Automatic Display activation

Started by jusc, August 13, 2013, 19:32:50

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alerts, commands, instructions - it's all same. When you start guide on a track without existing commands (like track generated by MapQuest), Locus use internal navigation generator and create a temporary waypoints. Guidance feature then notify on places where these waypoints exists. So yes, if you decrease amount of generated commands, you will also get a less alerts :).

You may write all commands manually into GPX file or you may create them manually before you start your ride. In latest beta version is possible to "convert" any trackpoint to navigation waypoint with command (in tools menu of "edit on map"). So you may prepare everything before ride. But more about this may be already read in different topic, like this: I think ...
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Third test while trail running with smartphone in my hand. Guiding works!
Today i set "numbers of alerts" to "low" and "missed" some junctions - not really missed 'cause i know the way. After running i created a copy of the track with commands (attached) and had a look into it.
I noticed that some waypoint are wrong or unnecessary and makes me wired.
Wrong means = i.e. "keep right" in front of a junctions, but the right command should be "straight on" or nothing. (see wrong_1) i.e.  @ 48.039008°N, 11.378582°O .
Wrong means also = miss two commands on path on a junction going short right and than left. After this situation there is a command "keep left" :( (see wrong_2) i.e.  @ 48.034783°N, 11.364872°O
Unneccesary means = Path is going quite straight and w/o any junctions, but commands are generated.(see unnecessary_3) i.e. @ 48.034560°N, 11.367620°O
If i'm guided "by display" i'm not worried about this, guided by sounds only will directly lead into serious errors.
So it needs still a little bit of tuning.

All waypoints created by Locus for commands had a wrong create time stamp = 1970-01-01 01:00:00. (The scary timestamp monster is crawling through the database again  :) )


Hello Christian,

thank you for a test.

I think it is needed to keep in mind, how generating of waypoints in Locus works. Maybe tommi and 0709 (authors of this system), may give you more precise description, but I'll try it also.

Forget on what is in real along the track. Like display only blank map and place a track over it. This is all what Locus knows in moment, track is computed. And only thanks to shape of track are commands generated. So in case of first problem, track is really moving slightly to right. In case of second problem, small right and immediately left is so small (because you set "low" amount of commands), then this is ignored and only small curve to left is used. Same with third problem.
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Hi menion,
I already know the system of blank map and the track over it.
But as human being I check it against the map.
So I'm interested in an appropriate solution.

Status sounds to me: use medium numbers of alerts and you have all alerts needed and in addition a lot of unnecessary waypoints and little bit of battery drain more therefore. If you use low numbers of alert you may will miss some junctions and sounds will not work reliably
Am I wrong? It's for my understanding only.


Yes, it is correct. For car navigation may be useful "low" value as there are usually not so short corners. For bike/hike is better "medium", in case of really complicated path should be useful "high".

Till Locus won't be able to in any way reuse map background directly, I see no solution, to adapt navigation commands to real situation on the road ...
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Quote from: ChristianFirst stage: passed.
Second stage: battery drain, sound and beauty culture.

Entering now the second stage after the last test yesterday. Test was successfully on trails figured like a "8" but heavy to predict where to go due to the missing arrows on the track (and usually used track styles for elevations and now altitude gradient).

Track styles:
There are the first complaints in german thread about track style in Guidance. So @menion can you please care about this?
Your approach:
Quote from: menion
What you also looking for - option to display original track screen - if you guidance/navigation where navigation generator generates completely new track with commands, then original track is temporary hidden
The target should be not to use a additional track style, only the style defined as folder style or particular track style.

i know the discussion about sound in the thread "navigation generator" and i'm aware that navigation and guidance are going to be merged. So I would like let the guys in this thread decide what kind of sound to be used in Navigation and Guidance. My preferences are: clear and unique sound for "left, "right" as different, highly recognizable beeps -  or better - simple triads as mp3 files.

Battery drain:
After six hours of using guidance on trails figured as "8" and a lot of beeps due to false alerts of "away from track" closed to a military area the battery was empty :( I'm not sure what can be improved : less rendering of track? tuned numbers of commands? I played around with settings and would like to ask an additional menu item in Guidance icon top left (when guidance is on) - there should be "settings" as item in menu also. I have to change some settings (numbers of alerts, value for "away from track", strict guiding, change to next point) every time i change the kind of sport and sometimes - like yesterday - during the ride multiple times. So it can be a useful shortcut for the user.

Apart from that - Guidance is a milestone in Locus and absolutely great!


0709, lets have a look into the first post where the request for "Automatic display activation = guiding with display and sounds" was written.
Milestone because the Automatic display activation while guiding is working now. (Little bit of tuning regarding the numbers of alerts is possible). Riding my bikes, waiting for display and beep and in 99,5% i'm happy.

Now we go ahead and hope the sound and track style are working soon.
I know you are involved in that heavy, high sophisticated and highly complicated Navigation Generator stuff - but here in this small Guidance-thread the things are more easy.
I'm not interested in any manually edited tcx-files, pimped tts-files or any "how to's" for solutions still to come. Sorry for that but i can't agree with you.


Question: color of tracks during guidance

What you expect?
- keep original color - will be clear which track is active?
- use color of folder? - why this, does it make a sense?
- use color from settings > misc - current approach
- use color from settings > guidance - probably most logical right?
- any other more logical idea?
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Quote- use color from settings > guidance - probably most logical right?
+1 8)
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39
Question: color of tracks during guidance
- use color from settings > guidance - probably most logical right?
That's it, because the color of the guided track belongs to guidance.
But it would be great, if the line style might also be set in this context to have a possibilty to indicate the direction (e.g. any arrow style, because is often difficult to read the display of the smartphone in light surroundings quickly.


Quote from: Hadubrand on April 27, 2015, 09:38:41
But it would be great, if the line style might also be set in this context to have a possibilty to indicate the direction (e.g. any arrow style, because is often difficult to read the display of the smartphone in light surroundings quickly.
I also want line style setting for arrow type. If this idea is adopted, please take care to reverse arrow direction for reverse guidance.


Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39
Question: color of tracks during guidance
What you expect?
Here my opinion to all suggestions
Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39
- keep original color - will be clear which track is active?
For me this would be fine, because I follow only 1 track at a time and disable other tracks.
Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39
- use color of folder? - why this, does it make a sense?
For me OK, see above.
Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39
- use color from settings > misc - current approach
In my opinion not logical, because it deals with imported tracks
Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39
- use color from settings > guidance - probably most logical right?
My favourite but please with an option to set a line style - see my previous message.
Quote from: menion on April 27, 2015, 08:34:39- any other more logical idea?
Not at the moment.


Common users like me use Locus and don't know what is computed in the background and whats the relations between the modules.
If a user choose a track from track list with its properties (always set, i.e. line style, ...) he expect that this properties are displayed in all cases.
Quote from: menionWhat you expect?
- keep original color...
Thats the one and only solution: original track style.
Apart from that: arrows, gradient, altitude in line style are absolutely great. Why not to use it in Guidance???
But you can give users the choice which style they want to use. Default: original line style ;)

Quote from: menionWhat you expect?
...- will be clear which track is active?
Thats another problem has to be solved separately. Do you remember my question about 'how to display multiple tracks at same time'? I guess i have to set up a request...


Yesterday i found some small issues in Guidance:
: beeps can not be heard when velocity is over 40 km/h, even if notification volume is on max. Is there a possibility that Locus overwrite the setting in Android for "volumes of notifications"?

: the day before the tour i prepared a track for guidance (copy of an existing track + commands). Than i had to delete all the unnessecary Nav WPs manually. Very cumbersome :( So I decided to delete the copy and use "change WP into Nav WP) instead and set all Nav WP manually in original track. Thats a lot faster! So this function is more worthy than the function setting NavWP integrated in Guidance :(
But did i commented that i'm not interested in preparing tracks manually?

: On tour we stopped on a Nav WP by change and had a break for ~20min. In this time the display was still activated even i switched off the display it was activated again automatically. I minimized Locus by home button but display was kept activated. I had to cancel Guidance to stop this heavy battery drain :( (calculation: display setting in Android = 30sec dimming + 30sec until getting blank. 20min display on is equal to 20 Nav WPs = ~ 35km. At the end of the day it lacks on battery)
So alerts for Nav WP should have a time out, i.e double or triple value from Android settings for dimming the display (if Locus can read this settings) or another value, i.e. 2min.