Automatic Display activation

Started by jusc, August 13, 2013, 19:32:50

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Was a good value during beta testing.
This value should not activate display, isn't?


Actually it should. Because this value say a distance when Locus switch to another trackpoint so a moment when Locus also turn on screen. Since that moment till you pass a changed trackpoint, Locus try to keep screen on. Anyway when you have defined 60 metres and when you have some own defined navigation waypoints, only from 60 to 0 metres before these waypoints!, screen should be turn on. Weird.

Looks to me a really similar to this issue: , so there is definitely some problem I'm unable to simulate. Have to dig in deeper, thanks for now.
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Quote from: 0709 on June 25, 2015, 20:24:34
In Navigation the auto screen on/off function works perfect. As I do not use, nor test guiding, I now did only a very short first  guiding autoscreen on/off test. I have the impression that there is a screen on trigger on each trackpoint ? On Navpoints  additionaly there is that  notification sound.  No ?

Hmm this should happen only in case of enabled "Notify on every trackpoint".
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Quote from: menion on June 25, 2015, 20:28:17....Looks to me a really similar to this issue: , so there is definitely some problem I'm unable to simulate. Have to dig in deeper, thanks for now.
Yes. Its similar. So I guess we have a bug :(


Christian, are you willing to do a field test with special version that will print out extra information to log? Because I see absolutely no reason why this may happen :/
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Yes, next week I can test something.
Be aware I am using Android 4.1.1...


Hmm nice videos, thanks. It works for you exactly as I should expect to work it. Unfortunately even you do not get any permanent "turn-onning" like Christian.

It me more and more force to really completely removing "guidance" from Locus (as was suggested few times on different places) and just improve navigation to allow some tuning like "remove big left navigation arrow from map screen" and "keep style of track". And well ... it's maybe only main difference why not to use "navigation" and use only "guidance", right?
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Andrew Heard

+1 to remove guidance & integrate those special settings with navigation, I've always found the difference a little confusing and unnecessary

I remember @Michal's comment in 3.8.0 news and had a laugh:

"The difference between route navigation and guiding is hopefully not necessary to be explained in detail."

hmmm GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Bucky Kid

I have passed last trip using half a way guiding and half way heuristic navigation and for me the guiding (in terrain) is more convenient (including the audio notifications system). Only navigation feature I would welcome in guiding mode is auto display activation in some advance (~100m) before expected sharp turn, staying on up to the turn passed. However if there's enough pass through waypoints the screen is anyway on most of time. The screen on and audio alerts on next waypoint worked quite reliably. One question remaining is how auto display OFF should work together display always ON. I personaly vote for autodisplay ON overriding auto OFF option.


I was looking carefully on 0709 videos and as i wrote - it works as I expect it should work. Anyway it works quite weird :). Anyway because Christian also reported some issue which I do not know, why precisely it happen, in new version is system for "turn on screen" changed a little bit. Now the key parameter is "set next trackpoint". When Locus gets closer then on this value (below this value), TTS + screen on happen. Till now, this was when Locus changed from previous point to new next point. As visible on video, if distance was too long, notification happen too soon and when you get to point, screen was already turned off. So useless ... I hope this will work a lot better.
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Joachim Buhl

Hello All

I read this thread, but I do not know what's the strategy of automatic display activation in navigation mode is right now.

My understanding:
1. We have a setting in config file: navigation_announcements_times=x|x|x
    This is the time before a navigation instruction at which the display is also activated, if this is activated in settings display activation.
2. Then we have a timeout (e.g. 20sec) after which the display is turned off automatically.

So if I set the times for announcements 20|40|60, the display is theoretically turned on 60sec and is off at the turn, right?


3. There is the setting "Set next trackpoint" under settings of guiding that has influence on screen on in navigation mode?

When I set this to 10m, will the screen be activated 10m before the turn in every case? For how long (timeout from above 20sec?). Will the screen turned off 10m after the turn?

Please help me to understand.




3. nope, this settings is used only for guidance along track, not a navigation.

Anyway imagine you use guidance. Then everytime you get any notification (based on below "Set notification of next direction change"), then internal counter that count 20 seconds till "turn screen off" command is executed, is reset.

Hope this helps.
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Joachim Buhl

Hello Menion

Thanks for reply.
So in navigation mode its just the announcements defined in the config file and the display timeout of Locus, thats it, ok.

Currently I set it to 20|70 and a timeout of 10sec.

Besides that 20|70 is currently not the time Locus uses, it works well.
Around 20sec before the display turns on and you get a beep, so you can see, what to do next.
Around 5sec before the second announcement and with 10sec timeout the display is still on, when you do the turn.
Nice. Leave it like it is. Simple to use and customizable.


PS.: Test it by yourself on your bike holidays. Have a nice trip. Where will you go to?

Bucky Kid

Hello, I have suggestion to add more conditions when screen always on will activate:

- GPS fix is estabilished
- device is charged AND GPS fix is estabilished
- device is charged AND GPS is active
- device is charged AND on navigation/guiding


Quote from: menion on August 14, 2015, 06:37:55
3. nope, this settings is used only for guidance along track, not a navigation.

Anyway imagine you use guidance. Then everytime you get any notification (based on below "Set notification of next direction change"), then internal counter that count 20 seconds till "turn screen off" command is executed, is reset.

Hope this helps.

Looking for "Set notification of next direction change" in 3.17.x.
Is it gone?