[APP] - version 3.26.+ ( 11. 10. 2017 )

Started by Menion, October 11, 2017, 14:11:54

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Quoteit looks like you have defined width of track in unit "metres" instead of "pixels"
exactly :) thanks
but i have never changed this setting and all recorded tracks till last week show "px" in style
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Seems like another example of mysterious "it changed somehow" :). Un-simulatable problem = un-solvable problem, sorry.
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I have to go back to the new height profile showing in the "route-planner screen":

for several months now OSMAND offers the possibility to show simultaneously on two "screens" the route on the map and below the profile of the height INCLUDING the slope in percentage (at the point in the map or height profile you clicking).
See screenshot here:

I know the slope/percentage can't be absolutely correct, but anyway - this approximate value combined with the profile of the height and the map in the little screen above helps a lot. It is a great and very good feature Osmand offers now.
Why can't this be possible in Locus either?

In LOCUS it is now a bit too complicated:

-> in the "new" routeplanner it shows me only the height profil

-> opening the settings with the statistics of the track it shows me just the diagram with height profile and percentage of slope at the point I have choosen - but no map simultaneously on a second screen.

This feature would be such a great help especially for all the cyclists - and it would make Locus much more complete than it is already.
Please - I would be so thankful if you/ someone can work on this!



hope that all major problems are now solved in new 3.26.2 version, that will come during next hour on Google Play. News as usually after app start or already on help desk. Thanks to all.

I still do not see this idea on help desk with correct tag and many votes :)
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Bucky Kid

Route planner works with gH service, panels editor works too, thanks!


The new route planner is great and a step in the right direction.

How to discard the route planner without saving and without "session restored" in next session of planning?

Bucky Kid

Quote from: Christian on October 16, 2017, 21:57:50How to discard the route planner without saving and without "session restored" in next session of planning?

Have you tried right corner menu, Delete route?



Bucky Kid

Is tracks display style now hard set to "Always show simple track description"?
Maybe I've looked badly but can't find the option (hide/simple/complex) in settings anymore.
As I remember it was placed in Maps>Points and tracks.
Now if I edit tracks category > Descriptions on map => I have Main setting, but where is the main setting?


Quote from: balloni55 on October 16, 2017, 09:13:11
Quoteit looks like you have defined width of track in unit "metres" instead of "pixels"
exactly :) thanks
but i have never changed this setting and all recorded tracks till last week show "px" in style
For me, if the width is defined in metres it is too thin at low zooms while if it is defined in px it is too thick at low zooms. What I would like is a width that changes at the same rate as the width of vector map roads, which is something like 150% change for each zoom level.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org




Hi guys,

New Beta  (@balloni55, it's here ;) ) is out for testing. Hope you will like improvements in UI dialog for no-go, let me know ;).

I'm aware that work with various points in planner needs some improvements, it's time will come, thanks for suggestions.

@Bucky Kid:
please check settings > maps > points & tracks > track popup content ( hmm, little weird place, agree )

hmm is it really needed? I really hope, that such settings is not needed :).

EDIT: btw. don't you want to win a Locus T-shirt? We have now small photo competition here on Facebook. Shirts are really high quality from bio-bambus, maybe even fair trade, not sure now. Hope someone from you win it ;).
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: john_percy on October 18, 2017, 17:08:03
For me, if the width is defined in metres it is too thin at low zooms while if it is defined in px it is too thick at low zooms. What I would like is a width that changes at the same rate as the width of vector map roads, which is something like 150% change for each zoom level.
@john_percy +1 nice idea, maybe a help topic for voting? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Andrew, no please ... even now UI is really over-complicated. Such feature will need another additional edit field for some crazy value ... ah, crazy :).
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Quote from: menion on October 18, 2017, 23:14:54
Andrew, no please ... even now UI is really over-complicated. Such feature will need another additional edit field for some crazy value ... ah, crazy :).
It's quite possible that this idea could replace the choice between metres and pixels (neither of which are satisfactory) and so reduce the complexity of the UI.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org