New track popup

Started by MacBo, May 09, 2021, 16:25:59

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I really like the new track popup in the latest Locus 4. One thing I'm missing though is the info how many km are still to go at that specific point of the track, and also how many have already been completed there. That information used to show up every time I clicked on any point of a track right away. Can I enable that somewhere in the settings? Or am I just not seeing this in the popup? I know, the elevation profile shows it on the x-axis. But that's rather coarse.
Sorry if the question already came up. I didn't find anything with the words I'm using here or was just inept to do so.



nono this, is a very good question. For now, this feature is hidden under the info of a single trackpoint. To display this info, simply tap on the track on the map, and in the new track screen, tap on the first bottom-left button. Does it display what you expected? The big news in the new trackpoint screen is a distance at the top. It should be the real distance from your current location to the selected trackpoint along the track!
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Ok, found it. Yes, that's what I was looking for. Maybe a bit more interaction required than before. But that's ok considering the new popup. Thanks for the hint!



There's something else in the new trackpoint screen I need some help with. In the old version when I picked a trackpoint and went to the elevation tab, I saw a little marker on the elevation profile showing where my chosen point would be. Now all I seem to be able to do is pick any point in the profile and THEN have it show where that position on the track is on the map, but not the other way around. Any way of accomplishing that too now?



good question. This is currently not easily possible. Improvements regard the new track screen are planned so I'll keep this in my mind.
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