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Messages - MacBo


I'm using Locus Map 4. With the latest LoMap update for "Germany North" (2022.08.15), I suddenly see strange blue areas (with diagonal white lines) in at least one certain map area that is formed like a rectangle (they are no lakes or something). See screenshots. The blue areas are not solid, more like usually blank spots between green areas (e.g. forests). That wasn't there with the previous map version. I don't see the rectangle with the blue spots anywhere else on the Germany LoMaps.

I'm using the internal map themes. But it doesn't matter which one I select. The blue area stays. Only when using an external theme, the map appears normal. Is there an update for the internal themes that I have to install as well? Or is it a glitch in the map?


It seems the latest update of the watch plugin has solved the issue. The position is shown immediately when waking up the screen of the watch. Thanks!

Troubles & Questions / Google Drive access
January 18, 2022, 09:44:24

I'm using the latest Locus Map 4 (Gold) on a Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra (Android 12, One UI 4.0). I'm pretty sure the following issue started showing after system changes with the latest Android updates.

Since one of the latest updates (either Android or Locus Map) my (track and settings) backup is not getting uploaded to Google Drive anymore. I logged out of Google Drive (from within the Backup Manager panel) and logged back in (confirmed login and all). The Google Drive directory shows. But still no upload starts when I manually save all settings although the last backup is older than the given time (7 days). Until a couple of days ago even little changes e.g. to my tracks where uploaded almost immediately to Google Drive. Something broken there?


Edit: Switched to Dropbox too. Nothing. I can't find the local zip file either (manual nor automatic).

I'm using the latest Locus Map 4 (Gold) on a Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra (Android 12, One UI 4.0). I'm pretty sure the following issue has occured due to system changes with the latest Android updates. But I guess there should be a fix. Maybe it's already in the making?

When importing GPX files, from time to time I used to import multiple tracks at once - using the track panel, "plus" button, import, internal memory and then select multiple files in the file browser. With the current version I can select only one file at a time. So importing multiple tracks has become quite a hassle. Importing from outside Locus Map (selecting multiple files in a file manager and then "share" to or "open with" Locus Map) isn't much better either, only one of the selected files ends up in my tracks. Although I believe that's not much different from before: importing multiple files from outside never worked properly to begin with. Now from inside unfortunately is off the table for now as well.

Other features / Re: New track popup
May 13, 2021, 19:54:05

There's something else in the new trackpoint screen I need some help with. In the old version when I picked a trackpoint and went to the elevation tab, I saw a little marker on the elevation profile showing where my chosen point would be. Now all I seem to be able to do is pick any point in the profile and THEN have it show where that position on the track is on the map, but not the other way around. Any way of accomplishing that too now?

Other features / Re: New track popup
May 09, 2021, 21:32:16

Ok, found it. Yes, that's what I was looking for. Maybe a bit more interaction required than before. But that's ok considering the new popup. Thanks for the hint!

Other features / New track popup
May 09, 2021, 16:25:59

I really like the new track popup in the latest Locus 4. One thing I'm missing though is the info how many km are still to go at that specific point of the track, and also how many have already been completed there. That information used to show up every time I clicked on any point of a track right away. Can I enable that somewhere in the settings? Or am I just not seeing this in the popup? I know, the elevation profile shows it on the x-axis. But that's rather coarse.
Sorry if the question already came up. I didn't find anything with the words I'm using here or was just inept to do so.

I believe Navigation suits roads, Guidance is for off-road destinations like geocaches or the summit of a mountain etc. But I never really experienced the practical difference myself.

The helpdesk is usually pretty quick answering any kind of questions or requests. Developers are contributing there.

Sorry, no. I hardly ever use guidance or navigation because I often leave my predefined track and wander off on purpose. But I read about that warning vibration in the manual. Guess it only applies to the phone, not the watch.



I tested the "Show last app" setting today too, and I can confirm it works the way you describe it. It's not much time to see everything I need to see in most situations. But it's enough for a quick glance to see whether I'm still on my track.

Thanks for the hint and for your efforts.


Thanks for the hint. I tested Shaker on my yesterday's hike. That was not the real deal yet. The screen went black before showing my updated position - I believe. It felt like when I woke up the screen with the gesture (raising my wrist to take a look at the watch), and then shake my wrist, nothing else happened because Locus Maps was of course already on. So the screen turned off as usual before the updated marker showed up. Maybe I did it wrong. Plus the shaker fired in normal situations too often for my taste, so I ended up setting it to 2 shakes for Locus Maps, so maybe I failed to shake it twice properly in these situations. Hard to tell without more thorough testing. I'll try that other setting as soon as I can.

I mean for a quick look at my wrist, e.g. to merely see whether I'm still on my track, I doubt so far there is a proper solution to begin with. It seems I'll have to touch the screen to find or switch to the marker (using the position button) thus keeping it awake until the update. But I find myself zooming in and out or moving around the map anyway when "waiting" for my correct position, which is not a real issue when on foot having my hands free. Without the screen turning off too soon, I'd just stare at the screen for the same length of time without doing anything. So the actual problem still remains.

Yeah, an update of the plugin would be nice. But as one of the developers told me elsewhere, the person who is reponsible for the watch plugin does not work for them anymore unfortunately. And no one else got into his code so far. So until they appoint or hire someone else for that task, the plugin stays as is.
