[APP] - version 3.26.+ ( 11. 10. 2017 )

Started by Menion, October 11, 2017, 14:11:54

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2. The second and third images show how the bottom button panel appears and the Cancel and Save buttons disappear when either of the drop-down menus are selected

3. Current beta:

I hadn't noticed this behaviour before but checking on the current full Pro version with a simple line, the track's colour inverts and arrows appear in the colour of the non-inverted track. I don't see why arrows should appear at all if they are not selected.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Ah this one again.
Stupid unsolvable "bug" in Android: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36992828 . Well, Android developers consider this as "not a bug", so it won't be solved and as I'm searching, still no one discovered any hack how to bypass this, sorry.
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Quote from: menion on October 31, 2017, 07:21:27
Ah this one again.
Stupid unsolvable "bug" in Android: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/36992828 . Well, Android developers consider this as "not a bug", so it won't be solved and as I'm searching, still no one discovered any hack how to bypass this, sorry.
I understand. The particular problem in this screen is that the Save button disappears, making the UI useless.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Hi Menion,
seeing dp, px mentioned, this reminds me of a long standing pain: Locus is no longer reasonably compatible with Mapsforge. And the themes are just the prime example: size definitions differ, missing priorities and alike.
I think this house-keeping is long overdue. And this is not a question of voting, just to close that door.
Also the extra label layer like in Cruiser is the only way to get in control of the currently totally unreliable and unpredictable displaying of labels.
Christmas is nearing - time of a gift :-)
TXs and cheers


Hmm currently in Locus Map is available MapsForge in version 0.8.0, which is automatically used in case, generated map is in version 4 and higher. So if you are able to generate maps in this version, feel free to test and use it.
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I know this and tried, but there are other issues.
The MF libs alone will not give you the proper label layer, there is more algorithm needed, which would benefit Locus itself as well.
The parallel existence of Locus private and MF algorithms do not deliver the strengths of MF into Locus. In fact the discussion is about COMBINING the strengths of both. Long overdue ...

Andrew Heard

@menion: track style screen is now much more responsive on older tablet. Thanks. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: michaelbechtold on November 01, 2017, 18:35:55
The MF libs alone will not give you the proper label layer, there is more algorithm needed
Don't understand. I thought that MF as is should work as you need, so same as in Cruser app etc. Or not?

@Andrew Heard:
perfect, glad to hear it.
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Mapsforge is a powerful set of APIs, but not a complete App in itself.
The proper label display feature is built into the Cruiser App (using MF libs), but is not a gift from those APIs automatically.
You can test by displaying a heavily populated area with Cruiser and compare it to Locus with MF-ML maps (from MF or OAM/elevate theme), which enfore the MF lib you integrated. You will be shocked by the difference.
Rendering has two modes, and both show much a better selection of Labels. "Priorities" in themes make a big positive difference already, compared to Locus. And the extra Label Layer shows a fully proper and complete set of labels, as dictated by the map content and the theme.
If you look at a map and cannot tell if a blank space is because there is nothing of what you are looking for, or if the App has "forgotten" to display the expected - not good ... !



Michael thanks for an answer, but you did not answered to my question I think.
Or you wants to say that even a map in version 4, thank in Locus should use latest 0.8.0 version of MF library, looks different compare to other apps that use this new version of MF?
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True, Locus display via MF 0.8 looks different from Cruiser, which is kind of reference App for MF.
I documented with two screenshots, both with the basic OSMARENDER theme:
- the Cruiser one (advanced, lextra label layer mode) correctly shows both cities
- the Locus one is missing Wiesbaden
When I check Cruiser in normal mode, it is missing Mainz instead.
Rendering without Label Layer is like rolling the dice ...
Maybe you have a talk with Emux to explore.


Oki, thanks Michael. I'm surprised, there is any difference as I expected, results will be exactly same. I'll check it ...
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BTW: a full migration of all MF features may be a longer term endeavor (while preserving the speed of Locus :-).
But I suppose that theme functions like "display=always" will not be too hard to implement. And would give a LOT of power to theme authors.
Priorities would be the next on the list, but may need some more thoughts.
TXs and cheers
PS: it's great to to attach bells and whistles, and fancy little towers and more to a house, but from time to time it's key to upgrade the foundation :-)


I found some inconvenience with the route planner as it automatically saves unfinished routes.

- I am somewhere else (lets say POS1) and want to start from there.
- I enter route planner, it loads the last, unfinished route and centers the map there
- I don't need it and abort that one

The inconvenience is, now I have lost the POS1 and need to find it.

And as for the route planner, it has been mentioned: possibility to change map and theme is desparately needed.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Good day Tapio,
Route planner expect that you have some unfinished work so it simply allows to quickly continue from where you left. Imagine opposite situation, when you do some planning, you will want to continue, but meanwhile you change you center location, zoom etc. on main map screen and after return to Route planner, you will hardly search for a place, when you end with planning before ...
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