[APP] - version 3.25.+ ( 9. 8. 2017 )

Started by Menion, August 09, 2017, 18:25:00

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: zhaelon on September 28, 2017, 04:35:47
Nevertheless, it would be great for motorcycle trip planning if there was an option to show POI of a certain group (for example gas stations) *along the route* (say +- n km/mi, optional value). That should not be a dynamic option but a 'display GROUP (select) along the current route' button, which helps identify a POI (or multiple) to add as via point (or mark as 'visible') and then hide everything else again.
@zhaelon - interesting post. Your suggestion above is not quite the same as my existing help topic but you still may like to vote for it. Currently 12 votes. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


*** BETA version ***

I believe that Route planner is now close to what I can imagine as first usable public version.

@zhaelon: thanks for a complex feedback. Faster access to content ( mainly points ) is something a) I'm surprised that more people does not want, b) is something I'm aware of and that definitely will be improved, but not as the first iteration of Route planner.
Current workaround is to close planner, change what is needed and return back. Two clicks more, not a big problem for now I believe.
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Žajdlík Josef

BETA version
The new NOGO points with the option of setting the validity and the diameter of the circle are much better. However, I would ask for the possibility of setting a smaller diameter, ideally 15 m. This would be enough for most roads and would not overlap with other roads like SCR NOGO.jpg
There are still minor translation errors. Automatically added commands are in English. EN. But if I add the command manually, then it appears in Czech, see. CZ.

Nové NOGO body s možností nastavení platnosti a průměru kružnice jsou mnohem lepší. Poprosil bych ale o možnost nastavení menšího průměru, ideálně tak 15 m. To by mělo stačit na většinu silnic a nepřekrývalo by to další cesty jako u SCR NOGO.jpg
Ještě jsou menší chyby v překladu. Automaticky přidané příkazy jsou v angličtině, viz. EN. Pokud ale přidám příkaz ručně, pak se zobrazuje česky, viz. CZ.



Thanks for suggestions Andrew. I'll look on texts a lot lot deeper next week with Michal.

And recompute ... ah I made a small gift for you just for testing for now and forget to mention. Try to long-click on big blue "choose source" icon in bottom left. Hope it is enabled in Beta :).
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 29, 2017, 14:21:34
*** BETA version *** @zhaelon: <snip> a) I'm surprised that more people does not want
+1 - wow excellent NOGO functionality.

1) I still observe when a NOGO is deleted the track segment is not recomputed. See also my point #3.

2) I like the new item description "Part <N> of plan" when track segment is selected. However I think there is potential confusion between track point and track segment (part N). For example if I tap track segment, popup says multiple items, I tap "Part 1 of plan" but then next popup says "Trackpoint". So user is confused - did I just select a track point or part 1? And what is the difference? Is there a track point? Tap anywhere along a track segment/ part and you get the same point. Maybe replace "Trackpoint" popup with "Part <N>"?

3) I still can't force manual recompute of a track segment or whole route. How do you suggest I recompute track if I chose a different profile?

I would really like to use the new Route Planner instead of external BRouter method - http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=manual:user_guide:tracks:planning:brouter but until manual recompute after selection of BRouter profile is possible then it is still too many taps. I still suggest two menu items: A) Trackpoint popup > Recompute, and B) Tools menu > Recompute all.

4) If I tap 10mm away from a Nav point along track, I want to display "Trackpoint" popup, but I never get option, the Nav point pop is always displayed. Shouldn't a "Selected items" listing <Nav point> and "Part <N>" be displayed?

5) "Selected items" popup should be renamed "Select an item".

6) Existing track > Route Planner > Tools > Save Plan. I have now saved this plan as a copy of original track. How do I modify existing track, not saving a copy? If I save with same name, I get two tracks (existing/ new) with same name.

7) Existing track > Route Planner > modify, for example add Shaping point > Back button > Route Planner > Shaping point is lost. Is this a bug? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


QuoteAnd recompute .... Try to long-click on big blue "choose source" icon in bottom left
perfect thanks :)
QuoteI would ask for the possibility of setting a smaller diameter, ideally 15 m.

set a nogo point valid for the currend day isn´t possible :-[
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


 BETA version
route planner:

  • while moving the map I accidentally moved a red point, very sensitive..maybe adding some touch-delay is usefull - also still love the simplicity of changing parts of the route quickly. pro vs contra :D
  • did some badass-stuff ::) I added a nogo-point not that far away from a shaping-point and changed the radius. With recomputing the message shows 'route connot be computed'. Maybe checking the distance(shaping, nogo) < radius(nogo) at changing nogo-point-definition and giving a short info makes sense?
  • recomputing (long press blue-profile-icon): syntax, message starts with T:  (T:Do you want to recompute..)
  • Tools > statistics >show chart. I set a chart with altitude vs distance. Selecting a point and hitting the 'show on map'-button puts you out of route planner. it's okay but I exspected the cursor to be moved to the point within route planner
  • Tools > statistics: maybe an aditional list of the shaping points is usefull, shaping points then also editable?
  • Tools > Travel time: there are no profiles for cars, even though I planned the route with a car-profile. I would like to define some profiles (fast, eco,..) just to get an idea. Of course traffic can change a lot, but as a first approach it would be nice
edit: changed to unordered list-style

Andrew Heard

Quote from: balloni55 on September 30, 2017, 09:24:42
QuoteAnd recompute .... Try to long-click on big blue "choose source" icon in bottom left
@balloni55 - thank you! I must have missed that comment. Not as intuitive as menu item, but good enough for me now I know the secret. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: T-mo on September 30, 2017, 11:45:06
BETA version
route planner:

    while moving the map I accidentally moved a red point, very sensitive..maybe adding some touch-
@T-mo - use the Undo button (top left arrow) if you accidentally move a red point

Quote from: T-mo on September 30, 2017, 11:45:06
Tools > Travel time: there are no profiles for cars, even though I planned the route with a car-profile. I would like to define some profiles (fast, eco,..) just to get an idea. Of course traffic can change a lot, but as a first approach it would be nice
@T-mo - I suggested similar 9 months ago - only 3 votes - http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/provide-vehicle-types-for-travel-time-calculation - please vote for my suggestion. Seems crazy to me there is BRouter profile for car but can't calculate travel time.[/list] GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I tested the very good job you did with route planner.
I noticed that fast car with locus profile avoids motorway but I have nothing checked in the avoid options, but the positive and negative gain are correct.
With brouter profile fast car the route use motorway but positive and negative gain goes crazy.  I think it's due to the high number of tunnel in this case the gain is of the above mountain.

If you clear then route the nogo points are not cleared so you need to find them on the map and delete one by one.

I think that can also be helpful if we can move nogo points.

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 30, 2017, 00:27:08
And recompute ... ah I made a small gift for you just for testing for now and forget to mention. Try to long-click on big blue "choose source" icon in bottom left. Hope it is enabled in Beta :).
@menion - beautiful gift - thank you. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Žajdlík Josef:
- understand, let's try it with 25m.
- about translations: well probably side effect of work-in-progress

@Andrew Heard:
1), 3) ... I still do not know how to handle it correctly, so as you already know, temporary solution over "long click".
2) hmm you are correct. Number of trackpoint within a segment is not necessary I believe, but information that this is a certain trackpoint within a track is. And it is not clear from simple "Part <N>". So what about simply "Point from part N"?
4) I expect here that in most cases you (as an user) will want to deal with these special points, not directly with trackpoints. So in case, via-point or shaping point are the only interesting points under clicked place, they are immediately selected instead of choice. There is always option to zoom in more to select required trackpoint more precisely.
5) thanks, make sense
6) again for my surprise, no one complains till now :). I was thinking about dialog with simple options "Overwrite" or "Save as new". 
7) it is important to keep in mind, that route planner is made of planning of new route. If you on existing track tap on "Route planner", track is loaded to planner, but there is no connection to original track! This should be solved by point 6), but I'm really worried to save changes immediately to original track.

hmm today is first of October ... damn, another year with Locus passed :). Anyway if you set validity of Nogo point to 1. 10. it is more common that this 1. 10. point will be still valid right? Consider as fixed.

- notification on nogo placed near shaping point: well, not sure how to deal with it for now anyway notification is not ideal here I think. It is usually clearly visible where nogo was placed and that cover also existing shaping point.
- syntax with T: ignore it, "T:" means feature feature in progress
- Tools > statistics >show chart : good point, I always forget to solve it, thanks. Unfortunately I have no simple solution here for now, so best to hide this icon for now.
- list of shaping points: really hope this is not necessary
- travel times: yep, there are made mainly for hike & bike without possibility to edit, for now

"fast car with Locus profile" means? :). And yes, tunnels cause troubles, because Locus compute elevation on the surface of terrain. Quite hard problem for now ...

- snap to road: hmm ... how to simply do it? Unfortunately there is still no interaction with underlying map.
- fast change shaping > via-points: you are right, in previous old version, tap on shaping point caused change to via-point. But now, it is also needed to offer change of location and option to delete it, so simple tap is not useful here, hmm.
To be true, I'm still not convinced that Via-points are needed to be used so often! I still consider them as points, that I really wants to visit and that I wants to be notified about. Such points are quite rare compare to shaping points, aren't they? Also, when you create new point from existing point on map, it is already created as "via point", so it save some time.
So my final decision for now: faster creating of via-points is not needed. I'll anyway see when Route planner will be used by less skilled users ;).
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some nogo behavior is really a NOGO ;)
1. for test i added a few  nogo points while planing a route and saved this route.
Starting to my geocache tour i open a listing and select "navigate to".
After a while i wondered why i am not guided the nearest/fastest route to my target. :-[
Now i noticed that each  "nogo point" inside any saved route is aktivated/considered :-\

2. nogo points created with "Quick point" and store it to point folder are also considered while "Navigate to" although this nogo point is hidden :o
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


It is really not technically possible to do offline some road-snapping.

Do not like Via Points functionality anymore? ... don't get me wrong. I love via-points and I find them super useful!! I only wanted mention, that even during my field testing during vacation, I found that usage of these points should be mainly for really important and interesting places that I want to know about during ride. So I expect, there will be usually a lot less via-points in finished route plan then basic shaping points, that's all.

Navigate by autorecalculate to Point makes no sense if your track does not contain at least one or multiple medium Via/info Points.... in case you plan round trip, then yes of course.

1. nogo points are globally defined for a whole Locus ( so Route planner & real navigation ). They are not sticked to planner route only. Effect is same as when you used (old system) NOGOXX named points before.
2. I have absolutely no control over this, you have to write Arndt because of this. Anyway I believe that this weird system won't be no longer needed.
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Žajdlík Josef

Perceptions of using NOGO points.
1) The "ignore NOGO" option should be added to the route planning menu. This option would also be saved with the route. The point is that NOGO will be used mainly where you can not go by car or bike. However, if I plan a hiking trail, I can go through the NOGO areas through the pavement.
2) It would be good to add a "show NOGO" option to the "Quick Settings" option. It would be good for driving when I do not navigate, but I would like to avoid the streets. Similarly, it would be useful to control NOGO, which should already be removed.

1) hodilo by se do menu plánování trasy přidat volbu "ignorovat NOGO". Tato volba by se ukládala i s trasou. Jde o to, že NOGO se budu používat hlavně tam, kde nelze projet třeba autem nebo na kole. Pokud ale plánuji trasu pro turistiku, mohu oblastmi s NOGO body projít třeba po chodníku.
2) bylo by dobré třeba do "rychlých nastavení" přidat možnost "zobrazit NOGO" Hodilo by se to za jízdy když nejedu podle navigace, ale přesto bych se chtěl vyhnout neprůjedným ulicím. Stejně tak by to využitelné pro kontrolu NOGO, které už by bylo vhodné odstranit.