[APP] - version 2.20.X+ (updated 27.5.2014)

Started by Menion, March 25, 2014, 16:20:46

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Quote from: ta-ka on May 20, 2014, 07:00:17

It appears only if 'Always hidden' or 'Hide...while' is selected.
Because I want to see both right buttons and recording panel tab,
I select 'Hide...while' and set 86400s to 'Hide menu timeout'.

Thank you for this tip.

Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


QuotePlease check your setting at Settings > Map - control & panels > Right panel visibility.
In my case, if 'Never hide' is set, recording panel tab at left-bottom doesn't appear at all.
It appears only if 'Always hidden' or 'Hide...while' is selected.
you are right ;)
if i change the setting, i also see the REC-button, Thanks
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@eldron: thanks for testing. Both problem are known for me (also during my bike tests ;) )

1. labels on altitude chart will need some more changes - test - changes - test, but soon or later I'm sure it will work correctly

2. correctly you should see only last 100 recorded points. So problem is that chart isn't correctly rescaled immediately, but just after it receive another point. It's fix it.

@eldron, ta-ka: we discuss this earlier. It's intent. There are two conditions to see this state left button
1. Android 4.0+
2. 'Track record' button should not be permamently visible as ta-ka found. If you have this button on right panel and this panel is always visible, button won't be visible because it's not needed.
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In my eyes this track record screen isn´t usefull very much as long, as you are on the road, because it covers the whole map.
While driving, cycling or even walking you can´t use this screen with a small 4" display.
I add some information panels to a dashboard, so I can control speed and distance with map in the background.
And try to get this track record screen, while you are walking or cycling uphill with left button.
Have a look at Gyntas screenshot (the right one from http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=3919.msg29346#msg29346) 7! buttons or info panels for track recording? I have both buttons in the same time too right and left.
Regards J.


Jusc I think it always depend on everyone, what he wants, what he currently do, etc.

Example: I was on short bike trip. Because I like stats and I ride around 10 km on know track, I was watching dashboard. Then I turn to forest and I needed map. Dashboard was useless in this case, so I simply hide it. If you need to ride with map, I think you do not need watch some dashboard values and opposite. Anyway what I wrote in first sentence - depend on user (and also screen size of his device :) ). I generally do not see anything negative on new panel for track record. Anyway I'm open for an constructive critics.

Also as you know me, I do not do 'final solutions'. So if time show, that this panel may be done better, I'll do it.
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Quote from: menion on May 20, 2014, 08:14:33
2. 'Track record' button should not be permamently visible as ta-ka found. If you have this button on right panel and this panel is always visible, button won't be visible because it's not needed.

" If you have this button on right panel and this panel is always visible, button won't be visible because it's not needed."
Ahh, but If you use the record buttons with a dasboard as shown in Gyntas screen, the left button comes up too, even you didn´t configure the record button to the "right disapearing panel". The additional left button isn´t needed too, if you use track recording with dashboard.
Is it possible to make it depending from settings? Default could be leaved untouched, but for me .... :)
Regards J.


btw. dashboard:
turning display (portrait <-> landscape) ignores "Resize by top panel" and "Resize by bottom panel"

tap on track (eg to use guiding,...) first time after starting locus, "Resize by top panel" and "Resize by bottom panel" was ignored.
see clip


during last days i have recorded some tracks and used the "track record panel"
my impression:
1.please add text or/and icon so user direct see the function of "Buttons".
"chart (1)" for example "Altitude chart"
"chart (2)" for example "Speed chart"
2. while using chart during movement only the last 2 km of the track are displayed and if standing still the whole distance is visible. Is there a possibility to view allways the whole distance?
3. Is it possible, if top or bottom field is not used for a "chart" to display item name and value one behind the other? In my example i see "Speed" in bottomfield, but not the value :( there is enough space ;)
4. Sometimes when i click the "back button" of the recordpanel or the "back button" of the device, i get a" white recordpanel" and i have to click once more the "back button" of the device to see the map.
Till now i found no way to reproduce it purposely :-[

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on May 22, 2014, 09:00:10
3. Is it possible, if top or bottom field is not used for a "chart" to display item name and value one behind the other? In my example i see "Speed" in bottomfield, but not the value :( there is enough space ;)
You should be able to scroll down to see the rest of the "speed" field.
But i do agree that scrolling down shouldn´t be necessary, as the value could be displayed next to the text.


uff, this was long week ... new test version. Enjoy weekend and expect release during probably wednesday/thursday of next week.
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QuoteNew testing version: - RC1
News compare to previous
-added working version of automatic GC Offlinizer (for now enabling in config.cfg)
-added ability to define TOP, BOTTOM position for icons in Dashboard item
-added support for Maidenhead coordinate system
-created ability to import "Backup" (restore)
-added ability to share successful backup directly after backup
-made a lot optimizations in chart rendering
-fixed problem with chart scale in track record panel right after panel appear
-improve design of log a cache options
-improved formatting of field notes
-improved icon picker for Geocache waypoints
-new style for context menu of logs
-fixed small problems with recognizing a caches
-fixed incorrect visibility of main panels after rotate
-fixes in track recording settings
-fixed problem with notification on new point over API (after changes)
-better handling of request over Locus API. Also changes to match new API system
-small improvements in GPX export (custom icons)
-a huge number of other small fixes and improvements


Looking forward to next official version in next week.
Have a nice and relaxed weekend!


tap on track (eg to use guiding,...) first time after starting locus, "Resize by top panel" and "Resize by bottom panel" was ignored. (see post #336 from May 20, 2014, 11:33:07)


thanks Christian. Weekend will be fully bike-testing, so hope weather will be better then today in Czech. Nice weekend to you too.
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missing (again) new translation words.
a checkup AFTER release is boring :)