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Topics - forlax_12

Troubles & Questions / Automatic map loading issue
October 20, 2022, 12:03:23

I have two vector maps.
One for the North of France and one for the south.
I have activated the option Automatic map loading.
Locus doesn't display automatically the right map.
I must go to the map menu and select the map.
And locus cannot display the north and south map at the same time (See Screenshot).
Best regrads

I use the Locus Map Classic with Android 12
Troubles & Questions / Missing Tools Button
October 02, 2013, 07:13:44
Hi Menion

Very nice job with the latest version 2.16,
But in the Data Menu, Items Tabs,
  (1) it missing the tools button on each line, to import the file.
  (2) You display the number of selected file in red if this number is greater than 1. Is it possible to display this number even if
        i  selecte one line.
Best regards
Troubles & Questions / Icon size
July 01, 2013, 08:23:43
Hi menion

Did you change the behavior of the field scale in the vector map theme file for the <symbol> section :
<symbol src="file:/symbols/hospital.png" force-draw="1" scale="1.5" />

Because since the new version the icon are smaller !

Best regards
Troubles & Questions / Share tools
June 27, 2013, 19:37:10

I installed tree time Sygic (Navigation Software) on my Galaxy S3 (Android 4.1.2)
In the share tools in Locus, i have tree lines with Sygic, like the picture below :

The two first line start Sygic, and Sygic doesn't calculate the route.
The third line start Sygic, and Sygic calculate the route.

Is it possible to remove the two first Sygic line.

Best regards
Wishlist / Map AutoZoom
January 24, 2013, 05:44:36

Is it possible to add a parameter Hysteresis (in % of speed threshold), or add the accapality to set the speed threshold.
To avoid changing several times zoom level when driving at a speed close to the speed threshold.

Best regards
Wishlist / Two little wish
January 23, 2013, 18:58:43

1) In the Data/Items, display in bold and red the directory wich contain data displayed. This is usefull if you have many directory.
2) Capabpility to export point and track in the same file.

Best regards
Troubles & Questions / Pb to import some kml file
January 12, 2013, 11:27:00

When i try to import the attached kml file, Locus does'nt import the POI, only the track.
It's strange, because it worked préviously, and work with other kml file.

Best regards
Themes - Vector maps / Display Motorway junction
December 20, 2012, 13:05:52

I would like display the mototway junction icon in the vector map.
So i added the following statement (in bold) in the xml theme

<rule e="node" k="*" v="*">
       <rule e="node" k="highway" v="*">      
           <rule e="node" k="highway" v="motorway_junction" zoom-min="14">
                        <symbol src="file:/symbols/motorway_exit.png" />


and i put the motorway_exit.png file in the right directory.

But it seem that it doesn't display what i want.

Do have i idea ??
Implemented / Import
November 05, 2012, 19:16:53

In the Data Elements Tabs, is it possible to add the import capability in the tools buton:

With Best regards

I have some problem with the Locus version 2.6

1) I use the french vector map, and i select the kml file attached with the data item menu.
The track and the POI are are displayed correctly.
When i move the map to the left (more than halft of the screen), all POI and the track disappear,and if i move the map to the right the POI and track appear !!
If i import this kml file i do not have this problem

2) I select a "Data Items" with POI and tracks, and when i restart Locus there are no POI and track on the screen.
    Locus does'nt restore the items selected before the restart.

3) When i try to import the attached kml file or other kml file, Locus said "Imported 1 tracks" but in the Track and Points Tab there are no data.
   I must leave and launch the Data Screen to see the imported track.
   In the kml file there are POI and in the "Points Tab" there are no POI !!
   (In the Import Data dialog The option "Only Display" is not checked)
   And on the map the POI icon are red circle and not the custom POI in the KML file.
   If i use the import with "Data Items" the customs POI icons are ok.
   Is not possible to modify the POI, and the only possibility is delet !!!

I attached a kml file.

Troubles & Questions / Map Manager, Items Tab
August 06, 2012, 06:34:48

In the The Map nanager , Items Tab, after importing a item, the items list is scrolled and I can't see the item I had imported.
Remark have many items in the list.

Wishlist / Google Drive and more
August 06, 2012, 06:32:03

Is it possible to Locus to scan the Google drive pinned docs files, for the map items.


After importing a map with the Map Manager menu and  Items tab, without data connection, the POI icons are very small dot !!!


1) The parameter Language doesn't work !
I change the language from French to English. I restart Locus and the texts are still in French !

2) After import a map with POI from the Map Manager and the Item tab, the POI icons are always in small size even if the parameter Icon Size is Big.

3) Is it possible to display the keyboard when adding a new point to change the default name.
Because if i seletect the name of the point, the key keybord is display, but the text is not selected, so if i want input a new name i must delete all char of the default name.


Locus Pro 2.52
HTC One S with ICS

My question is : How does text display with vector maps based on the zoom level ?
Because I find it strange how Locus works.

You find the screenshot that explains this.

You can see a map of a region of France with the city of Mulhouse :

After increasing the zoom level, the name of the city of Mullouse disappears !

After increasing the zoom level, all city names disappear !!

After increasing the zoom level, the name of the Mulhouse city is come back !!!

How explain that ?

Best Regards

Locus Pro 2.52
Troubles & Questions / POI Icon
July 06, 2012, 15:01:57

When you change the POI Icon categorie the POI icon change to the default icon (black star on orange background)


Locus Pro 2.51
HC One S with ICS
Wishlist / Some little improvement
July 05, 2012, 08:14:51

1) Is it possible to have the ok/cancel on the top of the screen to avoid to hide the keyboard to see the ok/cancel button

2) is it possible to have the direction arrows with the keybord during input text.

3) is it possible to have the text "Unknwon adress" selected in the creation of new POI, to  avoid to erase "Unknow adress" char by char!

Best regards

I think there is a bug in the track screen when you delete all the track, the screen is fully white!!

Locus Pro 2.5

I create a track with custom POI icons.
I import this google track with the Locus function Google My Map
I can see perfectly my track and my custom icons, but i think the icon size is not correct,  they are display with the small size even if i selected the big size the in the locus parameter.
But if i restart Locus all my icons are replaced by the information Locus icon.
After a short investigation i think that the problem is that the url of the custom icons use https.
I export my google track in a kml file, i replace in the kml file https by http, i import this kml file in Locus and the icons are ok.

Thank by advance
Troubles & Questions / POI Icons
June 05, 2012, 20:09:07

When i create a POI i can change the icon, but after is not possible to modify the POI icon's


Android ICS
Locus Pro ver 2.4.2