[APP] - version 4.0.+ ( 30. 3. 2021 )

Started by Menion, March 30, 2021, 07:22:08

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Guys I am missing a function that the previous version of Locus had. Perhaps I'm just to blind to see it.

When I clicked on a track there was this little pop up menu offering some options like "detail" or "navigation" or "Elevation profile (don't know the correct term".
The elevation profile showed the whole track and marked the location of the selected way point with a dot. That was very helpful to see where the way point was. Furthermore it showed the current location with a second dot. The second dot then moved along the elevation profile as soon as I changed my position.

Is this also implemented in LM4?


Hennes, it is currently changing massively, eg just read Menions last post. This is what 'new track screen" is about. You tap on a track and a big panel at the bottom opens, you will find anything you need there. Especially try the arrows to the right.
In latest beta version, first posting here.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Looks good.
Menion, you know there's some people asking for customization of the new track screen, are you planning to do so, will it be possible at all?
For me, changing of order, hiding sections comes to mind. And initial visibility (vs. fully dragged out). Eg, one may only interested in seeing the tracks name and stats in the initial view, but not the elev. profile. You could allow to define # of elements which are in the visible area initially.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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In new Version I love the dark mode. Thanks!

One question. Settings/Point and Tracks/. There is a selection what should happen when Track is selected (Popup or Details).
There is also a Popup Content Setting. I think these two settings are no longer needed and can be removed.


I was not yet thinking about customization. We will talk about it later ;). How much flexible the screen will be, I'm not sure yet. Firstly: we have to find an ideal compromise for everyone. Then we may tweak it little bit  ;)

You are right, it may be removed. Thanks for pointing on it.
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When I click on a cache on the map and then on refresh, the title line remains in the middle and only the lower part can be scrolled.


Weird: Now (latest Beta) my map background when loading is first black for online and external maps, but white for vector maps. I'm fine with both, but it's inconsistent.

I also for a while notices an almost 1s delay when opening the main menu on my (slower) smartphone. Anybody else have that problem?


Coming from the data manager, tapping a track brings us to the new track screen. Very good, we can even go back to the data manager.
I think it would be good to allow to make the new track screen also smaller here. Move it down.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Actually I love the small Track-popup screen in Locus Pro because it shows me both the distance from the start and the distance to the end of the track. For me that's usufull information when hiking, often I don't need more!
In the new large Track-popup screen I can't find this valuable information, am I overlooking something?
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With the new beta, today's funny behavior. Will continue watching it.
Recording start
Tour done
Recording stop and save.
After that, the recording icon on the screen was not green arrow but orange pause.
Again stop and save.
The same again. Also tried 2 times and then finished Locus. Then 4 equal tours were stored in the folder.
Then I noticed with no notification for automatic export.
So I opened track and exported. After that, there was still no notification. In Drive then 1 track was saved. Whether this comes from the automatic or manual export, I can not say.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Just a note for Dark theme.

I use a lot of own icons for my points. The main color I used is black on transperant background. This was fine in light theme. In dark it means they are often not visible in dialogs but still fine for the map.

So the problem in dark theme is that the background for icons are light for the map but dark for dialogs. In light theme it's always light.

I don't know if the default icons have the same problem. So this might be a problem just for me.

At least for me it would be nice if the background for icons are the same in dialogs which means light. But I don't know if this is a bigger change.


Quote from: slarti76 on April 28, 2021, 15:17:27
I also for a while notices an almost 1s delay when opening the main menu on my (slower) smartphone. Anybody else have that problem?

Not for me but I'm using a 2020 flagship phone.


huaa, what the ... Never saw something like this. You use caches from the live map or any imported and stored in the app? Any idea how to simulate it is very welcome here. Does it happen always for any cache?

Currently, it is ... correct. App by default specifies a background color that matches the current mode (dark/light). Anyway, there are maps (mainly vector maps with "theme") that have their own definition of the background color. And this is used no matter if dark/light is selected. I was thinking about working with this color as well, but I'm sure that preserving defined background color for vector map is the ideal solution.

1sec delay ... always? There was no change in the latest versions ...

why making the track screen smaller? Not a simple task ...

In new screen, you have to tap on the first bottom icon > it opens trackpoint detail with all necessary info related to selected trackpoint.

Hmm, may it be related to new track screen? To be true, I've not yet tested track recording with the latest Beta ... watch it please, I'll do the same, thanks.

Hmm, and what should I do with it? I did not noticed any problem with internal default icons. So this is really a problem with this little un-usual icon set. Hmm, it also does not have a very simple solution  :-\.

I'm trying to update icon drawn in the list of points, but icons here are shared with icons on the map and same problem is also on other places. So, it has solution, but not so easy, so ...  ::)
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@CabrioTourer42 My suggestion is to replace black in your icons with very dark grey. I've done this with the map icons for the new version of my Voluntary theme. That way they will work in dark mode, which generally needs low contrast icons and the difference is barely noticeable in the light mode.
An alternative approach is to replace the transparent areas with very low opacity white, such as #20FFFFFF. I've done that as well with some custom icons.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Viajero Perdido

With the new track details (latest beta), I like the behavior when you tap a track on the map.  You get a small panel with the ideal amount of detail: the four key numbers, and an elevation chart.  You can swipe up for more, down for less and to get rid of it.  To me this is ideal.

When you tap a track in the track list (sometimes, haven't quite figured out the logic), you get a large panel that takes most of the screen.  Here, you can't swipe to make it smaller or make it go away; swiping only scrolls if needed.  To me, this is much less ideal, and I'll be forever trying to swipe it down to shrink.  Any chance to make it consistent (like the first paragraph above)?

Also, in the second case (non-swipeable panel), I sometimes have trouble exiting by tapping the left-arrow in the title bar.  Even when aiming and tapping carefully, it doesn't react maybe 20% of the time.  I've seen some map behavior that suggests my tap is directed to the map behind the arrow instead.