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Messages - bongo

Troubles & Questions / Re: Preferred map format
December 16, 2011, 14:47:54
so now i tried the following:

- extract a .tif file using ozimaptrans
- manually edit the original .map file to point to the .tif file
- read both into compegps land and save as .RMAP
- then i placed the .RMAP file into the locus/maps folder

unfortunately, locus cannot see the .RMAP file.
what am i still doing wrong?????????????????????

Troubles & Questions / Re: Preferred map format
December 16, 2011, 11:10:30
no matter if i base on .ozfx3 or .tar maps, i always get the message

<mapname>.cal konnte nicht erzeugt werden.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Preferred map format
December 16, 2011, 10:41:37
hm. that's what i did (or tried to do)!

but when converting the map to tiff (using ozimaptrans), i don't get the .cal file, although i enabled .cal generation in the settings (no idea what i'm doing wrong).
so when importing to TTQV, i have no calibration data for the map.
hm. doesn't seem to work!

i actually have my maps in .tar and .ozfx3 (ozi explorer) format, but neither TTQV5 nor CompeGPSLand 7 seem to be able to convert them to RMAP.

with mobac, i'm only able to access to online maps, but not to import my existing maps.

what i need is a tool that allows me to convert my existing maps to RMAP!!
Troubles & Questions / Re: Preferred map format
December 15, 2011, 17:56:49
i can't believe that no one can tell me what tool i can take to generate RMAP.

i think it should be possible to generate RMAP, if LOCUS can read it ;-)

i hoped that
- maybe the code you use to convert the .gpx to a database on android could be compiled for windows too without a lot of work to run on a pc
- or that there is a generic sqll generation tool, that could be filled with all the required data and some kind of config file to generate such a database
- or maybe the data format is public so that anyone can build such a tool

unfortunately, i'm not a full time cacher ;-(
but having the caches within a circle of about 100km on the phone is quite a lot of data.
so if i want to update these caches once a week, there's quite a lot of time to reimport them. therefore it would be nice to just copy the new database to the phone and just need to select them instead of first importing them.
i checked again with duplicate check disabled. import of my test-gpx with about 6500 waypoints even on an sgs2 took about 5 minutes. as i usually have about 10 sets of 5000-1000 waypoints. having such a tool for off-system database generation would be great!
as i generate lots of other data on the windows pc, to be batch-copied to the handheld device afterwards, it would be very nice to have a command line tool which is able to generate a database out of a gpx file.
maybe, your import code from locus could be recycled and compiled to run as a windows console application?
thanx a lot!
as far as i understand, importing a gpx file does nothing but converting the gpx file to an sqll database file for quicker access.
as importing a gpx file takes quite long as this is an interactive process, when having multiple gpx files to import, i wonder if there is a way to generate these sqll files on a windows pc (batch convert all gpx files of a folder into sqll files) and then transfer it to the data folder of locus.
unfortunately, i'm no sqll crack, so i was only able to modify some content within a locus generated sqll file, but i have no idea how to create one on a windows pc.
...but i think this shouldn't be a big thing to do...
Troubles & Questions / Re: Preferred map format
December 13, 2011, 19:39:54
so who else's opinion should be the right way to go ;-)

so if i have my tar maps, what tool do i need to convert them to binary?

thanx a lot!
Troubles & Questions / Re: Zoom of raster map
December 13, 2011, 11:02:58
there are still a few open questions from the posts above (and a few more):

- what is the file size limit for .tar map files?
- is there a tile number limit within a .tar file?
- what is the preferred tile size within a .tar map (is 256x256 the best)?
- how can i handle switching between different resolution maps, if more than 1 high res map is used to cover the area of one low res map?
- are there any plans for alternative features for map selection (see post above) for better handling of maps covering areas of different size?
- is there a way to store maps in subfolders without using the autoload-on-zoom feature (i.e. allows to select the individual map instead of only the folder when manually selecting a map)?
Troubles & Questions / Preferred map format
December 13, 2011, 10:52:13
i've seen that locus now (from 1.15) supports a new file format for maps.
so far, i use .tar files for my maps.

i wonder which map file format is the preferred format for locus, and is it worth to convert the maps to this format?

as locus does not seem to support offline road navigation (seems to need an internet connection for route calculation), i'm looking for a software which is able to do so.
so far, i found navit, but this one seems to require an internet connection too for some tasks, and it seems to be a real low end application, compared to tomtom (on win mobile).
as locus seems to be able to launch and set destinations for navit and google navigation, i think that there are other (real) offline navigation tools that locus can connect to.
which one(s) is (are) recommended?
Troubles & Questions / Re: Zoom of raster map
December 10, 2011, 14:20:17
i played around a bit more with these maps, but still see no way to use the autoload feature for maps with different resolutions, because:
for moving to a region, i usually take a low resolution map (maybe 1:1'000k), and when i'm there, i zoom in and get the 1:200k for better positioning. when i found the right region, i switch to the 1:25k.
but of course, the better the resolution, the more map tiles are required (still was no able to load maps with more than 2gb into locus, they are not shown).
so if locus is not able to detect which tile of the higher resolution map is lying under the actual position of the low resolution map, it's not very useful, although it seems to be a good idea at a first glance.
so i see two ways to solve this:

approach based on actual solution:
locus generates an index database after scanning all the map files. then it knows what areas are covered with which map and which resolution. then whenever switching map towards lower/higher resolution, it takes the next map which covers the actual center of the actually shown centerpoint of the display.
in addition, searching can be limited to the actual folder.

alternative approach:
use an index database too, but do not autoswitch map. there is a button 'search map for actual position' which shows up all maps which cover the actual centerpoint of the display, and their resolution, for manually select the apropriate map. (this seems to be a bit less complicate and is the way ozi explorer (on win / win ce) works).

what do you think about?
ok, i installed catlog. don't know what i have to configure there. do i just have to have it installed and press save after a crash? or do i have to always have recording active?
but the best, after installing catlog, i moved around the map for almost half an hour, and locus didn't crash anymore ;-) so mabe, locus is afraid of the cat ;-)