[APP] - version 3.26.+ ( 11. 10. 2017 )

Started by Menion, October 11, 2017, 14:11:54

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"px" is already equal "dp" system. You may notice that defined width in "px" does not match exactly real pixels of your screen. What you need is some "dynamic" unit system that increase it's value based on zoom level right? In this case, it needs a new option "dynamic" + edit field that will define some "increment" value.
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I take your point. However, I don't think it is quite as complex as that. The current choice is between an increment of 0% (fixed pixel width) and 100% (scaled width in metres). What I'm asking for is a third choice with an intermediate scaling of 70%.
I will stop pestering soon, I promise.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


No problem :). Oki, let's imagine I'll add this another option. How I then should explain to users advantage of this extra settings? Also what is you own use case? Also may someone other confirm or reject that such extra settings IS ( not may be ... ) useful?
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I think I would describe it as automatic scaling. The track would scale at the same rate as the width of roads and paths on vector maps, which seems pretty logical to me.
As already said, my rationale is:
Quote from: john_percy on October 18, 2017, 17:08:03
For me, if the width is defined in metres it is too thin at low zooms while if it is defined in px it is too thick at low zooms. What I would like is a width that changes at the same rate as the width of vector map roads, which is something like 150% change for each zoom level.
Support already expressed:
Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 18, 2017, 23:11:17
@john_percy +1 nice idea, maybe a help topic for voting?
Quote from: Christian on October 18, 2017, 18:39:06
Automatic scaling would be fine.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Andrew Heard

#79 Line/ track/ route styles general comment: from my initial testing the new functionality is a fantastic advance. Well done @Menion. I have done a comparison of certain tracks pre/ version with 0..6% slope. Now the new color is mostly red and exactly how my body remembers how hard the cycling actually was. Bravo!

  • the new track style UI is slower to respond - very slow on older tablet, a little slower on Xperia Z1 phone
  • tapping Save button from new Slope or Altitude min/max screen returns to track info screen but should return to track style screen
  • I suggest the new Slope screen Manual "min value" should allow minus values, at present only >= 0% is possible but I may for example want slope color palette range +/-10%
  • therefore at present all -ve slope % is only blue, I guess because blue is below current min 0% value?
  • I have settings > Maps > Points & Tracks > Tap on track=Screen. However tap on track on map briefly shows track popup before track screen. Is it now slower displaying this track screen too? When I return to map this popup is again displayed.

@0709 & others have done a lot of work with color palette suggestions. The current Locus palette is very dominated by green, with very uneven transition between colors. :

I really like 0709's proposed 9 color palette:

Because there is no blending of colors, or maybe just less colors, if I saw a particular color (slope %) on a map I would be confident I would know what % slope this color represents.

There is also a 15 color version, but for me, more colors with only subtle differences, means it becomes harder to tell which color represents a specific band of slope or altitude. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I'll discuss this with @voldapet next week, but I'm really not a fan of this, as I still do not see any practical benefit here.
I set track to be 5 px width (because it's optimal for me) and I then see this track correctly no matter, which zoom is set. So why should I need to have this track wider at higher zoom levels? In case of content of map (like roads in vector map), situation is different. Map content many various objects and in lower zoom levels, it is needed not just to display less of them, but also smaller, to present as much information as possible. This is anyway not a common case of own tracks on map, where is expected that everyone has just a few of them on a map at once (in most cases).

@Andrew Heard:
thanks for a really useful (and first) feedback on this topic!!
To your points:

  • I noticed this as well, improved
  • not sure here. I was thinking about it a lot and for me cancel/save at bottom should confirm whole style edit screen. Also from practical point of view, you usually set colors etc. and then you try set limits on this altitude or slope colors and then? You wants to return to map as fast as possible, right?
  • Ah I've switched altitude and slope setup, thanks
  • Hmm probably, cannot simulate it now, so ... next version
  • Issue caused by removing "Directly start edit after tap" option, thanks fixed

I've for now only reduced dynamic palette from 40 to 20 colors, but I'll look at it closer. I'm anyway surprised that green is so dominant. You are coloring some faked track to achieve this? May you share it with me? Thanks
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Andrew Heard

    Quote from: menion on October 28, 2017, 17:15:11
    @Andrew Heard:
    2) not sure here. I was thinking about it a lot and for me cancel/save at bottom should confirm whole style edit screen. Also from practical point of view, you usually set colors etc. and then you try set limits on this altitude or slope colors and then? You wants to return to map as fast as possible, right?[/li][/list]
    @menion the user may be changing any number of style settings. I see no reason for special quick return from min/max limits screen - the pencil icon has other settings below - width/ outline/ close line. Why would you expect settings limits be the last change before return to map? To me tapping Save on limits screen is just to save min/ max settings, not to confirm all other settings.

    Quote from: menion on October 28, 2017, 17:15:11
    I've for now only reduced dynamic palette from 40 to 20 colors, but I'll look at it closer. I'm anyway surprised that green is so dominant. You are coloring some faked track to achieve this? May you share it with me? Thanks
    I have attached GPX thanks to @0709 - so track below is latest with, and green quite dominant:

    chart: GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

    Žajdlík Josef

    I have never used the display of a line with a multicolored version. However, I would greatly appreciate if Locus had this feature in a simplified way in the route planner. This could be an option in the Scheduler menu: "Notify X-Percent Tilt". When I activate it, I would set the percentage and Locus would need a reddish part of the track with this slope. This could be used for planning a trip for rides with children, etc.

    CZ: Nikdy jsem zobrazení čáry trasy s různobarevném provedení nepoužil. Přesto bych velmi ocenil kdyby měl Locus tuto funkci ve zjednodušeném provedení v plánovači trasy. Mohlo by to být jako volba v menu plánovače: "Upozornit na sklon od X procent". Při její aktivaci bych nastavil počet procent a Locus by čast trati s tímto sklonem obarvil třeba červeně. To by se dalo využít pro plánování trasy třeba pro vyjížďky s dětmi atp.

    Andrew Heard

    Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 28, 2017, 00:07:18
    5. I have settings > Maps > Points & Tracks > Tap on track=Screen. However tap on track on map briefly shows track popup before track screen. Is it now slower displaying this track screen too? When I return to map this popup is again displayed.
    @menion - actually this behavior is in 3.26.2 Pro release as well, not just beta. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


    Quote from: menion on October 28, 2017, 17:15:11
    I'll discuss this with @voldapet next week, but I'm really not a fan of this, as I still do not see any practical benefit here.
    I set track to be 5 px width (because it's optimal for me) and I then see this track correctly no matter, which zoom is set. So why should I need to have this track wider at higher zoom levels? In case of content of map (like roads in vector map), situation is different. Map content many various objects and in lower zoom levels, it is needed not just to display less of them, but also smaller, to present as much information as possible. This is anyway not a common case of own tracks on map, where is expected that everyone has just a few of them on a map at once (in most cases).
    I guess it depends on what you are aiming at. Below is the sort of effect I envisaged, showing the same route scaled at zoom = 12, 14, 16, 18. At least that shows what I had in mind. I wanted a transparent overlay so the details of the map are not hidden.

    In doing this, I found another problem in that when I tap on the transparent track to select it, everything is obscured by the inverted track.

    Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


    New Beta version

    sorry, idea with dynamic width of line declined after discussion with Petr and Michal. We do not see it as an useful tool for common usage. I believe that 99% of used may be perfectly covered by existing "px" unit, even an "metres" are something, I'm not perfectly happy width.
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    I'd like to ask you guys to have a look here:
    I think it's more a bug than a feature that moving points with the "Insert/edit" function in the track editor changes there timestamp (even though most of the time it's not significant). At least it's just not intuitive.


    Quote from: menion on October 30, 2017, 14:44:38
    New Beta version

    sorry, idea with dynamic width of line declined after discussion with Petr and Michal. We do not see it as an useful tool for common usage. I believe that 99% of used may be perfectly covered by existing "px" unit, even an "metres" are something, I'm not perfectly happy width.
    What a pitty.


    @Christian: +1

    1. Thanks for considering my suggestion anyway
    2. On the new beta, the screen for editing track styles does not always work. The Save and Cancel buttons disappear when dropdown menus appear in full screen mode (bottom buttons appear in Moto G2)
    3. On the new beta, selected track shows the inverse of the pattern, even if the pattern checkbox is turned off
    I'll provide screenshots if needed
    Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


    Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on October 29, 2017, 13:05:28
    I have never used the display of a line with a multicolored version. However, I would greatly appreciate if Locus had this feature in a simplified way in the route planner. This could be an option in the Scheduler menu: "Notify X-Percent Tilt". When I activate it, I would set the percentage and Locus would need a reddish part of the track with this slope. This could be used for planning a trip for rides with children, etc.
    a) it is possible to setup width of lines in Route planner, nothing more
    b) global line style affect these lines, weird
    I was thinking about it, and in the end, I've removed option to set width of line and instead, I've added into menu option to setup full style of lines, thanks

    2. when you tap on "Line coloring" selection, bottom panel completely disappear??
    3. it worked in same way also in previous versions, maybe it was not so visible as is not. Point here is to highlight track and it's orientation, as much as possible. Maybe little confusing when we consider that symbols are disabled, on second side, it should allow to see line better.
    Hmm should be more logical to just highlight such selected tracks always with simple arrow and inverse  base color? Maybe it worked like this in previous versions and not how I made it now. Thanks
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