Locus Map 4, discussion (alpha)

Started by Menion, December 06, 2019, 14:57:45

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Žajdlík Josef

Wouldn't it be possible to make round buttons "floating"? The user could move them themselves where they are most convenient. Mainly with regard to dashboard.


Quote from: menion on December 09, 2019, 07:22:41
heh funny. This seems to be a side effect of the installed Beta version.

Thanks all for the valuable feedback. Few comments:

  • The size of the buttons is indeed a little larger. It may look that there is a lot of white space, but it is part of buttons. There were resized from previous 48px to 56px (so +25%). Size of images remains the same. Reason? Better usability in the field = easier to press.
  • zoom buttons: definitely optional! and definitely enabled by default. During the activity, mainly on the bike, pinch zoom is quite useless
  • Size of zoom buttons: they are not so wide as before but the touch area is higher. It is the same as in for example route planner in the current version.
  • Cover of the map: agree there should be setup to have the map as clear as possible. I'll for sure try to clear almost (if not all) all components optional, so it should be possible to have a map as fullscreen as possible with additional components.
I agree with all the points you explained.
Just point 1: If you enlarged the button for a better usability in the field (I agree) I think you need to reduce the frame and enlarge also the image icon for a better readability in the field.
Locus Map 4
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Locus Tasker


@Žajdlík Josef
Interesting idea :).
For sure not in first versions. We may talk about it later because understand the reason with the dashboard.

I tried it and it looks really bad. I think that except really rare exceptions, the size of the icons for various functionality should remain the same in all cases, no matter how big is area behind an icon that reacts on touches.
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    Quote from: menion on December 09, 2019, 07:22:41Better usability in the field = easier to press.[/li]
    [li]zoom buttons: definitely optional! and definitely enabled by default. During the activity, mainly on the bike, pinch zoom is quite useless[/li][/list]
    Yes, different situations, different use cases... Maybe... Some options for zoom buttons? Also available in presets please...?

    - Always show
    - Never show
    - Show after double tap (I mean same hide/auto hide mechanism as toolbars)

    We need a million options, you need to end up in searchable options ;-)
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    Viajero Perdido

    Further to the idea of moving the zoom buttons...

    I just realized, when I'm holding the tablet in both hands and browsing the map, with the current layout the zoom buttons are right below my thumbs.

    It couldn't be more perfect than that.  :)


    Hi guys,

    based on testing, your comments, own thoughts, there is progress.

    But I will still appreciate some help. So short (5-10 minutes) poll for those of you, interest in future of Locus Map: . If know similar, not active users, please share it.

    I believe that 100+ votes will be enough to give me nice overview of the preferences of current users, thanks!

    Not sure how exactly will it look like, but an option for hiding of the zoom buttons will be there. As well as search in settings (I have most of the work done regards this task).

    "Created time" in point detail: why this may be useful? I understand this in the case of trackpoints (to know time between two trackpoints), but in the case of waypoints?

    Menu > more: will be fixed in next Beta, thanks.
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    Žajdlík Josef

    Personally, I would narrow the top bar to one line.  At the side, the top button is rounded.  But they are just aesthetic details.


    Thanks Josef. What you see on screenshots is far from the final solution. It is just my working version I use during rides to test and remove some major problems. If top status bar remains in the app (most probably), it will a) be a single line as you suggest or b) there will be some features on the right side (I still have in mind that it should be useful to see all running services at one place).
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    Žajdlík Josef

    Wouldn't it be possible to access the new look via the Expert menu to Beta?  It would be better to be able to test practicality in practice.  Or am I too eager?

    Andrew Heard

    Quote from: menion on December 16, 2019, 17:54:56
    So short (5-10 minutes) poll for those of you, interest in future of Locus Map: .
    A pity there is no option in the poll for zoom buttons positioned as currently along the bottom of screen; when cycling I rest of my hand on the bottom of the phone to stabilize, so having those buttons close to other buttons as proposed increases the risk of tapping the wrong button.

    Each question could have an extra text box so the user can provide further comments (as above). Maybe too much information? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


    @Žajdlík Josef
    You are :). This is not just a checkbox in settings, it needs a completely new special version. Anyway, I just need to make some major decision (here may poll helps) and then will be some version for test available.

    I know creation time is already there. I was curious about why you need "seconds".

    @Andrew Heard
    hmm, zoom buttons horizontally along bottom bar. I've forget on this option, thanks.

    Text fields in questions aren't there for reason. I now need to remove some options that are really really bad (not wanted) and focus on rest that will have more votes. So some special comments are not currently needed.

    I think that extending "double tap to show/hide" also on zoom buttons will be useful ;)
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    Žajdlík Josef

    Quote from: menion on December 17, 2019, 08:05:12
    I think that extending "double tap to show/hide" also on zoom buttons will be useful ;)
    You might also consider a variant: one tap on the screen will only show the zoom buttons. Two taps will show all buttons and toolbars. This would prevent the user from clicking another button when scaling.


    @Menion: nice poll  :D *thumb up*

    simple points which came into my mind:
    - most people are right handed, but also some people are left handed. Holding the phone in the left, those people would prefer + and - (zoom) and maybe other buttons on the left I guess. I am right handed.
    - button-layouts will definitely vary from person to person. Some people still need + and - for zoom (often less trained, maybe older persons, friends of button-pushing,..), some are fully happy with pinch/spread or tapping to zoom. At the end things are often customisable as the pros will appreciate extra-space and full view or prefer bottom as it's not in the way of left/right-thumb-gestures (e.g. riding bike and using one hand) and screens are often mounted portrait instead of landscape, so more space at top/bottom
    - I am often tipping that fast, that I still have to have certain buttons at defined places, in best case due to my customisation/choice


    I myself do not work with the keys at all. Take the hardware volume buttons. But a tip would be: make it movable and everyone can position it wherever they want it. Long click and then move.
    Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
    Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
    LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


    I rarely need zoom buttons and prefer the way it is, or at least allow to hide them as it's possible with the toolbars.
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