck einer Vektorkarte als Entscheidungskriterium genommen statt das Polygon der Kartengrenze auszuwerten (sofern ein solches überhaupt in den map-Dateien explizit existiert - mapsforge-Spezis an die Front bitte ...)
Ich musste jedenfalls weit weg von der Grenze gehen um einen effektiven Wechsel der Vektorkarte auszulösen.
3) wenn man eine Word-Vektor-Karte im Vektorkartenverzeichnisbaum hat, wird oft diese ausgewählt und nicht die auch vorhandene Detailvektorkarte
4) das Verhalten ist unabhängig von der GPS-Einstellung
1) Beruhigung der Ausrichtung: Einstellungen -> Sensoren -> Ausrichtungs-Filter auf mittel oder stark stellen
2) Karten automatisch laden: Einstellungen -> Karte - Erweitert -> bei Vektor-Karten das Häkchen bei "Karten automatisch laden" setzen; das hat früher bei mir funktioniert, aber ich verwende es schon lange nicht mehr, denn eine andere Funktion geht dann nicht mehr (habe vergessen was); hin und wieder den Schnellwechsel bedienen, wie Du ja schon eingestellt hast, tut nicht weh.
Schöne Grüße

Ja, das geht.
Locus erlaubt es, selbst unter Android 4.4 mit seinen EInschränkungen, Massendaten auf der EXTERNEN SD-Karte abzulegen.
Der Pfad ist dann .../extSDcard/Android/data/ Die Wahl wird bei der Ersteinrichtung abgefragt.
Downloads aus dem Locus-Shop gehen automatisch dorthin. Ansonsten kann man jegliche Maps per Anschluss an den PC frei zwischen den beiden SD-Cards des Androiden und dem PC bewegen.
Ich vermute, die "Eigene Dateien"-App von Samsung kann auch auf dem Xcover frei von und nach kopieren (andere Dateimanager können das unter 4.4 nicht); jedenfalls funktioniert es mit dem Note 3.
Anders ausgedrückt: unter 4.4 geht es wie oben beschrieben, und <4.4 kannst Du die Karten hinpacken wo und wie Du willst. Ich rede hier vom SPEICHERVORGANG; existierende Karten (wie auch immer Du sie wohin schaffst) kann Locus unter allen Versionen nutzen - man gibt einfach das Verzeichnis (oder mehrere) in der Kartenverwaltung an.
Viel Spaß
Separating the download folder makes sense indeed.
Then the lookup should check both locations, though, in addition ...

Quote from: tommi on January 23, 2015, 18:37:25
I tried the new option to select a folder for srtm on the external sd card in order to move out bulk data from the precious space on the internal sd card. This worked  nicely :).
Later on I tried to download srtm data for an area where I still not have it on my phone. This didn't work due to the phone running A4.4.2 (honestly I expected this problem).
In the case of srtm data this might not be a big issue but maybe a bigger one for backup, online maps, ...

Would it make sense to write new data to the original location on the internal sdcard (at least in the case of non writable external sd card)?

There is more bulk data in the locus folder for which I didn't find the option to select a custom folder: graphHopper.
Is there any further development from Locus side? Is there further development from the graphHopper developer and will this be updated in Locus?
besides my recent post, for which I would appreciate  a consideration, there is one more serious thing that came to my attention when dealing with brouter: SD-Card handling, in particular re. SRTM.
Locus nicely allows full control over the folders where maps of whatever kind reside. So these "valuable" assets are secured from de-installs. Also you provide Backup path definition in the config file - great
But SRTM data are valuable, pot. huge mass data, too, and they reside in the app folder structure. To allow balancing space between internal and external SD Cards, and to secure this data in case of de-install / re-install, pls. put a path to SRTM into your config file, too.
Also, this will allow to use the same SRTM data for Pro and Beta installs on external SD.
TXs and kind regards
Hi Arndt,
ich war erfreut zu lesen, dass jetzt POIs direkt angesprochen werden können (statt der from/to-Mechanik. Kurzer Test mit meiner Locus-POI-DB: Essig, da über 1000 Elemente. Das ist unfein :-(( Und sollte hoffentlich leicht zu beheben sein, hoffe ich.
Dank und Gruß
POI database handling

Hello Menion,
I have been testing and trying the early versions in beta since a year maybe. And the mechanics of association by naming convention is still working, which is good. And POI search was only an explicit user function.
Now, in addition, with the feature going into official PRO version, there is an automatic presentation of tons of POIs when you use the Locus-provided maps as a base. I do share the concerns I have seen in other comments, critizinging that there is no control over amount and type of object to be shown.
I fully understand you do not want to invest science to improve here. But a few simple things would help:
1) in the list fo POIs allow to restrict to the perimeter of the map currently shown. Not hard, as you know and show the distances to the map center already. To make things trivial, just take the radius of the enclosing circle around the map shown as the inclusion criteria. Zero confighuration, all on the fly. Currently selecting huts e.g. will fill you a list fo 100 elements, incl huts being 50 or more than 100 kms away. My suggestion will allow to assemble relevant POIs of different kinds without accumulating 100s of them in the selection.
2) Maps like OpenAndroMaps are really great and I typically use them. But POI handling then is totally disconnected - you have a long list of available DBs, that is all. But you already have this "fast map switch" mechanics; just employ it to the POI DBs as well. Currently you show a full list of .DBs you found after startup. Simply offer the 5 or so nearest to the map center. Same way you do for maps themselves.
3) No science, but a great user support would be "profiles", defining a subset of POI types to be shown. That is somewhat more work for sure and may be beyond the limit of your current investment of time.
Besides that I wish you and family a nice Xmas time and all the best for upcoming 2015.
@aberfoyle: 1) ... I can't imagine that "back" button take me to other place then to "Exit". If more people think, that Locus should keep a history of all visible screens and back button should go through all screens back, ...

Menion, I can :-)
Using Locus since years, accumulating more and more POIs and Tracks, I more often have one of those lists in front of me, select an item, and tap the map icon to get to the place. If it is not what I looked for, I have to navigate to th elist again, find the place where I was etc.
So a history to get back to the list position by hitting the "back" key would really help.
Quote from: menion on October 07, 2014, 15:25:27

@Bucky Kid: it`s more clever now then before. Anyway problem is probably if you use guiding or navigation with generated navigation orders right? In these cases, Locus do not know if you do "car ride / hike / bike", so it takes "hike" as default which has predefined speed around 4 km/h. I`ll improve it soon (hope), but not in the way you wants, because I`m worried result won`t be good in case something dramatically change during navigation (from bike to foot etc.)

Hi Menion,
with intransparent "magic" (confirming best intents, but they won't help) you will never silence those discussions. Why not offer car/bike/hike/from start/last 30 mins (or similar) - and let people switch by a finger tip, and disclose what baseline is used for what ETA they currently see.
Just my 2c
Even my old HTC Desire running Froyo can now run Locus again. Incl. vector maps of Germany. Well done.
@silber1: Locus allows more than one directory with maps, on internal and external SD. I have four of them I think. For .map files and sqlbd.
Go to map management - there you find "add map" function with navigation
Hi Menion,
I followed a GPX track of about 80km. Worked so far. However, the estimated time oscillated between 500 and 600 hours. While avarage speed was about 60km/h
No good maths :-)

Another thing: traveling without data connection, searching for cities, towns and villages is a complete mess.
In particular as you cannot rely on bigger places being shown in a map (mapsforge problem I read somewhere else).
I recall you wanted to work on the POI DB stuff this summer.
So I hope you will include all Cities, Towns and Villages into your POI DBs. Perfect would be to include Streets, to. But that may become too big of a data set then.
@togtog: klappt es denn jetzt ?
Ich habe mir vor einem Jahr oder so BRouter einmal reingetan, aber irgendwann zur Seite gelegt.
Die v0.99, und vor allem der Artikel (link bei gynta-Post) haben mich bewogen es wieder zu probieren. Läuft wie geschmiert. Punkt zu Punkt (mit dem Routing aus Locus), aber auch mit via1 ... n, Ausschluss vor Gebiet etc. (mit speziellen POIs im POI-Ordner brouter, wie im Artikel beschrieben).
Letzteres ist vom Komplett-Handling hakelig, aber das wäre nur zu beseitigen, wenn die SW-technische Integration von beiden Seiten intensiver und enger wäre. Da aber beide Entwickler genug anderes zu tun haben, sage ich mir: das ist erst einmal eine Gewohnheitssache. Und von der Gesamtzeit einer Unternehmung / Reise ist das Routing ein minimaler Anteil.
Soweit meine Erfahrungen und Einstellung zum Thema. (Auch wenn ich mit Arndt beim Naming NICHT einer Meinung bin ;-)
Two remarks:
- I (well, my Galaxy Note) saw Locus Free / Beta update yesterday night in GooglePlay (so it must have been uploaded and available in principle), and update-all never came back (liky Gynta saw it, too). This morning it did work, though.
- I advise to tell in OFFICAL place IN CAPITAL, BOLD LETTERS, that in GooglePlay, YOU CANNOT FIGURE OUT IF YOU HAVE Beta in front of you. No current beta APK date, nothing. It is all hidden and implicit. And only AFTER install, you can find out what you got.

Once I got beyond that initially, last week, the updates work just fine.
