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Messages - bongo

so far, i used the cyanogen android 4.4 version which does not have any restrictions in accessing sd cards.
now, with a new phone, i have plain android 4.4, i.e. my locus main folder is in internal flash, while maps and the gsak db are on the external sd card.
so far, things seem to work.
but i also have lots of html files and pictures, which so far have been located under locus/data/geocaching on the external sd card. these have been shown as "spoiler" tab when opening a geocaching waypoint. now these are not shown anymore.
what do i have to do to get them shown again (i need to keep them on the external sd card as internel flash is too small)
ok, i asked the author and hope he will fix this.
thanx for the support!
i just updated to 2.5.0, and yes, importing benchmarks from gpx now shows fine.
but as i get all my waypoints from the gsak plugin, this does not really help.
when can i expect the gsak addon to be fixed to get the benchmarks from there?
gsak db:
i extracted the files from the email i sent to you, put them on the sgs2, pointed the addon to the db file and... there they are on the locus screen, but all benchmarks show as traditionals.

locus + gpx:
after updating to, benchmarks imported from a gpx are now shown as benchmarks ;-)

great to have this fixed now, and i hope to see this fixed within the gsak addon very soon ;-)

thanx a lot!
ok, now i also took this small gsak db, i sent to you, to my sgs2. this can be loaded without any problems, but all benchmarks are shown as traditionals!
really strange!
i have the latest version of locus pro, and when importing the gpx, i don't get the waypoints listed with the benchmark icon (as you do) but with the "sun"-icon.
any idea where this may come from?
and for the gsak db: you extracted the db files from the zip, yes?
ok, i sent you an email with a gpx and a gsak db.
ok, i checked this out:
i exported the benchmarks from gsak to a gps and imported this to locus.
i get all benchmarks with the "sun"-symbol.
not really what i expected ;-(
no, as i don't generate gpx files.
i just put the gsak database under locus.
when importing waypoints from gsak (using the gsak addon), waypoints of type "benchmark" are shown as "traditional cache".
can you please correct this?
yes, that was me.
thanx for the adaptation!
hi menion
i converted all my maps to RMAP format.
unfortunately, some of these maps do not appear in locus, even if all these maps are in the same folder.
i sent you an example map on 14.5.2012 to your email and asked you to check this map.
have you got it?
Troubles & Questions / Re: error in RMAP calibration
February 02, 2012, 12:45:17
not really a problem. i think there was a problem with the first installation of 1.16.3 when i installed over a former free version.
when starting 1.16.3. for the first time, it crashed. then i started again and still had the wrong calibration.
so i uninstalled and reinstalled and now it works.
Troubles & Questions / Re: error in RMAP calibration
February 02, 2012, 12:39:08
looks fine now!...
... but i had to uninstall locus free first. when installing over an existing locus free version (had a former testversion installed) calibration was still wrong.
but now, it seems to work fine.
gsak actually supports more types than groundspeak, i.e. if you import from a gsak database, you can get some more types than when importing from a groundspeak pocket query.

gsak supportet types actually are:
- multi
- letterbox
- cito
- event
- locationless
- virtual
- web cam
- mystery
- benchmark
- other
- earth
- project ape
- mega event
- maze exhibit
- wherigo
- waymark
- l&f event
- groundspeak
- l&f celebration

i'll try to email you a screenshot of the symbols.

i would like to also have an additional symbol indicating all geocaches of my own. so i can differ between to-do-caches and my own ones on the map.