Delay in showing position on Galaxy Watch

Started by MacBo, March 04, 2021, 15:10:49

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I'm using the latest version of the Locus Map Watch add-on and the latest Pro Version 3.5 on Android as well as the Beta 4. I set sending data to the add-on whenever needed. Still, in both versions it always takes a few seconds to show my correct position on the watch or to show it at all when I wake up the display of the watch. Is there a way of speeding this up?


Edit: The app on the phone shows my position almost immediately when turning on the screen. The app itself is not allowed to go to sleep in the background, and is active according to the L-icon in the notification bar of the phone.


I have recently bought Galaxy watch and I have the same "problem" . What's worse is that Samsungs "wake up" gesture shows display for only 6 second, it takes 4 seconds for Locus addon to show my position, so you have only 2 second to see where you are. Basically I need to raise my hand twice in short time, or disable wake up gesture in settings of galaxy watch and tap on display ( I have 15 seconds of screen time).

Well there is a workaround for this. I dont have to turn off wake up gestures in settings of Galaxy watch anymore or do the gesture twice. Shaker app can do the trick. So -first of all set Shaker launcher ON, then you set 1 shake for Locus map and last setting is Screen on duration (10-15 is sufficient). Well - rise your hand, shake once and now you have plenty of time to see your position.

Yes, speeding up of addon would be better solution, but my workaround is OK for walking or bike.

EDIT: I have been digging through the internet and I think there is a solution without shaker app. Some reddit user was looking for a similar solution for some music player. Try this:

Settings -> Display -> Show last app, change this to 1 hour

I went for a short walk and it looks like it is working. Now it takes 1,5 s to show my position, even after few minutes without wakeing up the watch . It looks like Tizen will keep Locus "ready" in memory for 1 hour. Try and let me know if it is working for you



Thanks for the hint. I tested Shaker on my yesterday's hike. That was not the real deal yet. The screen went black before showing my updated position - I believe. It felt like when I woke up the screen with the gesture (raising my wrist to take a look at the watch), and then shake my wrist, nothing else happened because Locus Maps was of course already on. So the screen turned off as usual before the updated marker showed up. Maybe I did it wrong. Plus the shaker fired in normal situations too often for my taste, so I ended up setting it to 2 shakes for Locus Maps, so maybe I failed to shake it twice properly in these situations. Hard to tell without more thorough testing. I'll try that other setting as soon as I can.

I mean for a quick look at my wrist, e.g. to merely see whether I'm still on my track, I doubt so far there is a proper solution to begin with. It seems I'll have to touch the screen to find or switch to the marker (using the position button) thus keeping it awake until the update. But I find myself zooming in and out or moving around the map anyway when "waiting" for my correct position, which is not a real issue when on foot having my hands free. Without the screen turning off too soon, I'd just stare at the screen for the same length of time without doing anything. So the actual problem still remains.

Yeah, an update of the plugin would be nice. But as one of the developers told me elsewhere, the person who is reponsible for the watch plugin does not work for them anymore unfortunately. And no one else got into his code so far. So until they appoint or hire someone else for that task, the plugin stays as is.




Hmm that is strange. On Saturday I had exactly the same problem like you and I was kind of pissed. I did the trick with Shaker but found better solution. One setting in watch "Settings -> Display -> Show last app, change this to 1 hour" and the problem is gone. Like I wrote 2 day ago, I went for a walk and it was working. Today I went for a bike and I can confirm that it is definitely working (at least for me - Samsung Active 1+ Xiaomi Mi9). On Saturday it took 4s to show my position, I have changed "show last app" from 20 seconds to 1 hour and now I can see my position in 1 second every time I do the wake up gesture. Today I was on bike for 1 hour so I tested it properly :)

So once again :) On Saturday it was working like this - Wake Up gesture so I had 6s (it cant be changed, it is deafult by Samsung) until screen went black, it took 4s for Locus addon to show my position so I had to rise my hand twice as I barely could see in 2 second where I am .... or Tap the screen so I had 15 seconds (can be changed in settings) - but tapping the screen on bike and with gloves on my hands is hell :)
Then I bought Shaker app, set it to 1 shake and screen duration to 10 seconds. Wake up gesture (quick rise of hand from handle bar), than 1 shake (you need to turn your wrist, not to shake really :) ) and my screen was ON for 10 seconds ... 4s of waiting for addon to show my position so I had 6s to see where I am :)

Then I found solution with watch settings "Settings -> Display -> Show last app, change this to 1 hour" in deafult it was 20 seconds so I changed it to 1 hour. I have turned off Shaker App. Now every time I rise my hand I can see my position in 1 second and I have 5 more to watch the map :)

Maybe I can do a video for you so you can see how it is working for me :)




I tested the "Show last app" setting today too, and I can confirm it works the way you describe it. It's not much time to see everything I need to see in most situations. But it's enough for a quick glance to see whether I'm still on my track.

Thanks for the hint and for your efforts.



Hi, Ok, no problem :)

You can still Tap on Screen so you have much more time (I have 15 seconds) to see everything or use Shaker, you only need to twist your wrist immediately after wake up gesture (raising hand) ,but in my case 6 second is enough for checking my position.

It is pitty that developer of the plugin dont work with them anymore. It would be great if watch could vibrate while navigating. I was looking for setting so the phone could vibrate when change of direction is coming, but didnt find any ... do you have experience with that? :)



Sorry, no. I hardly ever use guidance or navigation because I often leave my predefined track and wander off on purpose. But I read about that warning vibration in the manual. Guess it only applies to the phone, not the watch.




Ok, thanks anyway. I use predefined track as well (for hiking), phone only vibrates when you are off the track but in case of using turn by turn navigation for bike\car, the only option is voice or nothing. It would be great if phone could also vibrate in case of changing direction. I will try to ask elsewhere in forum, maybe there is a solution for this.



The helpdesk is usually pretty quick answering any kind of questions or requests. Developers are contributing there.



Thanks for pointing me to helpdesk, I found out today that "Guidance" has a setting for notifications with vibration ...I dont know what is the difference between Navigation and Guidance (it looks the same to me), but I will try it before I will contact developers.

EDIT: lol When I choose Guidance, I cant recalculate the route  ;D anyway I am going to try it if the phone will vibrate at least.


I believe Navigation suits roads, Guidance is for off-road destinations like geocaches or the summit of a mountain etc. But I never really experienced the practical difference myself.



Hi guys,
I'm watching by one eye this discussion so there is probably no need for a topic on the help desk.

Watches .. sorry, as mentioned earlier > we currently miss dev for this task. Work on watches is still planned, but priorities now are different.

About vibration during navigation > hmm interesting idea. It is really useful on the phone? In the Locus  Store exists a "morse voice", that simply "beep" instead of any voice. Isn't this an alternative solution?
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Hi Menion,

"About vibration during navigation > hmm interesting idea. It is really useful on the phone?"

Well, I think it is useful :) It has something to do with Galaxy Watch addon (which is by the way the best app in my watch). When I am hiking I dont need to use turn-by- turn navigation, voice guidance or whatever ... It is enough when phone vibrate when you are off the track ... but when I am on bike, the situation is completly different. The thing is, like in the car it is good while you are watching situation on the road and navigation will tell you that you should turn in 100 m so you check the screen for a while.

On the bike, in heavy traffic it may happen that you wont hear the voice of the navigation (until you are using headphones) and the watch dont vibrate (neither the phone), so on the crossroad you have to check your watch (very often) if you should turn or not. I have my phone in bike jersy pocket, so it would be great if instead of voice command, the phone could vibrate to let me know change of direction is coming and I should look at the watch.

Also this is the problem in turn-by-turn while you are walking in the city. No voice command means you have to check your watch all the time. Voice command means people are turning all the time as your phone is quite loud :) So ideal situation is to left my phone in the pocket and vibrate when change of direction is coming.


It seems the latest update of the watch plugin has solved the issue. The position is shown immediately when waking up the screen of the watch. Thanks!



Thanks for the info MacBo! I made quite a lot of minor changes in the app during the last weeks, so I'm glad that some of the improvements helped!
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