Manual on - v2 (published Q4 / 2015)

Started by Menion, April 29, 2015, 21:29:39

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Quote from: Michal on May 25, 2015, 14:29:05The duality of general POI and Locus POI is referred to here ... The feature handling Locus map POI (Menu > More > Point of interest) is still named "Beta" as you can see.
So some of the feedback on the beta is that the naming is confusing. The manual has names (Locus Maps POIs and Independent POIs) which aren't used in the app, which doesn't help matters much.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Michal on May 25, 2015, 14:18:32
A sort of "breadcrumbs" can be seen in upper right corner of each page, e.g. "manual:faq:question". However, we'll see to some other solution for better orientation.
Hi Michal - my misunderstanding, thanks for clarifying - I was looking at the "trace" (top left) but didn't observe the "breadcrumb" (top right)

Quote from: Michal on May 25, 2015, 15:48:34
Nice :) To be honest I haven't had a clue about this method as well until now. No trace of it in the old knowledge base, no Locus coleagues have ever mentioned it... Thanks God for Gynta!

I'll definitely add this method to the User guide. Thanks!
LOL, yes, I'm really am glad I read each comment in every topic every day, for little "gems" like the @gynta BRouter one. I've only summarize the main points, mainly for benefit of other users, you should really check the 3 youtube videos for full understanding of how the track creation with BRouter suggestion works. The BRouter GPX file import could be automated, but still a nice advance compared to manual track editor. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Andrew Heard... yep, I checked actually two videos and wrote a brief "how to" with one of Gynta's videos attached...

Quote from: john_percy on May 25, 2015, 18:05:00
So some of the feedback on the beta is that the naming is confusing. The manual has names (Locus Maps POIs and Independent POIs) which aren't used in the app, which doesn't help matters much.
We've been discussing this for some time but haven't come to a satisfactory solution yet. The entry article about points in the manual clarifies to newcomers that there are "two kinds" of POI handled. Original manual didn't regard this at all. So things have got moving :)
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Michal on May 26, 2015, 06:38:26
Gentlemen, I wrote the needed article yesterday, please feel free to comment on it: Links to it are in Route planning, Navigation settings and of course Customization sections.
Very nice, thanks &Michal.

A minor suggestion: <your route appears in Items tab as brouter<N>.gpx file. Tap it to import into the map."

And is it possible the "breadcrumb" can be turned into actual links like below so the user can navigate back up the document hierarchy? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: john_percy on May 25, 2015, 18:05:00
...The manual has names (Locus Maps POIs and Independent POIs) which aren't used in the app, which doesn't help matters much.
I've rewritten the article a bit so that it corresponds to the current usage in the app. However as I've said, it's not the final solution.
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 26, 2015, 09:46:37
And is it possible the "breadcrumb" can be turned into actual links like below so the user can navigate back up the document hierarchy?

I've already discussed it with Menion. We have to look into some dokuwiki plugins if there is some to tackle this. 
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


I think it is already changed. Check main top breadcrumbs ... there is already setup a hierarchy of page in whole wiki site. Is this what you wanted?
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PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on May 27, 2015, 13:23:17
I think it is already changed. Check main top breadcrumbs ... there is already setup a hierarchy of page in whole wiki site. Is this what you wanted?
Thanks but no - I mean the current document hierarchy on top right hand side, not top left hand side - see my screen cap. It is currently just plain text, not individual links, so you can't at present navigate back "up the document hierarchy": GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Understand understand. Anyway with these texts in top right, I'm unable to do anything. But instead of this, I was able to change breadcrumbs on place visible on Michal screenshot - in top left part of screen. There should be now correct hierarchy with ability to move one (or more) step back. believe that better then nothing ;).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems):
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Yeah! That's what we want... Now i know where i'm in the doc jungle ;)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on May 28, 2015, 06:53:39
I was able to change breadcrumbs on place visible on Michal screenshot - in top left part of screen.
That's much more useful. Thank you. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a



QuoteAvailable context menu items:
Navigate to, Guide to, Compass, Hide, Delete

...and now

Navigate to, Guide to, Compass, Edit, Hide, Delete

thx Menion ;)


PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague

Andrew Heard

@Michal - maybe a suggestion for navigation/guiding - I read somewhere you try to keep each topic in just one place, however I was trying to get some information on navigation mode, so I first went to because there are no "top level" topics in the contents. It mentions "about...routes, "route planning & editing" but none provide a link into navigation mode which I found confusing. So then after a search I learnt that navigation/guiding is under "functions" - that's fine, but maybe some cross links from the tracks/routes section(s) of the manual into guidance & navigation topics could also be useful.

For example from convert the existing text "can transform a previously recorded track into a route and navigate along it" into actual link? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a