Everything seems to be working great with the new additions to the app. Having the screen that pops up and askes if you would like to exit "just incase you hit the back button too many times" really helped out alot. User interface is very simple and self explanitory in the application, and having such a wide variety of settings and functions makes this great.
One more quick opinion, the POI's are very easy to keep arranged and in seperate catagories so they are easy to find and keep clean, i have over 400 POI's lol. But the one issue i am seeing with somebody that creates new tracks or records multiple track files is that it becomes very very difficult to keep the tracks in order, I have over 200 tracks on this application now and trying to find the one I need is becoming very very difficult. its just one giant list of tracks that i need to scroll through, so if I have routes in multiple cities or specific types of tracks that I want to keep seperate it takes me quite awhile to find what i need. why not make a track function like with the POI's that you can make multiple folders "catagories" to keep your track logs nice and organized. Or just add the ability to create a new catagory under POI's and allow the track files to be moved there.
One more quick opinion, the POI's are very easy to keep arranged and in seperate catagories so they are easy to find and keep clean, i have over 400 POI's lol. But the one issue i am seeing with somebody that creates new tracks or records multiple track files is that it becomes very very difficult to keep the tracks in order, I have over 200 tracks on this application now and trying to find the one I need is becoming very very difficult. its just one giant list of tracks that i need to scroll through, so if I have routes in multiple cities or specific types of tracks that I want to keep seperate it takes me quite awhile to find what i need. why not make a track function like with the POI's that you can make multiple folders "catagories" to keep your track logs nice and organized. Or just add the ability to create a new catagory under POI's and allow the track files to be moved there.