Locus Map 4, discussion (alpha)

Started by Menion, December 06, 2019, 14:57:45

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I took part in the poll LOL
Miss the actual design too.
Center & rotating are my most used functions (on the bottom bar). And the Route Planner (side bar).
I guess Menion is looking for a new look & feel for Platinum Eternity Edition. Looking forward to see the reason for a new functional GUI design which will be better than the actual design.
Menion can you pls. do a test: try to control the screen with dirty, sweaty gloves on the bike with your new designs... Thanx.


I've separated this topic from the original "Beta testing 3.42+" topic. More about what I try to do here in the first post.

regards issue with hiding of panels, please check app settings > Panels & buttons, there is option "Panels and screen orientation".

- the layout will be in the final version switchable - it will be possible to mirror the left/right sides (at least I plan to make it).
- zoom buttons and other components: to be true, in the end, I hope to achieve even higher customization options than current layout. What I search, for now, is base solution, ideal for most of users & use-cases.

@0709 & @Christian
you wrote you miss actual design. Check first post please, hope it explain this.
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Thanks Willy. @Michal , may you please re-check it? Thanks.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 16, 2019, 17:54:56
short (5-10 minutes) poll for those of you, interest in future of Locus Map:
could the form use some preamble text indicating the questions relate to the "base look"/ most common out-the-box look? and that customization will still be possible for advanced users GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


The created poll was made to help me decided about need for some components & color themes. There is still not yet done base look. Currently, I have on the table six version we discuss about.

And about possible configuration: you know me. I usually do features in the two steps. First, base, not too configurable and later, after some discussions and feedback, I'm adding options (when it makes sense).

It will be similar here. Hey, we have enough time to tune it to satisfy at least 95% of use-cases, so no worry :).

Btw: I'm not doing re-design because I want to do re-desing. I'm doing this to remove some limitations of old design and remove some problems we suffer for ages (based on support & own experience > like too much buttons at start for new users, fixed bottom panel, important buttons too far from fingers, etc.) I'm registering all your comments and will really try to find usable solution.
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If the top bar will be editable as it is now, we need empty spaces that we can add optionally. Reason: notch areas which reach into the top bar, on newer Smartphones if turned on.
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First alpha version for brave testers :)

Works as Free/Beta version, so no problem to test it along with installed Pro version.

Feedback is of course welcome. Please focus on major problems. On details will be enough time later ;). Thanks and enjoy the coming days!

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How do I find a button to change orientation/view which used to be on the bottom bar?

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Do you mean to enable map rotation? This one is the second click on the center button. At the moment, you are "centered", the second click enable rotation.

If you mean "Show view", this is as well as "magnifier" in Map-screen content > Auxiliary graphics settings
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 22, 2019, 09:56:33
Works as Free/Beta version
Everything is working so far for me, no crashes, but only desktop testing. I observe the top panel buttons are now bottom panel buttons so there are less possibilities for configuring my own buttons. I never used to display the fixed top panel, and used to "cover" it with my own top panel buttons, so now less opportunity for customization. My 2nd bottom from left which I have as GPS is fully hidden because of the new dip/ Hide Map Center button. If I tap the correct spot at bottom of the screen the GPS screen is displayed. It probably looks cute/ eye catching for a new user, which is fair enough as a selling point,  but I see no improvement in functionality with this dip and slightly changed UI. The zoom buttons are now too close to the new bottom panel buttons for error free tapping. I can't get the compass to be displayed on the main screen when I toggle the north up/ rotate button. The integrated notification center/ functions/ About/ Store within the main menu is a nice but minor improvement. I used to always hide the Map-screen Content button (bottom left side) (can't recall how) but appears fixed in position. I like that tapping the ruler no longer changes the scale. Take this all as just very minor comments; just my initial impressions. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a
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I was just wondering... will Locus 4 be a major enough rewrite to catch up with other mapping apps regarding smoothness? Will it render everything through the GPU via Vulkan or OpenGL (or whatever is currently used on Android)?

Thanks and merry xmas...


Vertical inverse order of sidebar is confusing.
Tbh, that round button looks sexy, but I don't need it.
Map screen content button is a good move.
Top bar is quite useless currently.
Allow for hiding anything via a double tap, or after timeout!
Allow to add more than 8 user def. main menu entries.

Bottom left main menu is alright. Stylistically it looks good.
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That map center button is terrifying for mountain hikers and climbers.

- When bottom bar is displayed, it visually represents sliding down a slope
- When the bottom bar disappears: all is lost. It falls off a cliff.

;) ;D ;) ;D
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Quote from: menion on December 22, 2019, 11:50:28
Do you mean to enable map rotation? This one is the second click on the center button. At the moment, you are "centered", the second click enable rotation.

If you mean "Show view", this is as well as "magnifier" in Map-screen content > Auxiliary graphics settings

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

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@Andrew Heard
nice feedback, thanks.
Fewer configuration options? Do not understand. Before, bottom panel was completely fixed without any options. Currently half of the bottom (previously top) and right panel are fully configurable, so "no change". Probably some screenshot? Anyway, if we talk about the cover by "Dashboard", then it, of course, may not fix.

Improvement should not be now in functionality, but in usability. Current version suffer by two main problems I try to solve here.
a) very important control buttons are too far away (whole top panel, main menu)
b) screen is full of buttons where many is not usable by majority of users and some of them are not clear enough (mainly content of the bottom panel).

Zoom buttons are "close" ... it's the same as in the current version versus distance to bottom system navigation panel. This is anyway one of things that needs to be tested in the field, not on sofa.

Integrated notify center is just a method how to get rid of floating button on the map screen when not needed.

"Map screen content" button ... hideable, understand. Currently, it is not possible. Not sure if will be to be true as it will contain some unique features not available on any other place in the app.

nope, sorry. The inner rendering system was rewritten half year ago, but still uses a combination of hardware (for maps) and software (for visible points/tracks) rendering.

When we will talk about the app itself, I'm firstly doing steps that may (or may not) help us survive next year(s). This means improve usability and simplify UI. Have a nice days on your travels too!

"Vertical inverse order of sidebar is confusing", why? just because you are used to using the current system?
"Top bar is quite useless currently" ... agree. Its purpose is not yet decided. By the poll I made, most of people wants to keep it and add some more customization options. So I think about the single-like panel with some more options ...
"Allow for hiding anything via a double-tap, or after timeout!" ... you may hide everything except "Main menu", "Center/rotate" and "Map content". Still not enough? :)
"Allow to add more than 8 user def. main menu entries" ... I was also thinking about this. The main menu is not quite well accessible (compare to current system) so it starts to make sense to use it more often and do not place everything into function panels.

"Center button" ... hmm, I'll do for your special version that will instead of this "hole" icon display something you like. Maybe an icon with jot coffee? :)
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