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Messages - eldron

Troubles & Questions / Locus News in Status Bar
January 13, 2025, 11:00:41
I´ve just changed phones and have installed Locus (latest Version) on my new phone (Galaxy S23). I restored all settings from a Locus Backup.
This morning I received 3 notifications on my status bar from "Locus news", Locus was not running at the time.
In all my many years of using locus I never once received "Locus News" notifications.
I checked within the Locus Settings, but could not find a way to turn them off. I don´t want to block Locus notifications in general, as I do need them for track recordings etc.
But i definitely don´t want any locus news notifications.
So my question is - how do i turn them off?
The Locus icon also has a little "3", indicating that I have 3 messages, but when I open locus there are no messages anywhere.   
The following users thanked this post: 40°
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.12.+ ( 09/2022 )
September 29, 2022, 09:00:54
the changelog states "automatic loading of fresh info for offline LoPoints" . What is meant by that?
Any chance that it fixes the issue that sometimes prevents the Offline Lopoints from loading (as described here : )?
It seems to happen less often now, but just last week I ran into the issue again.
Suddenly the LoPoints disappear from the map and when you click on "LoPoints (offline)" they don´t come back.
Also the selection doesn´t stick, so when you go back to the "Map-Screen Content" screen the offline LoPoints are not selected anymore. The Online Lopoints can be selected and work.
Restarting the App does not help, but at some point it just starts to work again. I can´t see any pattern for this behaviour.
I was using the "Germany South" map (dated September 2021).

Keep up the good work!

Edit - corrected some typos.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Troubles & Questions / Re: Questions about POIs
August 27, 2021, 09:54:25
I can already hide the zoom buttons, if you don´t have that setting you should maybe update locus. I have the same options as with the other map items (vissible, auto-hide, hide).
That´s a good idea, I´ll give the volume buttons a try. 2 finger zoom is activated, but I don´t use it much, as i normally use locus with one hand.
But I can also live with the way things are at the moment. With the size of current smartphones there is plenty of space left for the map.

And maybe at some point there will be a way to customize the GUI a bit. Because I also think that the side panel is unnecessarily wide  ;D But I have it set to auto hide now, so it doesn´t bother me much.
I guess you can never get it right for everyone anyway - a narrower side panel leaves more space for the map, but also makes the buttons harder to hit under certain cricumstances (e.g. when biking).
The following users thanked this post: Andrew Heard
@ Sonny
I actually tried to download the directly to my phone when i got back from the hike (from your DTM Germany 1" v1 folder), but it didn´t show up in the list. I think my phone had a problem to display the google drive content correctly, as it went from N50 straight to N54 in the list, with no N51 Files. I just opened the folder on the computer and all the files are there.
I´ll have a look at the files when i get home and download them on the computer this time instead of trying it on the phone.
Thanks a lot for your reply and for all your hard work to combine the elevation data from all the different sources and most of all for sharing your data with everyone. I´ll make sure to send a donation to you.
The following users thanked this post: michaelbechtold
Quote from: Locustrier on April 26, 2019, 14:22:51
Ich hätte kein Problem 50 Euro für eine App zu zahlen, wenn ich dafür nicht ewig Fehlerreporte schreiben müsste und dann die Reparaturen mehrmals nachgefixt werden müssten.

Also wenn ich überlege, was ich an Zeit reingesteckt habe, damit Menion kapiert hat, was für Daten googlemaps mit Locus austauscht, damit der Austausch zwischen den beiden Apps sinnvoll funktioniert. Aber bei Victor von Osmand habe ich mich auch schon gewundert, was ich ihm alles testen sollte, damit eine Funktion läuft.

Ab und zu frage ich mich, ob man Appentwickler wird, weil einem nichts anderes übrigbleibt.

Ich habe beruflich viel mit Microsoft Produkten zu tun und wäre heilfroh, wenn dort auch nur annähernd so schnell auf Fehlerberichte (auch sehr ausführliche) reagiert werden würde wie bei Locus. Und ich wage zu behaupten, dass Microsoft etwas mehr Ressourcen zur Verfügung hat. Teilweise sind Bugs aber, trotz vielfachen Reports und teilweise sogar vorhandenen User-Workarounds, auch nach Jahren noch vorhanden - und leider nicht nur unbedeutende Bugs.
Ich würde sogar so weit gehen zu sagen, dass mir nur wenige Apps / Programme bekannt sind, bei denen derart schnell auf Fehlerberichte reagiert wird.
Dazu ist der Entwickler sogar noch offen dankbar über Feedback und Fehlerberichte und sehr aktiv im Forum.

Wenn ich dann noch bedenke, was Locus alles an neuen Features, Funktionen und Verbesserungen erhalten habe, seit ich es vor vielen Jahren gekauft habe bin ich durchaus bereit erneut dafür zu bezahlen.
The following users thanked this post: flyingman_ch, Joska
Other features / Re: New Presets feature
April 09, 2017, 22:20:56
You are the best, I´ll just wait until it´s implemented. Even as it is, the new presets are already a big help. I think this new feature has great potential for everyone who uses Locus for more than one activity.

The following users thanked this post: freischneider
I was wondering if it's somehow possible to use the "increase map resolution" setting only for tile maps.
I often switch between tile and vector maps and the tile maps (online or offline, mainly google maps) are too small to read. I then increase the map resolution in the advanced map settings and it works fine for the tile maps. But when i change back to vector maps everything is way too big.
So i was hoping that i could set the resolution just for tile maps or even per map but couldn't find anything. Even a quick way of changing the resolution from the side panel would be great.
Any ideas on how to do that?
The following users thanked this post: Viajero Perdido