Quote from: poutnikl on March 03, 2021, 12:19:53
I think it would be good if the LoProfile modification has been explicitly listed in the profile comments.
It will help with eventual coordinated development of the profile/template, not to be just a one-time action. E.g. I can include generation of explicit Loxxxx profile into my profile generation script, that creates on demand all profiles from the current template.
This is not limited to my profiles, as the script can take and modify any profile posted on GitHub.
Or, you can create a modified script version to generate LoProfiles from the current versions of the sources, unless you do not have it already.
Modifications: I will keep manual comments at the bottom of the files, that is an easy think to do, but we also encourage the usage of Git.(Tools like gitk do much better job in history bookkeeping than manual comments). Also changes via pull requests are encouraged. Currently all profiles include some minor changes (lifecycle tags awareness, turning instructions mode...), some of them are "hidden behind" the initial commit, sadly.
Generating profile variants from a template: Thanks, I wasn't aware of this script really. However we don't need to generate multiple files implementing ranges like "very easy - easy - medium - hard - very hard". What is going to happen more likely is: a single parameter ("difficulty level"), modifies a single profile (a temp. copy) in the time of request - some form of "request interceptor" inside brouter servlets. Multiple switch statements in this single profile can be seen as "difficulty presets", depending on a single variable, modified runtime. However your tool may be useful while generating those "presets". Hope this makes sense.