Locus Map vs Locus Classic ... what's next?

Started by Menion, April 10, 2019, 08:18:06

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Separation of functionality into pluggable modules is planned and since version 3.38 finally technically possible. This should help to make app smaller (install/updates) and partially easier (by removing access to these features in the app when not needed > like geocaching for people that do not play it) to use. So definitely something I'll work on in the near future.

Dividing payments for certain services/features make perfect sense in cases, services have some higher, logical price. In this case, we talk about smaller features (in terms of price) where "all in one" will be for around 1-2€ per month.

If we create, in the future, some big feature that itself will cost more then 1 or 2€ per month, it will be absolutely logical to consider placing it as separate purchase/subscription, without changing price of the base subscription.
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I absolutely love Locus but there's loads of features I never use. I quite agree that the current business model isn't sustainable: there's continual development work which is only funded by new users and Locus Store customers.
I don't think that individual paid-for modules is a very good business model either. The fewer users they appeal to, the higher the price you'll end up having to set for individual modules and the fewer users will buy them.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Holger on April 26, 2019, 09:25:53
I also don't like the Locoin idea.
@Holger - LoCoins are very cheap. They seem very good value to me. Almost too good. I always hope the Locus team continue and expand and become more & more successful, and I'm not forced to switch to another app in future if some version becomes incompatible. And when you next make a purchase but you have insufficient LoCoints you just "top up" with a small amount (only a few cents or dollars) of real money. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


The current development, especially since the decision has already been made, unfortunately makes me look for another app, although I used Locus very gladly.


Will Locus Basic have ads as former free version?

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Saturo on April 27, 2019, 09:18:41
The current development, especially since the decision has already been made, unfortunately makes me look for another app, although I used Locus very gladly.
@Saturo - will be interested to read what app you find. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


i would much rather have a DONATE button included in the current PRO application and free application.

subscriptions always end up having "phone home" issues when i don't have service, or sooner strange error that requires a reinstall/phone home. i simply cannot recommend subscription based applications because of these problems.

i bet you could very easily convince folks to punch the 'donate' button with your usual awesome updates. i know i would.

anyway, that's all the whining i will do.

if you include a DONATE button in pro/classic/whatever, I'll press it, hard.


Quote from: menion on April 26, 2019, 08:46:35
....It is possible that it will be one big fail as Christian wrote (based on "field test"). There is always a risk. My intuition works correctly since begin and I believe, it will work again...
Don't get me wrong. Finger crossed for the new direction!
To avoid big mistakes... have a look at the Tapatalk App with the change of their licence system two years ago and their behavior in Europe since the EU wide data protection regulation came into force.
By the way: what is the status regarding Locus using Google Framework sending user data to Google / Facebook / ...?


menion, I really, really appreciate your work, your fast support and the whole work your team is doing for Locus Pro !
I love the app so much and use it so many times I can not imagine how it would be without this app.

But your idea of the subscription model disappoints me a lot - I payed for LocusPro and pay for the Lomaps; but I can not imagine to pay more than 10€ a year for using the new version.
For sure you have to be paid for your work, but so many people pay for the Pro version (and maybe aswell for the LoMaps).
There are so many travellers on the road who do not have so much money - and imagine the new modell would cost 1,50/months (18Euro/year) - already in 5 years you would have to pay 90 Euros...!!

It would be great to have further (real) updates aswell for the "old" Pro version - and the new V4-version maybe with an one-off payment of lets say 50 Euro or so - but then for lifetime usage!

Otherways it would be just not affordable for a lot of people - and therefore some will use other apps.
I really hope this abo-model is being rethought!

Best wishes, bezel



problem with Facebook API was discussed on the help desk here. There is probably nothing I may do now. I hope there will be soon an option to separate certain features in Locus Map app into separate downloadable blocks. If this will be possible, I'll also try to separate "Facebook", which should solve this.

And Google? Not sure what there is a problem. I miss anything?

thanks for the feedback. I believe there is no need to extra worry. Firstly, you still may stay with Locus Map Pro as is now. And secondly, we will definitely keep price in logical boundaries. Definitely not something like 20€/year. For such price, app have to offer something more that we are currently able to offer.

Anyway, because I spend most of time on new version and improvements related to maps etc. we will start with this concept a little later, on 90% in September/October. So we will discuss and inform about details during summer.

Spoiler: to bring little light from our latest internal discussions, we will try to keep price for full version to 10€/year where should be also full unlimited access to LoMaps and hopefully also some kind of synchronization server. Because I'm sure there are people not interested in LoMaps & sync, I would like to bring also some kind of "light" subscription with probably half price that won't include these two features. Consider these information as "work in progress" with a chance to change as we do some more calculations. Thanks!
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Dear menion,
please rethink the prices - it would be very sad for us users if it wouldn't be affordable anymore. People who like to have further features like the mentioned kind of "cloud service" (to save for example their tracks), live tracking etc could pay more - not all need these extra features and it would be sad if they have to pay for such services aswell.
Good idea is as you mentioned to include free acces to all LoMaps and LoMap-POIs.

I really hope so much you will find a satisfactory solution for everyone. Locus is such a great help when travelling  - I do not want to switch to another app...



Hello bezel,
in your case "wouldn't be affordable anymore" is the reaction on the possible price of 10€/year? I'm not sure if it's possible to go to the lower price with LoMaps and synchronization system. Even this price is for us a small risk I think.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on April 30, 2019, 14:44:31
to bring little light from our latest internal discussions, we will try to keep price for full version to 10€/year
I appreciate others have different views but for too long I feel I've paid very little for so much, so I am very happy with ~10€/y. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a
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Andrew, with all amazing help you do all these years, you are the last person who should pay for Locus app :). But it is a different story ... later ...
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well, 10€/year - but how would it be then in two, three, five years then? 15€, 20€ ...?

There are people "on the road" (who are travelling) who do not have much money - and especially do not need further features like cloud services, live tracking etc..