Important links
- blog post ( about major version
- list of news ( of public versions
15. 3. 2018 - Locus 3.30.0
19. 3. 2018 - Locus 3.30.1
23. 3. 2018 - Locus - BETA
10. 4. 2018 - Locus - BETA
15. 4. 2018 - Locus 3.30.3
20. 4. 2018 - Locus - BETA
26. 4. 2018 - Locus 3.30.4
18. 5. 2018 - Locus - BETA
Yesterday I downloaded the maps from the locus store to my new mobile using Pro Locus (no beta), but it did not allow me to queue the downloads.
download the map of Italy, press the arrow back (on display or on back button it's the same) but does not return to the map menu to download the next one, it remains still on the page of the map I was currently downloading.
1. I didn't really expect the Star Wars initialisation screen to make it into the final version. I think you might come up with something else.
2. Problem of losing permissions for backup directory on external SD remains, though the initial "/" has disappeared.
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because of this issue, I released new version today and not yesterday. Anyway I still think, that problem is not perfectly solved. Will need more time to finally find out why this stupid "not working back" happen, sorry.
- initialization progress: hmm and why not? Most of information there is not useful, it just needs to display that something happen. And if this information may be little "fun", then why not. Maybe users will be angry because of few lines of texts (to be true, I expect this), then we will change it. Without try, I never know ;).
- and issue with backup ... sorry, I have absolutely no idea why this happen just on your device. Suggest to place backup dir back to default Locus/backup directory.
Strange behaviour with new version:
- Start Locus: OK
- Exit Locus by tapping "Back" twice: OK
- Start Locus again: Force close
- Start Locus again: All fine
Can be repeated indefinitely - every time after Locus was exited (not just sent to background), Locus FCs, but after that works again.
Edit: Reproducible on Galaxy Note 4 and Tab Pro 8.4, so probably not a fluke...
Hi menion
Quoteimprovement of handling GPS data
only impemented in PRO ?? strength bars and used sats are different, my device lays in both cases indoor on my desk
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hmm interesting. How long do you wait till you start Locus Map again? What happen if you wait more then 5 seconds?
you scary me little bit :). Anyway after check, both versions should be exactly same.
Suggest to start both app, one after another, and on both some "GPS-require" service, like POI Alert. Then check them quickly by switching over hardware keys. Should be really same ...
First impression: the system notification bar is distractingly BLUE. Ow, it hurts the eyes! The map can be a thing of beauty, but this thing is trying to get my attention away from it. Any chance of getting black back?
Actually, my first impression was the new startup scroll. Love it; thanks for the laugh.
PS, I'm not seeing the force-close issue slarti76 mentioned, on either of my devices. I tested each device with both quick (<5s) and slow (>5s) restarts. All okay here.
Glad you like funny start up. Well Star wars times are back :).
And blue status bar ... partially changed by accident, partially preparation on change in UI of main screen. I'll put it black to dark color as was before ... for now ;).
Quoteone after another, and on both some "GPS-require" service, like POI Alert.
BTW: POI Alert is only available in Pro ;)
QuoteShould be really same ...
not for me and my device :-[
German language is PRO. english is FREE
I was hopeful reading in the change log, that full screen would only apply to maps.
Now, when handling POIs and tracks, the save buttons are still at the very bottom of the screen, messing with the soft buttons of Android.
sorry, for me it works same as see on screenshot from dual-screen mode
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Only weird difference is height of colour columns with satellite signal, interesting. Anyway do not consider this as a problem. As I wrote before, sats are only informative value that may not be exactly accurate in latest version due to change in background system how Locus Map works with GPS.
do not understand what is a problem now. Previously bottom panel covered bottom confirm/cancel buttons on many screens. This does not happen now, right? So new problem is, that bottom buttons are too close to bottom system navigation panel?
1) Thanx for getting black status bar back - prefer that, too :)
2) I must admit I can't reproduce the FC all the time as written, but it happens ever so often, after long or short pause, starting Locus from launcher or recent apps scroller alike. Not really annoying, but definitely new. Need a debug log?
3) On my S5neo, the startup screen (the scrolling Star Trek/Wars thingy) does not show at all, instead for a short time I see the default map button setup, before everything's as it should be - see attachment.
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
Quote from: Saturo on March 16, 2018, 08:46:56
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
Quote from: Christian on March 16, 2018, 09:41:57
Quote from: Saturo on March 16, 2018, 08:46:56
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
thanks @slarti76 , I think I have found reason why this happen (crash after restart), so next version.
If you do not see start loading screen, it's ideal. It means, that Locus does not need to do some heavy loading of stuff at start and start should be quite fast. Visible UI after start seems to be not correctly and fastly hidden full UI of app ... I'll look at it, thanks.
perfect, thanks!
@Saturo , @Christian
what is main problem of this screen for you? Because system is almost identical to what was in previous versions. Only visible change is that instead of "Initializing maps", you see "Control of imperial fleet position", etc. Does anyone care about what is being initialized? Most important is to use app as fast as possible, right? ;)
I like your improvement to GPS, hope they work well. As for the startup screen, it may be funny for a moment, but not in the long run. I'd choose something more conservative.
What kind of panel appears (and hides quicky) on the screen when Locus is loading?
Quote from: john_percy on March 16, 2018, 09:56:51
Quote from: Christian on March 16, 2018, 09:41:57
Quote from: Saturo on March 16, 2018, 08:46:56
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
What's the matter with you guys that a harmless bit of fun upsets you? It certainly doesn't stop Locus being the best navigation app in history!
I recently had Locus crash on me really hard... losing all settings and basically everything else. Fine I thought... doesn't happen very often really... I can simply restore the last Auto-Backup and be a happy camper again.
Imagine my surprise when Locus wouldn't even startup anymore... apparently because I had no internet?! Some weird stuff about initializing and downloading and "unknown problem code 10099".
Well guess what... I was on top of a mountain and in desperate need of Locus to backtrack my own steps through a glacier as the fog was rolling in. And there was no bloody internet for miles and ages!
So what's the story here? No internet, no Locus? Thats one of the biggest blunders I can possibly imagine for an outdoorsy adventure app. What if that crash had not happened in Europe but on one of my other trips... like in Peru or Bolivia or Nepal or Arizona or Godknowswhere? I might have been stuck with a stubbornly playing dead Locus for a long long time. Contrary to popular belief, you can still move around this planet for many days without the slightest bit of internet anywhere to be seen.
So what's so important that you absolutely need to download and cannot live without? I surely hope it's not a license check...
Can this be fixed? I really need to get Locus up and running again, even after a hard crash and without internet.
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Under difficult conditions, I always have my Garmin Etrex with me. I mean, really, do I tell news? a smartphone plus OS plus big app like Locus is a complex thing.
About my lovely Map Items. I like to collect places for next trip on PC, then export all points to KMZ file and open it in the Locus with Map Items feature. I am planning one trip for tomorrow and made points for it, exports all points, open KMZ in Locus and hide all points that I don't need (it is easy, because all of my point grouped in folders by trips), the points are hidden, but when I zoom out map to level 8 I've seeing "clusters" for all points, even for hidden! Yes, I have Group POIs enabled, and POIs itself not visible, because I hide them, but groups are visible - I consider that is error.
Quote from: tapio on March 16, 2018, 13:10:36
As for the startup screen, it may be funny for a moment, but not in the long run. I'd choose something more conservative.
I would also prefer something more serious. I liked the behavior before Star Wars.
Who wants it, can have it. I´d like to switch it off.
Re. bottom buttons:
on the map screen they are just the same as before and on the LG G5 the Android soft buttons are fully covering the Locus buttons. But that has never been a real problem for me.
However, a number of screens (e.g. track edit info) with inputs that need a back button press to be able to save, e.g., those are the real problems. Because you have to wait until the Android buttons disappear again.
Quote from: Saturo on March 16, 2018, 08:46:56
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
if everyone is voting...
the startup list scrolls so fast I don't have time to notice such trivia. I don't care what it says.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 17, 2018, 05:12:22
Quote from: Saturo on March 16, 2018, 08:46:56
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
if everyone is voting...
the startup list scrolls so fast I don't have time to notice such trivia. I don't care what it says.

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
I never said, these texts will be there forewer ;).
some stuff related to WMS maps and to Retromaps. I've improved this, so in next version it will be hidden by default.
sorry for a troubles joeloc. Loosing all settings? Can't imagine what may happen here. Any crashlog? Probably not.
Problem 10099 is really missing internet connection. Problem is that app use some c++ libraries which are around 5 MB for every processor platform. To reduce app size, these libraries are downloaded during initialization based on processor of your device. So it is not needed to include 20 MB of libraries into app, but you just download up to 5 MB during start. And yes, check for license is in this step as well.
Anyway I'm do not know what exactly happen to you, so it is harder to solve it to the future. I at least check, if restore of backup allows to continue in work or if by any accident, some "need for re-download" happen.
One small tip till I improve it ... keep Free version installed as well, just for sure.
issue with Map Items ... it indeed looks like a problem, I'll check it, thanks
Michael I'm really sorry, but I still don't get it. On all screens except main, Route planner and Track editor, bottom system buttons should be visible all the time. So what means "you have to wait until the Android buttons disappear again"? They should not disappear!
And about loading screens ... except this discussion, we did not received even a single negative comment or support on help desk because of this. I'll change these texts later (maybe to something "funny" that will point on some world problem?), anyway isn't this completely un-important discussion? Few texts on loading screen ... solution? Don't read them until app starts longer then 10 secs.. They are unimportant! And if it loads longer? There will be by smaller text wrote on which map, or point/track folder loading is stuck.
Good morning,
Again, very good work! Thanks.
I like the Star Wars bootup. Funny.
But I'm missing one thing while geocaching. When I select a cache it was possible to see a "Hint" selection line when pushing the 3 dots on the top right.
In the new version it disappeared. Could you please bring it back or did I miss an option to select in the settings?
:D :D didn't expected this from You Willy, funny :). I'll consider this on next years 1. April :). With every Locus Map purchase, one girl to clear screen when needed!
please check menu > settings > maps - points & tracks > point popup content. Anyway "hint" settings is currently broken, sorry. Next version will fix it.
I'm trying to find out what may be improved on this start-up system.
In case, you now do backup of your settings and then restore this settings, and restart Locus > there won't be any loading of libraries and license check! Restore of backup did not overwrote previous data related to this.
So only what may happen to you, is that Locus internal settings were completely lost. And this may happen only if you re-install whole application or tap on "Clear data" in system application settings. Did you do any of these two options?
Hi Menion
Thanks, but it's not what I meant.
See picture. Before there was an additional line with something like "show hint" (I use German version) on the map screen. (
Menion, very good news. I tried nine hours a long recording on Android 4.2 and 7.0 and it works absolutely great on both. See SCR. The difference in altitude is due to the presence of the Galaxy A3 barometer.
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I'm sure it is ;). Anyway, please wait till next version, thanks.
@Žajdlík Josef
hmm, this sounds really promising! Thanks for sharing positive feedback!
Share link used with peak finder app it does not open the view at the coordinates of the point but shows the last view position.
I don't know if it's locus or peak finder bug I hope the second for you
Using last pro Jedi version(
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quick check and all seems fine. You may try to share this into another app, like Google Maps, to see if correct point is shared.
Quote from: menion on March 18, 2018, 08:59:03
Quick check and all seems fine. You may try to share this into another app, like Google Maps, to see if correct point is shared.
I have no option to choose another app, it starts peak finder directly. But I have gmaps installed as other map app. It is also a strange behaviour.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: lor74cas on March 18, 2018, 09:05:25
Quote from: menion on March 18, 2018, 08:59:03
Quick check and all seems fine. You may try to share this into another app, like Google Maps, to see if correct point is shared.
I have no option to choose another app, it starts peak finder directly. But I have gmaps installed as other map app. It is also a strange behaviour.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
The peak finder app was for some reason I don't know set as default for coordinates link. So I tried as suggested to open the share button with gmaps and it works perfectly so the bug is not in locus.
Sorry for my wrong bug alert
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Ah perfect, thanks.
It has always been like that: When I use the "Favourites" function and call Google Maps (App!) with it and it transfers the map center position:
- Google Maps does center its map to the Locus Center position, but does not add its waypoint (that red balloon symbol). Is there something that can be done on Locus side?
Menion, it is a desire for me to thank you and the people involved super super much many mucho for the most important app on my smartphone :D You are such an important part of the outdoor scene. And still lots of potential customers, I hope. Because in the outdoor world there is so many people having no clue about smartphone navigation, it's weird. If I meet people using their smartphones for this, which is rare, they do it on very basic levels.
Quote from: tapio on March 19, 2018, 05:41:45
It has always been like that: When I use the "Favourites" function and call Google Maps (App!) with it and it transfers the map center position:
- Google Maps does center its map to the Locus Center position, but does not add its waypoint (that red balloon symbol). Is there something that can be done on Locus side?
Menion, it is a desire for me to thank you and the people involved super super much many mucho for the most important app on my smartphone :D You are such an important part of the outdoor scene. And still lots of potential customers, I hope. Because in the outdoor world there is so many people having no clue about smartphone navigation, it's weird. If I meet people using their smartphones for this, which is rare, they do it on very basic levels.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Hello, I've found a broken behaviour in track editor
Changing of track shape is unsuccessful + following Locus behaves as route planner without routing outside any mode. Please see the screen capture (
Sent from my phone using Tapatalk
One last, totally unnecessary thing about the startup screen: Why is everyone calling it a Star Wars screen, when it mentions a "warp core", which is a Star Trek thing? ;) And the matrix is in there, too.
No, but seriously: I find it funny, too, but I get how it may make the app look not-serious-enough for some people. Especially, if startup fails, people new to Locus might feel being fooled when the last thing they see is "Initialising warp core" (or whatever). Now Menion says in that case another more serious message appears, so that would be ok - i didn't have a startup failure.
So my two cents: Discussion is tedious for us power users, but for newbies, the whole thing might give a slightly wrong impression about Locus.
@Bucky Kid
ah that's an ugly bug. Unfortunately, it does not happen to me :/. May you please create a log right after this issue happen?
I also noticed one problem with this yesterday. When users see some loading progress for the longer time, it is not clear on what is application stuck. It is not simply clear that these 10 seconds was there because of loading new map etc. At least I've tried it ;).
@meinon: have you taken into account the blind turning?
*** Version 3.30.1 ***
What a nice bunch of bugs ( I was able to made during last month. Thanks for reports!!
@Bucky Kid
Nope, this should cause no difference.
That is weird. Please try to import this track and move point #24 anywhere.
Sorry to anyone who waiting to new version. I & others in our team were founding another and another smaller issues ... so hope that finally now, the new version is generated :).
@Bucky Kid
no worry, issue found and fixed as well
i have on the panel the option
altitude manager
when i clicked it in the past i came direct to pressure where i can calibrate the barometer
when i click in the newest version i come to setting. and have to click to pressure manuel
can it be fixed?
Quote from: JoxM on March 17, 2018, 13:14:54Before there was an additional line with something like "show hint"
Also, where did "Load all waypoints" (or Hide all) go? It's no longer in the pop-up menu after tapping a cache. ( that does have extra waypoints, and is in the database.)
Is it possible to get Hint and Load all Waypoints back?
New version 3.30.1 no change. All GPS errors remain!
Edit: Mod compatibility seems to work correctly. It would be advisable to explain what it is about GPS chess. Well thank you
All settings have gone for me, after nightly update....
I lost my settings too (3.30.1).
Which nightly build? Last updated yesterday at Google Play, my settings are preserved with that build.
@Viajero Perdido
please check new version 3.30.1, thanks
discussed on help desk, anyway I think you see it worst then it is :)
@Diddi, @nitram,
about what settings we talk about? Is whole app reset to its default values just like after new installation?
Seems thats most settings are still here.
But the wohile side and top panels are empty.
Layout settings broken...
Quote from: Diddi on March 20, 2018, 09:27:15
But the wohile side and top panels are empty.
Yes, here too, but only in the pro version, free version is ok.
I tried to restore the settings (in pro) from yesterday without success.
So I had to configure both panels again.
So only panels? Hmm this is a separate settings in Locus/data/config directory. I'll check it now, thanks!
Quote from: tramp20 on March 20, 2018, 10:01:05
Quote from: Diddi on March 20, 2018, 09:27:15
But the wohile side and top panels are empty.
Yes, here too, but only in the pro version, free version is ok.
I tried to restore the settings (in pro) from yesterday without success.
So I had to configure both panels again.
-1 upgraded this morning all settings ok
All panels are preserved for me in 3.30.1
Hmm, what to do with this ... no matter what I do, I'm unable to simulate it. What about restoring an older backup, does it work for you? Know anyone anything useful, that may help here except "I lost my settings"?
Quote from: Saturo on March 16, 2018, 08:46:56
I don´t like the Star Wars startscreen. Whats the link between Star Wars and Locus?
How can it be switched off?
I don't like the Star Wars start screen, I don't like Star Wars at all!
Maybe I also encountered a GPS problem. In the enclosed SCR, you can see a shortening of the recording path. I saw the record in the "record accuracy" view. In the red, I then mapped the way the route actually went. It can be seen that there was a weaker signal in the woods. I would understand, but why did not the record compare when walking along the river?
CZ: Asi jsem taky narazil na problém s GPS. V přiloženém SCR je vidět zkrácení trasy záznamu. Záznam jsem zobrazil v zobrazení "přesnost záznamu". Červeně jsem pak do mapy dokreslil kudy vedla trasa ve skutečnosti. Je vidět, že v lesíku byl slabší signál. To bych chápal, ale proč se záznam nesrovnal při chůzi podél řeky?
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Quote from: menion on March 20, 2018, 12:37:07
What about restoring an older backup, does it work for you?
What I did:
1. Upgrading the pro (free was ok): panels lost
2. restoring a settings backup from 3.30: no success
3. restoring 3.30.0 (app + settings) with titanium backup: panels ok
4. saving these settings again
5. upgrade to 3.30.1: panels lost
6. restoring these settingsfrom 3.30.0 again: no panels
Finally I added the upper and right panel manually again.
I have attached these two settings.
Quote from: merilius on March 20, 2018, 13:01:42
I don't like the Star Wars start screen, I don't like Star Wars at all!
Even though I couldn't care less about Star Wars, the startup screen still makes me smile. (But I already voted.)
I lost my panel layouts on both devices with the . 1 release (other settings are okay), so I just rebuilt them. Don't make me do that too many times, okay?
@Žajdlík Josef
And why should I know solution on this problem? Even that GPS system changed little bit, there is still no change in what Locus Map do with received locations > nothing. There are no modifications in received data, so sorry, I can't help here, device issue.
amazing, thanks. Is it possible that you did not change top/function panels for maybe "few years"? :)
Anyway problem found, fixed and quick bug-fix is on the way.
Quote from: menion on March 20, 2018, 15:12:41
amazing, thanks. Is it possible that you did not change top/function panels for maybe "few years"? :)
Yes, perhaps ~2 years
I haven't changed my top panel in a long time (years?) on either device, and I think both had identical content, so maybe that's why they reverted to a default state. The right-side panel, yes, I've changed that more recently. 6 months ago maybe.
Thanks for changing the blue notification bar to black again.
I still don't see Hint nor Load All Waypoints in the ">" menu from a cache popup in the .1 version, for caches in the database that do have hints / waypoints. Are you saying you put those back? Maybe we're thinking of different places in the interface. (It would be nice to have them back.)
Quote from: menion on March 20, 2018, 15:12:41
@Žajdlík Josef
I can't help here, device issue.
In any case, thank you. Maybe I've figured out what the problem is. I accidentally started recording with a profile including the throat pulse measurement. But it was not connected and it probably caused problems. The second attempt with the right profile has gone well.
Cz: V každém případě děkuji. Možná už jsem přišel na to v čem em je problém. Omylem jsem spustil záznam profilem zahrnující i hrudní pás na měření tepu. Ten ale nebyl připojen a to asi způsobilo problémy. Druhý pokus se správným profilem už proběhl v pořádku.
Panels are back. Thank you
yep, that's expected: , sorry.
@Viajero Perdido
really please check mentioned settings > maps > points & tracks > popup content. If this option is by accident disabled (sorry), please enable it back
@Žajdlík Josef
[CZ]tedy tohle by ale opravdu vůbec nemělo mít vliv. Hodnoty ze senzorů se přiřazují až později. Polohu z GPS opravdu v aplikaci nemůže ovlivnit vůbec nic. Pokud by se ti povedlo problém nějak nasimulovat opakovaně, doporučuju zkusit zaznamenat NMEA zprávy ( nastavení > GPS ). Ten vytvořený soubor pak bude obsahovat téměř surová GPS data a bude pak tedy možné poznat jestli chyba vznikla v systému ( je již v těchto datech ) a nebo až později v Locusu. Jinak s tím opravdu nic nesvedu.
uff, perfect
Quote from: menion on March 20, 2018, 21:33:34
@Viajero Perdido
really please check mentioned settings > maps > points & tracks > popup content. If this option is by accident disabled (sorry), please enable it back
Ah, thanks for reminding me where those settings are kept. I turned them back on, and they work fine - on both devices.
You know, I haven't visited that settings screen in a very long time. This all sounds eerily familiar...
Panels are back with ver. 3.30.2.
Thank you.
Quote from: skwal on March 19, 2018, 22:00:32
i have on the panel the option
altitude manager
when i clicked it in the past i came direct to pressure where i can calibrate the barometer
when i click in the newest version i come to setting. and have to click to pressure manuel
can it be fixed?
so no bug and an intention?
To menion:
Here's another ugly bug with route planner: opening it on certain track forces Locus close. I'm trying to figure out what's specific with this track that it makes Locus crash.
Record from the error log:
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 17089
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
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03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at$
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03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.ArrayList.get(
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at o.azp.ॱ(:78)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: atˊ(:705)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: atॱ(:2478)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: atˎ(:2433)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: atˎ(:604)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: atˎ(:210)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: atˊ(:77)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at o.Ч.ॱ(:166)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at o.ҫ.ˊ(:129)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at o.Cz.onCreate(:63)
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-22 13:42:01.281 17089 17089 E AndroidRuntime: ... 10 more
03-22 13:42:01.289 1860 1914 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity
03-22 13:42:01.300 1860 1914 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity
*** BETA version ***
- geocaching users: please check display of listings & images. If all is correctly sized and click on images display device image viewer
- GPS problems? Should be a lot better now
- and many other various changes ;)
@skwal , @Bucky Kid
ah, I've forget to check these two problems, sorry. At start of week, I'll look at it ...
Hi Menion, another answer due from my side: bottom system buttons issue ...
Here are the steps on a device with overlay (!) on screen buttons, like LG G5, Moto ...:
1) enter one of those functions that opo up full screen edit forms, like POI, Track, ...
2) enter an input field - now the on screen keyboard appears
3) type what you like
4) to access the save button, you need to get rid of the keyboard, which implies you have to activate the on screen buttons, press the back key, and WAIIIIT, until the onscreen buttons disappear. Only then you have access to cancel/save button from Locus
When you are in edit mode, you'll see the left arc labeled "Save" on the top of the screen. Baaad idea to tap the arc - your edits are gone.
A logical thing that would resolve this trap as well as the button thing were to put the save/cancel buttons to the top of the edit forms. That works for any device, smoothly.
Michael I'm really sorry, but I still don't get it. On all screens except main, Route planner and Track editor, bottom system buttons should be visible all the time. So what means "you have to wait until the Android buttons disappear again"? They should not disappear!
For me (MotoG), the onscreen keyboard covers the Cancel/Save buttons, and all that is required is to dismiss the keyboard before tapping Save or Cancel.
Three stages illustrated below.
( (
TXs for testing, John.
The Moto has the overlay buttons like the G5. But the behaviour I recollected from memory. Obviously wrongly.
On the G5 I did test it step by step. The Overlay buttons I have to get first of all by wiping down, then wait until they disappear.
I saw other Locus forms where the save button IS on the top.
So, let's get consistent and wipe out any dependencies on smartphone brand behavious at the same time.
One strike, two flies :-)
Quote from: menion on March 23, 2018, 22:56:26
*** BETA version ***
- geocaching users: please check display of listings & images. If all is correctly sized and click on images display device image viewer
All looks good; can't tell any difference from Pro. The rare cache-log image still refuses to load (discussed some time ago), but I seem to remember it was resolved as an image-library problem. Anyway, that only seems to happen rarely.
even with the new version 3.30.2 the storage of the toolbars: does not work
Functions can be saved, but not apps.
@michaelbechtold , @john_percy
seems we are finally nothing to moment, my head will understand :).
In older versions, there was a different issue with full-screen mode ... problem was that even after dismissing of the keyboard, bottom panel with system buttons did not appear or appeared, but covered these cancel/save buttons.
What is visible on @john_percy screenshots, is how it should work now! Bottom system panel is always visible, so "back" bottom button is also always visible! Fact, that cancel/save buttons are not visible above keyboard is the problem on my side in how UI is wrote ... needs fix, agree.
Anyway what @michaelbechtold wrote, sound more like a same old problem in older versions. You firstly need to "activate bottom on screens buttons"? The bottom black panel on John's screenshots? Really weird. Is it possible to get a short video from you? Should help me a lot to understand.
Buttons on top is old system I want's to get rid of, so not a solution for me.
@Viajero Perdido
glad to hear it, thanks!
problem with Altitude manager fixed, thanks
@Bucky Kid
not sure why this happen to you, anyway crash should be fixed now, thanks
exactly same does not happen to me, but I made small improvement that will hopefully help
where I can get the small improvment ?
So I had a quick question regarding GPS shutdown. I have the option set to shut down GPS when Locus is hidden but it doesn't seem to always do so. Sometimes I'll see it still trying to access location (through the GPS status notification) and I have to go back into Locus and exit out for it to stop using GPS. Am I doing this wrong?
@chrispt (
Tracklist bug.
In the tracklist there used to be a miniature image of the maps, with the tracks marked on the maps.
After the update to ver 3.30.2 all I can see now is the track.
Compare march 13 to 14 in the image for example.
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*** Beta version ***
in new Beta version ;)
sorry to hear this. I'm unfortunately still unable to simulate this issue on own device. Will keep testing.
wasn't there any other change, like new download big vector maps, OpenAndroMaps for example?
Hello menion
thanks for new Beta
please tell me the advantage without "logs tab" inside "cache details"
workflow in current PRO, read and update logs from "cache details"
- wipe to log tab
- read logs
- if necessary update cache
- read updated logs with high contrast :D
workflow in Beta,
- wipe to "Basic info tab"
- scroll down
- click "More"
- text with poor contrast appeare, hard to read outdoor under bright sun :-[
- click back
- update cache
- scroll down in "Basic info tab"
- click "More"
- read updated logs
Hello balloni, thanks for a feedback.
The idea here is to provide most of the useful information directly on the main point tab without the need to swipe and swipe and swipe.
How often you use this "update logs"?
I have in head new style for a point screen on which I started work. Anyway then I've discovered some bigger technical problems, so task put to the ice for a while. And the result is here.
Alternative solution? Put "logs" tab back and button "more" leave as is and click only swipe immediately to "logs" tab?
Menion I read here about the new basic card ...
Please implementation of this request. (
Thank you very much ;)
No worry, I keep this idea in mind and it is definitely "in thinking progress". What you personally think about moving "logs" and "trackables" from tab directly into the first tab? To quickly see logs, it's one click compare to swiping over tabs. Anyway as balloni wrote, updates are slower, hmm.
The current structure of the cards is OK and logical.
One touch better than scrolling.
Especially when walking or in a car while driving!
It is possible to change order.
Swap images with logs. Especially if the G4L creates an extra card, it is bothers.
Is anyone having issues with Geocaching4Locus recognizing that you have Locus Map installed in Oreo? I can't use it because it keeps telling me I don't have it installed when I do.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
This also seems to affect Wear for Locus, so maybe it is an issue with the main application?
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
In live tracking I noticed that the yourself icon on my device is not the chosen one but the Mr X one (Scotland Yard game rulez

). I think that if I choose an icon that represent myself it must be used for all users and devices especially the one I'm live tracking from.
Last day I try to reach my wife but I followed the Mr X icon so I found only my last known position. Don't worry my wife found me anyway as all wifes do

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: menion on March 30, 2018, 13:27:09
*** Beta version ***
in new Beta version ;)
sorry to hear this. I'm unfortunately still unable to simulate this issue on own device. Will keep testing.
wasn't there any other change, like new download big vector maps, OpenAndroMaps for example?
I uploaded the LOMaps again and now it`s working.
I tested the new gps in locus.
The track recorded with locus is now the same recorded with my Garmin forerunner 235. In the image the green and blue lines.
This is a perfect test for gps good weather and no mountains or other obstacles I hope to try it soon in more difficult conditions.
Good job

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: menion on March 30, 2018, 22:03:46
No worry, I keep this idea in mind and it is definitely "in thinking progress". What you personally think about moving "logs" and "trackables" from tab directly into the first tab? To quickly see logs, it's one click compare to swiping over tabs. Anyway as balloni wrote, updates are slower, hmm.
Please don't change the tabs!
Option: Menu / Settings / screen causes restart of the application in beta.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 31, 2018, 22:18:29
Option: Menu / Settings / screen causes restart of the application in beta.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
maybe some secret settings? ;)
well, it's not useful feedback (without any good arguments)
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 31, 2018, 22:18:29
Option: Menu / Settings / Display causes restart of the application in beta.
Someone mentioned a glitch with the GPS not shutting off. I noticed this too, with the current released (not beta) version.
I was caching yesterday, and after some frustration with GPS position not seeming to update as I walked, I switched GPS compatibility mode on and continued. Maybe that's relevant. (I can't remember if I switched that mode back, but had more update glitches.) Later at home I noticed I still had guidance on, so I cancelled that and turned off the screen, went to bed. The GPS should've turned off at that point.
Next morning, battery was abnormally low, and GPS was still active. I did some experimenting with that mode setting, but found nothing conclusive. It seems to be working okay now.
PS, in the Beta, I like the new placement of the cache logs, behind a More button. Easier access, I like that.
But sometimes I have to scroll down to reach that button, because of the blasted (false) field note from my earlier Found It log. I still think this is a bug, because it was never a field note (or "draft"). It's really "your previous log", but labelled as something else.
Now logically, wouldn't it make sense to move your existing log (fake field note) into something like a "Mine" button beside the "More" button?
Quote from: Viajero Perdido on April 01, 2018, 05:52:49
PS, in the Beta, I like the new placement of the cache logs, behind a More button. Easier access, I like that.
But sometimes I have to scroll down to reach that button, because of the blasted (false) field note from my earlier Found It log. I still think this is a bug, because it was never a field note (or "draft"). It's really "your previous log", but labelled as something else.
Now logically, wouldn't it make sense to move your existing log (fake field note) into something like a "Mine" button beside the "More" button?
Where out of curiosity are you seeing cache logs behind a more button?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Quote from: menion on March 31, 2018, 22:23:43
maybe some secret settings? ;)
well, it's not useful feedback (without any good arguments)
What are replaying to?
My only bad feedback it's about live tracking icon.
In an other I confirm that gps works fine.
In another I confirm the issue with option screen.
I do not understand you
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
@Andrew, @0709
thanks for report with crash in settings ... found & fixed
@Viajero Perdido
It happen to me once as well, but I need to simulate it while in home, damn!
I really plan to do some more UI updates in point screen, so thanks for a tip, I'll keep this in my mind.
latest Beta? Detail of cache (which has at least one log)?
ah really sorry. My mess in long number of comments. I was reacting on this comment from @Saturo , sorry :).
And I missed post about icon, sorry. Yes, icon is different. I made this to clearly force unique icon for your own location. So you may simply see your icon no matter, how many other users with various icons will be around you. This icon is simply unique.
Quote from: menion on April 01, 2018, 09:05:01
@Andrew, @0709
thanks for report with crash in settings ... found & fixed
@Viajero Perdido
It happen to me once as well, but I need to simulate it while in home, damn!
I really plan to do some more UI updates in point screen, so thanks for a tip, I'll keep this in my mind.
latest Beta? Detail of cache (which has at least one log)?
ah really sorry. My mess in long number of comments. I was reacting on this comment from @Saturo , sorry :).
And I missed post about icon, sorry. Yes, icon is different. I made this to clearly force unique icon for your own location. So you may simply see your icon no matter, how many other users with various icons will be around you. This icon is simply unique.
Ok but it's solved because it's a peak finder issue not a locus one
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Icon in Locus Live tracking : ;)
QuoteThe idea here is to provide most of the useful information directly on the main point tab without the need to swipe and swipe and swipe.
start on "basic tab" swipe left> Logs, swipe right > cache details nothing more ;)
QuoteHow often you use this "update logs"?
i for my self use "update logs" very often, at the last i didn´t find the cache and so i hope to read some helpfull hint in current logs.
QuoteAlternative solution? Put "logs" tab back and button "more" leave as is and click only swipe immediately to "logs" tab?
perhaps the best solution, so user can decide what he want.
I don´t want to miss the "logs tab" with direct possibility to update
wish you all happy Easter weekend :)
changing locus language in PRO and Beta didn´t work by restart via popup within 3 sec. :-[
i have to restart locus manually, wait 5 sec. next the language is changed.
Beta, while searching for some nearby caches while recording a track locus restarted. There was no pop up for reporting the issue.
The track after reboot was not only recorded by beta but also by the pro version at the same time.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
I have "Resize map" as part of all my profiles, which I love to use. It does not work. After I tap this setting, the window appears and says "Loading" endlessly. If it worked it would load that map preview and allow setting up the zoom.
will be fixed in next version, thanks
Problem with languages ... well, sorry, I like these hacks to force app use other than system language less and less ... do not know what may be a problem. This does not happen to me and I do not have solution for now.
Language in Locus Store is a problem. Almost all texts in Store are on Petr's side, not in Crowdin but in some his special system. Most of texts should be translated into at least EN, DE, CZ, but definitely not into all maybe 20 languages as Locus is.
Hi Willy,
I probably get it after looong fight. Did you tried to change the language in the latest version(s)? It probably won't work. It is already a few months since this option is disabled for Android 4.x. I cannot explain what exactly happens on your device, but at least I've found some place where on 4.x, devices, localization was probably incorrectly handled. You will see in next Beta, but on 4.x devices, localization should be selected automatically based on device.
Hello menion
thanks for bringing back the "logs tab" ;D
but the Beta didn´t use the "order of tabs" from config.cfg
my setting: keep 10 logs
if i run "load logs" in log tab, they are downloaded but not displayed (temporary) as in PRO
Unfortunately, the latest Beta can not be run on Android 4.2. Already at the start of the application crash report. I apologize for the bad news.
I have to tell you about a bad recorded track.
In the image Blue is Garmin forerunner 235 is the correct track, cyan locus beta.
For sure the blue one is correct because it's a perfect overlay of the path. Locus track is 2 km shorter than the Garmin one on 23 km of running.
No comment about altitude gain wrong track wrong altitude.
The phone was in a light pocket in a sunny day.
The profile was 10mt 5sec both required accuracy 100mt.(
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Great app, thanks, but this version made things much worse for me. In previous versions the only problem with gps tracking was that sometimes tracking was paused while I was using Camera or other apps that needed GPS and I had to manualy start tracking again. Now (3.30.2) tracking stops completly, GPS turns off, and when I open app again there is no trace of track. But when I start a new tracking the last one shows up with straight line from last point. And this happens without using any other app and much more often then pausing in previous versions. And chart is recording really strange movement. From nearly perfect experiance to nearly unusable for me. Tried running as service too, same result.
This is latest result:
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And a pause with the previous version:
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Sistem: Xiaomi Mi 5 MIUI 9 Global beta 8.3.8.
Hope to see a better version for me soon, by
Hi guys,
new Beta version is just uploading. I've made some more serious updates in GPS system, so please test it if have some time. Compatibility mode was removed and app should work correctly for all now.
Anyway, one big problem remains. The second day I try to hack Android to allow generating Locus Map app also for 4.x devices. Unfortunately, Locus Map is so big, that Android 4.x is unable to handle it correctly. Will keep trying, anyway new Beta version is now Android 5.0+, sorry.
EDIT: Damn, it is so random. After some more modifications, it work again. So uploaded :/.
+ GPS for the first look OK.
- Lost GPS notification does not work
Really? Testing and seems ok, hmm. This notification works on simple system ... timer counts since last received GPS location. When this timer reach 60 s, it do a notification. So were you waiting at least 60 seconds?
It may be simply simulate by enabling GPS in app and then in top system status bar, disable "location" source.
I did a new test:
System manual OFF GPS notification lost OK
With the actual loss of satellites (building), the notification followed about 5 minutes.
I'm still testing ... I have to go out and back in and over again and again... :o
The last FIX GPS was 16:46:54
Momentally there is 16:55 and no notification yet ... Waiting ...
The sound of the notification was 16:56
After repeated attempts, the notification appears unpredictable for about 2-10 minutes after GPS FIX loss.
Very interesting. The only thing, that should affect this notification, is "GPS Auto-off function". Do you have it disabled? Just for sure.
Install today BETA and do not know what's default ... I looked and was ON.
Well, during my testing, the device was always turned on at all times!
Test now again. Auto Off GPS is OFF.
The result after 60s icon green to orange. Audible notification after 3 minutes.
Now I have noticed an interesting thing.
During the time without satellites, the green icon appeared. For a moment. FIX (New Time) was not recorded. This event is probably the reason for the incorrect notification.
Quotethanks for bringing back the "logs tab" ;D
but the Beta didn´t use the "order of tabs" from config.cfg
my setting: keep 10 logs
if i run "load logs" in log tab, they are downloaded but not displayed (temporary) as in PRO
no answer and no improvement in both points ??
Locus store> my account details> "Subscriptions" >> ERROR:Not found
I'm a beginner in beta testing.
Q: Any other features that have not been changed lately should work correctly?
For if so the list of errors will be very long ....
And one more Q:
How to use beta simultaneously with normal so G4L works?
ah sorry, I'll look at it. And "subscription" not yet work? I'll have to push Petr little bit, thanks :).
you have really very interesting device. Green GPS symbol will be definitely source of troubles. It means, that some GPS location was received. I'll try to improve it.
And Any other features that have not been changed lately should work correctly? There is really so many new problems? Should not be :'(. Most serious please ... thanks
Position - bad position about 10-15m next to the right one.
Navigation - rotation of map bad,
Lines GPS direction and compass direction bad,
Calculating route display changes brightness,
Position lines and arrow are in other positions,
When stopping the map turns like crazy (problem with year ago)
auto zoom ... etc.
Try to sit in the car with that beta and go to town.
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My GPS tests with, Android 4.2 & 5.1: Only simple test - observe satellite map; time to notify GPS acquired; walking/ track recording; move inside, wait for time to notify GPS lost; check main screen GPS icon color is consistent. All seemed good to me on both devices.
I did have one observation/ question: below is Android 4.2 tablet screen: 0/13 Satellites in text but only 2 icons on map. This changed to more icons on map after ~10s but never full number of 18/18. No such issue on Android 5.1 phone screen.
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I have found one bug. Not sure if only latest beta, or also, but certainly a bug since 3.30.2 Pro. The static text fields in any custom dashboard are not updated when a preset is changed. To test: I have 1 dashboard per preset. Each dashboard has a top line with the name of the preset. For example I have dashboards/presets for riding/ walking/ driving/ default/ mapping. When I change the preset this top dashboard text line is updated in 3.30.2 Pro - of course, but with the text is mostly not updated. Some new repaint order issue? If I exit Locus beta & restart, the top dashboard text line is updated.
More testing: Just noticed one annoying change: if phone Location service is disabled or location not known when Locus is started I now see a new message box "No location devices available... CLOSE" - this is displayed four times. I hope this can be removed. The GPS icon color is sufficient for this fact, or checkbox - "don't display again"; but not each time Locus is run.
So far, three trials version, twice walking in the woods, one bike ride, always about one hour. The GPS records absolutely no problem on the Galaxy A3. I confirm the same dashboard problem as Andrew. If a dashboard is displayed on the screen and I choose a different one, the original one will be displayed. Just press the hide / show dashboard button to turn the tan right. The bug was in the previous beta, I forgot to alert.
The problems Condor points to, unconfirmed, on my phone.
CZ: Zatím tři testy verze, dvakrát chůze v lese, jednou jízda na kole, vždy asi jednu hodinu. Záznamy GPS naprosto bez problémů na Galaxy A3. Potvrzuji stejný problém s dasboardy jako Andrew. Pokud je zobrazen na obrazovce nějaký dashboard a pomocí předvolby zvolím jiný, zůstane zobrazen ten původní. Stačí stisknout tlačítko skrýt/zobrazit dashboard a ukáže se tan správný. Chyba byla i v předchozí BETA, zapomněl jsem upozornit.
Potíže na které poukazuje Condor nepotvrzeny, na mém telefonu.
Cache details> click top right button > "Notes" > "Locus Map" wurde beendet "Bericht/OK"
info is in german although BETA is set to english?
Q: sorry can´t find out what this info means :-[
first i thought, it´s the count of additional "found logs", but in this example there are quite more than 5
( (
it looks more like a problem with your settings. You have disabled settings > navigation > advanced > strict route following (first settings in advanced section).
@Andrew Heard
perfect, thanks for testing!
Issue with satellites.Do you see tiny icon with satellite at top? Here is hidden rest of sats. System report to Locus map some parameters that are used to draw them on correct place. Anyway sometimes sats does not report to Locus correct values, so they cannot be drawn. Nothing I may do here, sorry.
Not refreshing dahboards: I'll look at it, thanks
And popup when disabled location providers ... I've noticed this yesterday as well .. will be improved, thanks.
@Žajdík Josef
thanks, perfect!
crash when click on "Notes" will be fixed. And error is made by system, so it's language is based on your system language.
And "5+" ... small quizz :). I've improved it little bit so you may guess in next version once more ;)
"You have disabled settings> navigation> advanced> strict route following"
This option has been disabled for many years.
Reason: After getting out of the car and walking to the cache I need my position and not the arrow on the road.
All previous versions worked correctly. I have never used the navigation otherwise.
( (
Thanks for trying ;-)
I know these features and I have been actively using for many years. The picture is a preview for Menion why I do not use this setting.
This is enough for the show. Real use is for example 400 km of route and 100 points. It would mean 100 times to off the navigation and turn on again, which is about 2-3 hours of unnecessary work per day on the road.
I'm little lost now.
Based on your screenshots and settings, all seems to work as expected.
With disabled "Strict route following", app just display your real location as you know.
For your use case should make more sense to use common settings with enabled "Strict..." and just disable auto-recalculation. Then, when you move out of route for more than defined "Maximum allowed deviation", navigation just switch to guidance and you will see your real location as well.
Anyway, I do not fully understand what now works differently compared to the previous version. Will have to try tomorrow in the field.
Unfortunately you and kyle here (, are only two who reports some remaining problem with GPS in this new version so we have to solve it fast to release a new version as soon as possible ;).
I'll watch the navigation screen for 3 years and know when it works. I know how to estimate 3s before Eliška starts talking.
But OK. The current solution for my real use is, unfortunately, going back to the functional version 3.29
I'm attaching a functional navigation screen from the old version.
With identical settings.
( (
GPS management seems good with beta
I went for a walk and recorded a track, and the track corresponds very well with earlier tracks and the OSM map. I noticed estimated accuracy as good as 3m; in a recent version a few days ago I never saw <10m, as others have mentioned.
And it now seems to turn off GPS reliably when Locus isn't using it and isn't focussed. Earlier I had issues with that.
I'm using Android 6 and have GPS set to Device Only.
I'm just looking at my backup program that my beta has overwritten my Locus Pro backups so I've lost 3 latest versions of the app! They have the same name Locus map.
So I have no functional version!
:-\ :( >:(
I'm stupid ... I talk about "route following" settings, but what you need is simply disable "snap to route" settings below. Sorry! Give it a try ...
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Testing the BETA version on Android 7 runs smoothly. I did not find any trouble in the other three records.
I've only tested Android 4.2 once. The recording went smoothly. But I was having trouble turning off GPS satellites after recording. The GPS signaling icon was white, but a beep sounded to signal the loss of GPS signal. I tried to turn the GPS compass on and off again. Still, I noticed at the end of Locus that the phone still searches for satellites and ends when Locus is turned off. This is not happening on Android 7. I'm still restarting the phone and running a new test. Then let me know.
One more question. After restarting the Locus (PRO and BETA), they create a data backup. It is necessary? It slows down on slow phones.
CZ: Testování BETA verze na Android 7 probíhá bez problémů. V dalších třech záznamech jsem nenarazil na potíže.
Testoval jsem zatím jen jednou na Android 4.2. Záznam proběhl bez problémů. Potíže jsem ale měl s vypnutím satelitů GPS po ukončení záznamu. Ikona signalizující GPS byla bílá, ale přesto se ozval zvukový signál oznamující ztrátu GPS signálu. Zkusil jsem na "kompasu" GPS znovu zapnout a vypnout. Přesto jsem si při ukončení Locusu všiml, že telefon stále vyhledává satelity a skončí až po vypnutí Locusu. Na Android 7 se tohle neděje. Dnes ještě telefon zrestartuji a provedu nový test. Pak dám vědět.
Ještě jeden dotaz. Po restartu telefonu Locus (PRO i BETA) vytvářejí zálohu dat. Je to nutné? U pomalých telefonů to dost zdržuje.
Thanks for a tests!
I believe, no need to reset your device. If GPS is still enabled even if you disable it in Locus Map, then it will be definitely some problem in app, so save your time. I'll try to simulate it also on 4.x device.
Backups: how often you restart your device? You probably have set a frequent automatic backups?
Quote from: menion on April 12, 2018, 07:37:53
Backups: how often you restart your device? You probably have set a frequent automatic backups?
I turn off my Android 4.2 phone often. I only use it for the weekend route records, so it's useless to keep it on. In addition, Alcatel has a quick power feature so the system loads up quite quickly. As far as I know, I have the automatic backup on my phone completely off, but check it out (in the evening).
CZ: Telefon s Androidem 4.2 vypínám často. Používám ho jen na víkendové záznamy tras, tak je zbytečné aby byl stále zapnutý. Alcatel má navíc funkci rychlého zapnutí takže systém nabíhá docela rychle. Pokud vím, tak automatické zálohování mám na tomto telefonu úplně vypnuté, ale zkontroluji to (večer).
Results of today's BETA test.
Android 4.2.
Recording without problems. After the phone was restarted, there was no problem with the disabling of the GPS. Tested several times in a row. After shutting down scheduled backups, backup files were stopped after the phone restart. So I'm having trouble solving this phone.
Android 7.
Record again without any problems. However, I encountered one minor problem.
I've tried adding "steps" to the dashboard. Unfortunately, walking and recording does not show anything. I'm sure Galaxy A3 sensors have the Samsung Health Steps app measured reliably. If this feature is problematic, it might be easier to completely drop it, I do not know if someone is using it.
CZ: Výsledky dnešních testů BETA verze.
Android 4.2.
Záznam bez problémů. Po restartu telefonu se už neopakovaly potíže s nevypínáním GPS. Vyzkoušeno několikrát po sobě. Po vypnutí plánovaných záloh se přestaly po restartu telefonu vytvářet záložní soubory. Považuji tedy potíže na tomto telefonu vyřešené.
Android 7.
Záznam opět bez problémů. Narazil jsem ale na jeden drobnější problém.
Zkusil jsem přidat do dashboardu položku "kroky". Bohužel za chůze ani při zapnutém záznamu nic neukazuje. Jsem si jist, že Galaxy A3 senzory má protože app Samsung Health kroky měří spolehlivě. Pokud je tato funkce problematická, možná by bylo jednodušší ji úplně vypustit, nevím jestli to někdo používá.
Quote from: menion on April 11, 2018, 15:38:42
Issue with satellites.Do you see tiny icon with satellite at top? Here is hidden rest of sats. System report to Locus map some parameters that are used to draw them on correct place. Anyway sometimes sats does not report to Locus correct values, so they cannot be drawn. Nothing I may do here, sorry.
You mean like in this screen cap? No worries - understood - thanks.
( (
*** BETA 3.30.3 RC ***
Please use is today/tomorrow. If no serious problem remains, I'll publish final Pro version in Sunday to finally get rid of remaining problems with GPS.
@Žajdlík Josef
amazing, thanks for a tests! Seems that except @Condor, now all are satisfied :).
About "steps" ... this number comes from "step counter" sensor connected over ANT+. It is truth, that most of devices allows to count steps directly.
@Andrew Heard
yes, exactly as you marked on your screenshot. I may only hide this top small symbol, nothing more.
One big mistake left Menione uncorrected. There seems to be misunderstanding as a result of my bad English, I will describe it below in Czech. The same mistake was made by Andrew Heard, and it is a non-switching of the dashboard.
Czech description:
Pokud mám přednastavení 1) bez dashboardu a přepnu na přednastavení 2) obsahující dash, je vše v pořádku, dash se zobrazí. Jestli ale mám v přednastavení 1) zobrazený dash A) a přepnu na přednastavení 2) obsahující dash B), zůstane zobrazený dash A). Mohu pak jedině kliknout ručně na tlačítko skrýt/zobrazit dash, a zobrazí se správně dash B).
BETA 3.30.3 RC
QuoteCache details> click top right button > "Notes" > "Locus Map" wurde beendet
solved :)
Quotethe Beta didn´t use the "order of tabs" from config.cfg
solved :)
one behavior is furthermore different to PRO:
if config.cfg > Geocaching > when opening Geocache screen first open >
is empty -with Pro "Basic Info" is opened,
-with Beta RC always first tab of order list is opened, in my case 14=Logs
Quotemy setting: keep 10 logs
if i run "load logs" in log tab, they are downloaded but not displayed (temporary) as in PRO
no improvement
QuoteAnd "5+" ... small quizz :). I've improved it little bit so you may guess in next version once more
sorry, can´t solve your quizz, difficulty for me D5 :P
behavior i observed: cache listings from PQ (not updated) display e.g. ...+1 - ...+60
if i update caches which display ....+6 or more, after update value is always ....+5 ????
Release Notes "visible cache types also for a found cache"
i use another icon pack for geocaches and didn´t see the cache type icon beside the found smiley???
During navigation, the purple line of the route flashes. It will disturb it.
During automatic route change, map rotation does not work. One does not know where the direction is. It is very important in this situation.
The accuracy of the position is better but not as accurate as in 3.29.
Subjectively, it seems to me that CPU usage is greater and even higher temperature.
Thank you for the type of cache.
QuoteThank you for the type of cache.
@ Condor
please share a screenshot example
Cache typ screen.
( (
@Žajdlík Josef
do you really have latest Beta version from Google Play? I had to publish two today ...
- finally understand with difference between versions ... improved, thanks
- anyway logs: I've tried once on my device and wasn't able to simulate it. I'll give it a try one more time during weekend ...
- and value +10 etc. ... if you see there 5 icons and value +10, then in "logs" tab should be 15 logs.
interesting that you have some new problems with navigation that 1) no other user report, 2) I'm quite sure that nothing changes around navigation. Will check it tomorrow.
Accuracy have to be exactly same as before 3.30 now.
Higher CPU usage, hmm, maybe it may be correct, I'll check it also during weekend, thanks!
@Menion OK, As soon as I have time to make a video. Aaachhh....
Video (
Quote from: menion on April 13, 2018, 18:22:48
*** BETA 3.30.3 RC ***
yes, exactly as you marked on your screenshot. I may only hide this top small symbol, nothing more.
@menion - now I understand the purpose I don't think it necessary to hide but either way minor detail for most users
Quote from: menion on April 13, 2018, 22:19:42
Higher CPU usage, hmm, maybe it may be correct, I'll check it also during weekend, thanks!
@menion - I have extensive power consumption tests for long list of previous versions, unfortunately moving towards winter here & not doing long rides, so no chance for my normal battery % tests sorry. % battery for 1hr walk shows no unusual/ additional drain from previous versions.
30.30.3 RC - confirmed: dashboard text is correctly refreshed when linked preset is changed
Mi menion,
before the release I should write two problems on my smartphone:
1. since ~4-5 days the free beta does no longer make auto backups, neither in the cloud to dropbox nor in the backup\auto folder. The date of the next auto backup is always updated.
I tried to get a auto backup many times.
2. If I start Locus pro I see in my task manager the pro icon (~100 MB). It disappears shortly after closing pro.
If I start free beta then ofc the free icon appears (with ~100 MB) *and* the pro icon (~25 MB).
After closing the beta this pro icon (=task) does never disappear, I can kill this unwanted task during the running beta without any problem (and later also).
I cannot believe that this is intended.
I stumbled over this behavior because in this week my phone shut down two times because of empty battery during recording a track with the beta.
My battery is good, after 6-7 hours of track recording it has ~ 60 %.
Edit: I did a new installation of Locus free but this behavior remains.
You were right. I managed to download the first of two versions yesterday. At the newer, switching the dashboard is fine. Thanks.
uh, this is unexpected. Never saw this weird refreshing ... will be watching this over the weekend.
1. auto-backup: ah you are right, same problem here, thanks
2. not sure what happen here. You say that when you start a Beta version, Pro version starts immediately as well?
Higher battery consumption is also unexpected :/. I'll be watching it more carefully this week, thanks.
EDIT: oki, one more version published
Quote from: menion on April 14, 2018, 07:43:43
2. not sure what happen here. You say that when you start a Beta version, Pro version starts immediately as well?
Yes, but only ~25 MB big instead of ~100 MB. this happens every time I start free/beta.
( (
Edit: I attached a catlog.
Thanks for a log, I think it helped. Because BETA versions work almost similar as Locus Map Pro, it also call "refresh" on widgets. And this call seems to wake up Locus Map Pro on your device, because you have widget for track recording added to desktop. If you remove it, it should help anyway it should not happen once Beta change into regular Free version.
Quote from: menion on April 14, 2018, 17:11:48
Thanks for a log, I think it helped. Because BETA versions work almost similar as Locus Map Pro, it also call "refresh" on widgets. And this call seems to wake up Locus Map Pro on your device, because you have widget for track recording added to desktop. If you remove it, it should help anyway it should not happen once Beta change into regular Free version.
Thank you, but I do not have a Locus widget on my screen.
Auto backup in the beta from today did not work :-)
Quote from: tramp20 on April 14, 2018, 17:47:48
Auto backup in the beta from today did not work :-)
Just now the auto backup finished but 3 hours too late.
last evening update.
Navigation is a total fail.
video (
Good evening Condor,
you complicate me a life (and probably I also to you, sorry) :).
Your video: obviously you use: "snap to the road: disabled", compass source: hardware, right? (please ignore the problem with the draw of lines ... I've fixed it today).
So main problems I see:
- shaking of rotation: phone placed vertically in some holder in the car? This rotation problem also without navigation? Quite a common problem in the car I believe, that's why you should use "Orientation via GPS" as compass source and not a hardware compass as you use. With disabled "Compatibility mode" it seems to work correctly (since 1:21)
- "blinking" of tracks after you select new target. I see that old track remain on the map ... seems to be an issue as well, fixed. Anyway, this drawing of track is mystery for me to be true.
Anyone same issue like Condor on his video in 2:18??
I use beta as it is installed. I try to give my usual settings what I have been using for many years. It's true that I did not change the compass setting. Let's see and try again. About an hour.
Beta version installed to you with this weird setting as default? Hope no! Have to check it, thanks.
This is very non-standard settings that should not be used for simple navigation experience.
Anyway I believe that last main remaining issue is not "blinking" tracks during navigation. I'll play with it tomorrow. Thanks for a patience Condor, I owe you.
Yes priority compass default!
I apologise. It's not in my abilities to check all settings for each installation beta. Especially those I have set for several years. Again, sorry.
Now everything seems to be OK. Even both GPS modes as well as the direction to calculate. (
Quote from: Condor on April 14, 2018, 23:05:41
It's not in my abilities to check all settings for each installation beta.
On that note, is there a simple way of copying all your customized settings for Pro over to Beta? I couldn't find it by looking through the file structure.
I would use Beta more often if it acted just like my fine-tuned Pro.
Quote from: Viajero Perdido on April 15, 2018, 00:41:43
Quote from: Condor on April 14, 2018, 23:05:41
It's not in my abilities to check all settings for each installation beta.
On that note, is there a simple way of copying all your customized settings for Pro over to Beta? I couldn't find it by looking through the file structure.
I would use Beta more often if it acted just like my fine-tuned Pro.
@Viajero - I just do settings backup from main device > copy ZIP to testing device & restore
Thanks, but I meant, copying from Pro to Beta on the same device. Maybe it'll work regardless. I'll give it a try.
EDIT: that worked, thanks. Had to restart the Beta twice, but then it worked.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 15, 2018, 01:25:19
Quote from: Viajero Perdido on April 15, 2018, 00:41:43
Quote from: Condor on April 14, 2018, 23:05:41
It's not in my abilities to check all settings for each installation beta.
On that note, is there a simple way of copying all your customized settings for Pro over to Beta? I couldn't find it by looking through the file structure.
I would use Beta more often if it acted just like my fine-tuned Pro.
@Viajero - I just do settings backup from main device > copy ZIP to testing device & restore
+1 and it will be a better test if every tester uses his own settings instead of default. Default could be ok but some special setting no. I have no time to always apply pro settings to beta or to use backup as suggested by Andrew, I just go out and try new beta after update when I have time.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
But it would have to be a one-sided option to transfer PRO-BETA settings. Betta sometimes makes attempts with different settings and nobody wants to switch settings in the PRO.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on April 15, 2018, 08:05:31
But it would have to be a one-sided option to transfer PRO-BETA settings. Betta sometimes makes attempts with different settings and nobody wants to switch settings in the PRO.

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
I did not know that
1. anybody use default settings in Beta versions (I expected that every simply restore backup of settings from Pro when starts to use Beta versions)
2. it is a (time) problem to restore backup of settings
Hmm one app cannot simply touch to settings of another app, but if there will be interest, I believe it is doable to create "Restore from Pro version" button in BETA version.
Quote from: menion on April 15, 2018, 10:08:06
Hmm one app cannot simply touch to settings of another app, but if there will be interest, I believe it is doable to create "Restore from Pro version" button in BETA version.
It is not necessary, but it would be nice. Especially when testing in the wild, it would be easier to compare Beta and Pro behavior. After various attempts, it would be easy to return to the settings of Pro. However, it is just such a simplification tool, write it down on a list of things like: Sometimes it will be time.
Quote from: menion on April 15, 2018, 10:08:06
I did not know that
1. anybody use default settings in Beta versions (I expected that every simply restore backup of settings from Pro when starts to use Beta versions)
2. it is a (time) problem to restore backup of settings
Hmm one app cannot simply touch to settings of another app, but if there will be interest, I believe it is doable to create "Restore from Pro version" button in BETA version.
Sometimes I lose rec profile or screen settings in beta. A simple way to "copy" the setup of the pro every time a new beta is released it's a great function for testers and you will be sure that not only the default settings is tested.
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*** 3.30.3 ***
New version published, thanks all for a big help with testing! Believe this version will work fine. If not, I'm as usually ready to do some fine tuning ;).
Enjoy rest of Sunday.
The first time I installed Beta, I got default settings.
Now that I know of a simple way to copy Pro settings to Beta (backup/restore), I'm happy. It's quick and easy - once you know about it. Thanks.
3.30.3 Normal version
Last update Locus map pro G4L stopped when download logs.
( (
@Condor: G4L seems to get confused if you have both Pro and Beta installed. Have you tried uninstalling Beta?
It's already done and OK.
Disabling beta is not enough.
Necessary uninstall! Interestingly, the livemap worked OK.
I thought the forbidden app would no longer interfere with other applications.
Sorry and Thanks.
"Checking time limitation..."
This is one of the startup messages, in Pro version just released. Does that message apply to Beta only?
A purchaser of Pro might justifiably assume they have a right to use the app forever, and worry about this.
Everything ends once ... even a Pro version :).
Even a Pro version have to check this deadline. No worry, time is set far away in future for a Pro version.
sorry for my late answer,
@condor, thanks for screenshot in #167
Quoteand value +10 etc. ... if you see there 5 icons and value +10, then in "logs" tab should be 15 logs.
now its clear for me, but i didn´t see the horizontal arrow in my device, and so i didn´t realice that this is a clickable link to "logs tab"
Cache details screen:
For the last day (in the new Pro release) I've been tapping on the word "Logs", or tapping on the five icons beside that word, hoping something would happen. Nothing happened.
Now I realize that if I tap the blank space to the right of the five icons, whoosh, it takes me to the Logs tab. That's exactly what I wanted! But why is that space blank? (This is on the tablet, large-ish screen, a cache loaded via PQ. Same happens on the low-res phone.)
Is there a phantom button that's supposed to be visible?
Also, did the log text just get a lighter shade of grey once again? Out in sunlight, higher contrast would really help.
While we're on the subject... Couldn't "Attachment" be moved to the far right, past "Logs"? I never ever use attachments (does anybody?), but always have to scroll past the useless-for-me panel to reach the Logs. Thanks.
Quote from: menion on April 16, 2018, 08:31:50No worry, time is set far away in future for a Pro version.
I know that, thank you, because you just told me. But does the average customer know that? (
Does this app expire? Do my maps expire? Do I have to buy something again later?)
Perhaps "Checking time limitation... None"
QuoteWhile we're on the subject... Couldn't "Attachment" be moved to the far right, past "Logs"? I never ever use attachments (does anybody?), but always have to scroll past the useless-for-me panel to reach the Logs.
set order of tabs in "config.cfg" > UI&Utils once as you like it ;)
Thanks balloni, and done.
But I was thinking more as a suggestion for the default.
3.30.3, Locus Store:
The "My history" and "My subscriptions" screens are empty. I don't have subscriptions, so that's fine (although I would prefer some kind of "You have no subscriptions" text), but I definitely have a history.
Everything else in store seems to work (e.g. Check for updates, Buy LoCoins, etc.). I also had a case where after clicking a few things in the Store, I suddenly couldn't get out of it anymore (clicking back arrow/button didn't take me back and in the end I had to kill Locus), but I can't reproduce it now.
But the empty history is definitely a bug.
PS: Works on my S5neo (stock Samsung ROM), but not on my Note4 and S4 (both LineageOS) - so perhaps something with the OS? All have working Google Apps, though, and as I said, everything else in the store works fine.
There's a bug in cache notes.
If they are not empty and I open them to edit, they are empty from now on and all informations have gone.
Btw: Is it possible to reach the notes editor just by tapping the note in cache listings? It's easier than slide from the right to enter them. ( I know of short cuts in buttom bar but these are used by write log and hintj
Another "bug"? Since some versions, it's no more possible to show all waypoints directly from map view of a cache.
Quote from: Diddi on April 17, 2018, 21:10:49
There's a bug in cache notes.
If they are not empty and I open them to edit, they are empty from now on and all informations have gone.
Maybe same problem as here (
Yes. Thats it...
Hope for a fix
Quote from: slarti76 on April 17, 2018, 09:21:15
The "My history" and "My subscriptions" screens are empty. I don't have subscriptions, so that's fine (although I would prefer some kind of "You have no subscriptions" text), but I definitely have a history.
My History page and subscription is 'independent' on the store (this is the reason why the rest of the store works fine).
Could I ask you for the log file: Open store > right panel > my history and then collect log file
I already noticed of missing notification like "You have no subscription", that's definitely issue we'll improve it.
We also know about issue with not working back button but it's complicated to solved it (we can't simulate it)
I have had a problem with Back not working in the Store in the recent past, and again today. FWIW, a quick double click on the Back button seems to do the trick. And no, I can't reproduce it to order.
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
I am not very happy about removing Compatibility Mode for GPS navigaton. My phone does not work well with Map Rotation On for some reason and turning compatibility mode ON solved this problem. What is the reason for removing it completely from the app? Thanks.
I do not understand. Version 3.30.3 includes compatibility mode.
I'm just looking at the list of changes that says that remove compatibility mode!
But in settings I have it!
@ballloni55 ,
@Viajero Perdidohmm you miss small black arrow on right side of logs smileys? I'll check it, thanks
Attachments tab: I plan some improvements in this screen, so for now, suggest to move it manually as balloni suggested ;)
And "checking time" ... well, you are first who write us it's worries. No worry ;)
@0709ah proximity sensor, tomorrow, I'll look at it, thanks for reminder
@Diddi- yes, sorry, notes working again in next version
- edit of notes directly by tap, hmm maybe good idea
- not possible to show all waypoints? I'll check it
@Condordo not mix compat. mode for GPS and for sensors.
Anyway short summary/history of GPS system in app
- old system: since begin (2010) +- some smaller changes till version 3.29.2
- new system: since 3.30.0 till 3.30.2, added compatibility mode that allowed to use old system
- old system: due to problems on many devices, reverted back to old system, compat. mode of course removed
Oh sorry :o
My fault! Last days there were so many changes and tests and variations in settings. I let myself be mistaken by the name.
First test of new BETA Export to Runalyze without any problems. It is a shame that you can not choose the type of activity. This is really just for runners, but that's probably the concept of Runalyze.
Auto-off also works smoothly. When set to 10.1,180, ON is visible in the track record exactly after three minutes of GPS restart. So far I have not found any difficulty testing BETA.
Hello everybody,
Just joined the beta testers, and sorry in advance for the poor english...!
My current "tests" are just the observation of the pacific coexistence between the two Pro and beta versions, as they are now both installed on both my smartphones. A good thing for starting, as they also share some data, as personal maps, points, tracks...
Anyway, is there some things to test in priority?
@Žajdlík Josef
thanks! Well their system allows only "upload of GPX file", nothing more. But, in app is hidden small surprise ... you may select multiple tracks in same folder and upload them all at once ;).
welcome in the group of braves :). Best how to test Beta versions from my points of view, is just use is in common situations like you normally do in final version and write us here some unexpected problems if any appear. Silence for me means = all is fine :). Or of course, test something we previously discussed. Thanks
Anyone wants to finish translations for a new version? I've forget to upload them on Crowdin earlier, sorry. After most probably two hours, I'll generate new version so it's last chance to have translated types of geocaches ;).
Hello menion
what means:
- LF celebration
- LF event
Special groundspeak event
Lost & Found event / Celebration
@ Condor
thanks :)
Everything translated into SK.(Locus Map, Free/Pro vervion)
Another work...
Slovak translation all done 8)
Perfect, thanks all.
new *** version 3.30.4 *** mainly with bug-fixes is out.
add: option to set size of custom icons by a parameter in the icons name
More about setting up?
Hello, I'm using more and more route planner. It's a useful tool to plan my runs. But I do not agree with the ETA profiles. Too many and I think a customizable one should be better.
Something where to put speed on flat, speed in positive and negative gain.
For example now for trail running (there is no profile) I'm using the MTB trail ride but every athlete is different from another and also every sport.
Thank you
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@Michal should improve manual page ( with additional information, but till then:
- name image as for example "icon_s1.5.png". Text "sX.X" say scale of icon, so s1.0 = no change, s3.0 = 300% scale. Simple and super.useful I believe :).
first problem I see is that ETA values are not directly visible!
About speed modifications ... routers already compute time based on own internal system, so it definitely isn't good idea to completely throw this information away and just use up to three defined values. What about some setup how fast you are compare to routers times.
So by default, all people will have pre-set 100%. But when you notice you are usually in destination in half time, you just set somewhere that on bike, you are 200% faster. Should this settings be universal and useful? Of course, it will be necessary to have separate settings for routers and for every routing profile. :-\
Quote from: menion on April 26, 2018, 19:30:11
first problem I see is that ETA values are not directly visible!
About speed modifications ... routers already compute time based on own internal system, so it definitely isn't good idea to completely throw this information away and just use up to three defined values. What about some setup how fast you are compare to routers times.
So by default, all people will have pre-set 100%. But when you notice you are usually in destination in half time, you just set somewhere that on bike, you are 200% faster. Should this settings be universal and useful? Of course, it will be necessary to have separate settings for routers and for every routing profile. :-\

Understood it's something like the supercar turbo boost. Ok kit set this profile at 300% ? 🤣
I think that if I apply a ~300% to the profile in the image I can have and acceptable ETA of time moving.
Do not worry too much for this menion I am an old runner and when I see distance and positive gain I can guess the ETA by myself I just thought we can go closer to ETA with just one customizable profile instead of a lot of imprecise profiles.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
"icon_s1.5.png" does not work.
I have icons in /Locus/icons/
These are my own.
Is it possible to define some standard Locus icons? Where are they?
Ah, I'm stupid. I've tested it only on centered icons (named like icon_s1.5_hscc.png) and forget to test them without this centering. So please name it for now as "icon_s1.5_x.png". Locus needs to detect 'text_sX.X_text'. Thanks ... in next version it will be working as expected.
Hello menion
V 3.30.4
Quotebut i didn´t see the horizontal arrow in my device, and so i didn´t realice that this is a clickable link to "logs tab"
your answer #214
Quotehmm you miss small black arrow on right side of logs smileys? I'll check it, thanks
no improvement :-[
Quotemy setting: keep 10 logs
if i run "load logs" in log tab, they are downloaded but not displayed as in PRO
your answer #167
Quote- anyway logs: I've tried once on my device and wasn't able to simulate it. I'll give it a try one more time during weekend ...
no improvement, see attached screencast
sec. 1-30, PRO V 3.30.
210 logs are available > sec.14 after "load logs" several logs are available :)
sec. 33-60, FREE V 3.30.4
sec 49 after "load logs" furthermore only 10 logs are visible :-[
Problem with icon is really interesting. I've made some changes, it's not that I've forget.
Just tested on old 4.0.4 and also 6.0 Android devices and on both, no problem. Interesting and I have no idea why simple icon is not visible, funny :).
About logs ... also can't simulate. What about liimit of logs in settings? Don't you have there set a limit?
QuoteAbout logs ... also can't simulate. What about liimit of logs in settings? Don't you have there set a limit?
i don´t think so,
after i´ve recorded this screencast i´ve updatet my Pro to V 3.30.4
now inside PRO also only 10 Logs (set in Geocache setting) are visible even after run "load logs"
This issue exist for me after i´ve updated V 3.30.2 to next BETA
Wait, what is your settings in menu > settings > geocaching > limit stored logs? Do you have there "No limits"?
no my setting is allways "limit to 10 logs" to save storage
and in the past up to V 3.30.2 it was possible to load/display more logs temporary.
This was a good solution, without changing settings, get more logs if necessary
Ah ok, fine. Then it was a mistake. Even current solution does not work as it should on 100%. The idea here is that really only defined number of logs should be stored in the cache. I believe this makes sense a lot more. Previous "temporary solution" is nice, but does not follow defined parameters.
Hi Menion, did you changed something on loading or rendering (vector-) maps? Since last update there is a lag in loading and re-rendering after zooming of maps :(
Hmm interesting. I'm not aware of any change. What about some changes on your side? Some new theme, new maps?
Nothing new on my side. I will keep looking at it...
Apropos maps....what about Strava heatmap? Some news?
Latest info : ... dead end on our side, sorry.
I don't think it's new, but I just stumbled over it and it's so small, I didn't want to open a topic in the Help Desk:
When splitting a track, the new sections have an empty description. I think the intuitive thing would be to copy the original description to both sections - it's always easy to delete it later, but more annoying to having to copy it. And worse, if you check "Delete Original".
If a Mapsforge v4 map is selected as an overlay, the screen says "Blank (VectorMapsForge256)" instead of the map name. The map works properly however.
Quote from: john_percy on May 01, 2018, 13:18:27
If a Mapsforge v4 map is selected as an overlay, the screen says "Blank (VectorMapsForge256)" instead of the map name. The map works properly however.
Also, I cannot select a LoMap as an offline overlay if the maps are listed by Smart Choice but I can if I list by directory or by Latest and Nearest. With Smart Choice, I see a heading LoMaps, with a subhead England, Wales. Tapping on that does nothing.
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
thanks, will be improved in next version
thanks as well. Both issues fixed
*** BETA version ***
Main change: big update in structure & labels in settings: feedback needed ;)
Rest of news in "start news" as usually
First insights with BETA app. Many menu items remain untranslated. So far I have not found any system. Some items are just randomly English, others are Czech.
Ah, I've forget to mention, that most of the settings will be English only, till we agree that final solution is ok, so texts may be uploaded to Crowdin for translation.
Thanks for the quick response on this one. Too early to call, really, but in this screenshot "SET" doesn't set the overlay, it offers a different one. Device back button is the way to "set" the displayed settings.
( (
Agree .. so better word for this button.
"Change" hmm or maybe "Setup"?
Most of the set up is already in the screen, so not Setup. The button simply changes the map. Change Map says it all but is probably too long.
Edit: Or put the button next to the map name?
You have corrected the name for Mapsforge v4 maps in layers, good. But if I overlay a vector map on another vector map (may seem strange but never mind), and go to change the style of one or other of the maps, then the name of the Mapsforge v4 map still appears as Blank.
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BETA. Sometimes the cancellation of the crosses is strange to me. Where the dialog box opens straight away, it is ok. However, the "Quick Settings" is strange when I press a switch and I do not have to cancel the dialog. Using the "back" button is not ideal because it is not clear whether the options remain set or canceled. Why is not an arrow in the upper left corner like a route planner?
CZ: BETA. Někdy mi to zrušení křížků přijde divné. Tam, kde se volbou dialogový panel rovnou ukončí je to v pořádku. Ovšem třeba u "Rychých nastavení" je divné když stisknu nějaký přepínač a nemám jak dialogový panel zrušit. Použití tlačítka "zpět" není ideální protože není dopředu jasné jestli volby zůstanou nastaveny nebo se zruší. Proč není v levém horním rohu šipka jako třeba u plánovače tras?
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on May 05, 2018, 19:37:03
BETA. Sometimes the cancellation of the crosses is strange to me. Where the dialog box opens straight away, it is ok. However, the "Quick Settings" is strange when I press a switch and I do not have to cancel the dialog. Using the "back" button is not ideal because it is not clear whether the options remain set or canceled. Why is not an arrow in the upper left corner like a route planner?
CZ: BETA. Někdy mi to zrušení křížků přijde divné. Tam, kde se volbou dialogový panel rovnou ukončí je to v pořádku. Ovšem třeba u "Rychých nastavení" je divné když stisknu nějaký přepínač a nemám jak dialogový panel zrušit. Použití tlačítka "zpět" není ideální protože není dopředu jasné jestli volby zůstanou nastaveny nebo se zruší. Proč není v levém horním rohu šipka jako třeba u plánovače tras?
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
It's based on this discussion:
An only simple solution for now, is a) keep "x" in the corner for dialogs or b) remove it.
Back arrow in not visible on "quick switch" and some other dialogs, because they are made as "floating no-fullscreen dialog". It may be manually changed.
I understand, then you might prefer to keep the original version, but instead of the cross symbol use the "SAVE" button in the upper right corner. I think similarly it is also addressed "Diet". It will be clear that by pressing the changes will be confirmed.
CZ: Chápu, pak by se raději mohla zachovat původní verze, ale místo symbolu křížku použít v pravém horním rohu tlačítko s textem "SAVE". Myslím, že podobně to má řešena i "Strava". Tak bude jasné, že stiskem budou změny potvrzeny.
*** BETA version ***
Biggest change? Logging of caches completely new, more here (
Anyone with troubles with GPS system after screen turn off? May you please give a try to this version? Thanks.
Hello menion
-after starting live map inside GC4L, Icon and arrow are blinking for download caches, but no cache icon is displayed on map
-if i try to open a cache from POI tab or from label on map, locus close > report/OK
Doing Menu/Settings/Maps, I have less available options in the beta version than in the pro version.
Normal ?
( (
( (
Thanks @balloni55, issue probably found. Problem are in caches that has attached trackable items.
it's ok since previous Beta version ( We are in process of testing. No feedback so far => seems that all ok :). Anyway do not worry, no settings were removed, just few of them moved to "better" place and around half of them renamed/updated description.
EDIT: ah balloni ... problem with G4L will be probably same as here: . Seems that G4L again incorrectly detect active Locus Map version. Hmm I hope this is already finally fixed and seems not. It's more issue in Locus API then in G4L, just little bit complicated to me to simulate. What about if you open Locus Free (Beta), close it and then terminate G4L over system settings. Does it then help?
Minor: In geocache logs, bolded text like **this** isn't handled quite right. Usually Locus displays that like *this* instead of as bolded text.
Also, I've seen a paragraph (my Attended log on GC7NA5Z) where a **bolded** and an *italicized* word in the same paragraph cause the text between those words to be italicized instead. A bit odd.
(That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.)
When trying to open a premium cache, Locus crashes.
Premium is not a problem! And some other crashes. I do not see the continuity and cause yet.
QuoteWhat about if you open Locus Free (Beta), close it and then terminate G4L over system settings. Does it then help?
unfortunately not :-[
also GC4L "nearest caches" and "import by GC code" didn´t work
i see loading process of caches, select folder where to store > click on import locus close :-[
do you need a log?
Beta still gives "Blank" as name of a Mapsforge v4 map overlay on another vector map in the style menu.
( (
crash is caused only for caches that has trackable items inside. Will be fixed in next version
I'm worried, log won't help here. As I wrote, it's a problem in detection of currently active version of Locus by add-ons. @Arcao already reported some problems here , but it should be already fixed in latest Locus API version. Not sure if Arcao already use it.
ah, sorry, so second attempt in next version
Btw. is anyone using Tasker application for some automation? I've created quite interesting feature ( ) a week ago, so I'm curious if someone find it useful :).
Beta can not get a network location.
( (
Selecting the alternate google position is OK.
(My mobile phone is currently not reliable) +EDIT My mobile sends only FUSED LOCATION PROVIDER
But another application works correctly!
( (
This problem is also in BETA. Continues also in
Do not forget about it in the new version. (
Field Note Manager - Locus (BETA) crach
After this fall I can not open any cache!
So I finished testing.
QuoteI'm worried, log won't help here. As I wrote, it's a problem in detection of currently active version of Locus by add-ons
problem solved with V
--- Locus BETA ---
Test TB and FN log.
It duplicates TB in the cache list.
In FN manager, I only see 1 TB log (I have 3 TB logs)
I did not understand:
logs have a check mark. TB have only the send option (arrow)
How do I work with this team?
( (
( (
So it works again? No more crashes? Needs logs if any crash happened.
Duplicate logs: what steps should I do to simulate it?
You see a single log in logs manager: most probably because remaining two are already sent? I display only information that there are some pending logs. There is no other option, compare to cache logs, how to log trackables. So you have to tap on "send" button that sends logs to web.
No crashes right now.
In FN manager, I only see 1 TB log (I have 3 TB logs offline and 1 send)
I have 7 TB in inventory.
You do not mean seriously that just for example. 10 cache will be forced 70 x click on the arrow ???
Edit: I've already managed to accumulate two. So it merges into one send.
Who knows how long it will take to resolve issues with this off-line fun in every cache (unnecessary) until we finish the proposed simple one-click solution without any problems.
Such a structure of function is first-order (prvoplánová) and assumes a number of unpredictable combinations of problems!
Believe me pls... Above this function thinking three years and last year intensively. Detailed description of "macro" what to do, when and in what order I described in the topic Magic One Click.
Quote from: Condor on October 13, 2015, 12:04:45
(Aspoň) Zmena default nastavenia po načítaní inventaru TB na navštívený - je to otrava to za každým meniť pri odosielaní logu.
Ideálny stav by bol automatická možnosť. Čiže v nastaveniach niekde označiť tuto možnosť tak aby locus túto činnosť automaticky vykonal pri odosielaní logu. Samozrejme zachovať možnosť prípadnej zmeny. Takže by musel locus prednačitať inventar už pri akcii zalogovať online a označiť všetko na navštíveny. V prípade potreby by človek na karte inventar zmenil na inú možnosť pred akciou odoslať. Ale v 99% prípadoch by sa tej karte nebolo nutné venovať.
But OK, I am willing to test the current function as well.
Still ... we need to send logs from - to (marked as cache) This must of course also apply to TB!
I have to explain all the reasons for combining why?
This is not possible in the current mode.
Of course the new way to work with TB is SUPER! This one will definitely keep for sending one cache with TB. It's nice and comfortable.
Of course I give you permission to use the phrase "Magic One Click" for advertising purposes Locus. ;) :D 8)
Quote from: john_percy on May 11, 2018, 13:46:27
Beta still gives "Blank" as name of a Mapsforge v4 map overlay on another vector map in the style menu.
( (
Now sorted, thanks
QuoteDuplicate logs: what steps should I do to simulate it?
my setting, "always log offline"
- in field , after found i "log visit" with some text
- at home i open log inside locus "basic tab" via 3-dot button > edit, change action to > visited and confirm
- next i open FN PRO, mark this cache and upload it to GS
result, double grayed log inside locus log and double log on GS tackable page
( (
Q: if i open the next field log of another found cache, the action after "refrech inventory" is set to "No action", how can i set this action fix to "Visited" as long as this trackable is in my hand?
Hi Menion, preparing for a vacation, I had to edit a lot of tracks and POIs.
The POIs behave nicely. You save from the top bar.
For tracks there is still the old mess: the top bar says "save", but if you hit that, you will in fact discard.
While the functioning "save" is hidden behind the virtual Android control buttons.
Could you PLEASE adapt the track edit behaviour to the way POIs are handled ?
TXs and cheers
Menu > Seting > Geocaching - crash
Add new quick point definition window. Add .... click right top cross assuming cancel, decline, back, close ... Performs SAVE!
I note that the bottom is also a choice "save"
Take a look at the coordinates in the attached image. Strange artefacts on the sea due to shadowing altitude. Beta and Pro locus map of Italy.(
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
I'm there in the coordinates and satellite view I see the landscape around.
So what's the problem?
I would like to point out that Locus Map is not responsible for height data and possibly errors data.'18.7%22N+13%C2%B026'01.6%22E/@45.7050951,13.4326139,292m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d45.7052!4d13.4337833?hl=sk ('18.7%22N+13%C2%B026'01.6%22E/@45.7050951,13.4326139,292m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d45.7052!4d13.4337833?hl=sk)
I know locus is not responsible for height data, but if I find something strange I advise about it. The data should be correct but not the use by the app.
It's also impossible for me to find on terrein such errors but on the sea they make me think "are the data on terrein good or not?"
Altitude was always a big problem, gps accuracy is not good, barometer accuracy influenced by weather, and if we also have bad data from maps I don't know where can we find the true values.
Quote from: menion on May 11, 2018, 14:16:31
Btw. is anyone using Tasker application for some automation? I've created quite interesting feature ( ) a week ago, so I'm curious if someone find it useful :).
Following this tutorial:
Now google assistant can start the recording profile "live" that I set up in locus with automatic start of livetracking. No need to touch the phone.
An add on to the profile should be the automatic send to your selected contacts by e-mail/sms/whatsup... of message that they now can follow me on locus or on the site.
thanks for a feedback related to the new logging system. I really believe that current solution should work perfectly. Unfortunately, I still have feedback only from you and little bit from balloni. As I wrote in different topic, if you won't agree it may works, a lot better should be to give a Skype call.
Geocaching crash? :
Quick new point: bottom "Add", then "cross" or back press and the new definition is saved?? heh ...
thanks, I'll try to simulate this problem tomorrow.
Tasker guy? This may be interesting topic for you:
And problems in HGT files ... well, we are aware that there are some artefacts in downloaded files. Maybe @voldapet will know more about it?
ah, we discuss this in the different topic about UI problems. If you disable fullscreen mode it will work as it should. I spend on it again some time this morning and maybe one more hack may help here, so next version. Anyway, I really want to get rid of confirm buttons in the top toolbar. I know they are used in some apps, I know it may be useful in some cases because they do not waste space at the bottom and are visible always. On the second side, it is almost impossible to put these confirm buttons to top toolbar on some dialogs, all screens etc. Top confirm buttons are used only a few times in Locus now (history code), where bottom buttons are used maybe hundred times, maybe more. Thanks for understanding.
@menion : Re your answer to Michael:
Yeah I understand all that but at least let's not have it say SAVE when tapping there discards the edit. Change the text in the title bar please.TRACK EDIT or even just EDIT would help a million.
Quote from: menion on May 13, 2018, 22:09:10
Tasker guy? This may be interesting topic for you:
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
I use the built-in connection to Gpsies very often. When downloading a track within the Gpsies web service the source URL of the track is stored within the track. After export (GPS v1.1 incl. descriptions) the track from Locus the URL is gone :(
@menion, can you _please_ ensure that no information is missed after proceeding within Locus?
(I remember that we discussed this some years ago...)
Thank you.
Hmm don't remember now, but improved, thanks.
Thank you very much!
Hold map center (after% s sec)
I can not find where it is set up.
Is she lost? Or I am ... :o
All stuff related to "control of map" is now placed in settings > controlling > map screen.
Yes it is.
But I'm looking for a setup item. Time change (5s)
Ah, this value was and still is in config.cfg as a 'map_hold_center_method_timeout' . Hope it's what you are looking for.
Oh ... I thought it was available in the menu. I solved it and searched only for the translation. OK
*** BETA version ***
Live Chat for Live tracking is here :) (among other stuff of course). Btw. when we talk about geocaching now, did you noticed nice small tool in preparation: ? Looks useful.
Quote from: Condor on May 11, 2018, 19:33:45
This problem is also in BETA. Continues also in
Do not forget about it in the new version. (
Continues also in
When Live Tracking Locus is turned on, it releases sound. One beep approximately every minute or at random.
Can not identify what is the notification?
I do not know how to create a chat room. I do not even have any available.
description for reload geocaching trackable inventory from internet
Does it really do this?
Send not yet uploaded trackable logs and download current inventory?
I do not want to send a bulk log somewhere in the forest during the day. And especially when Cache logs are not sent yet!
I just want to update the inventory!
Menion your thought march is about getting rid of inserted items. So? Bad Way ....
Hello Condor,
no need to remind me a problem from help desk. As I see, I have on help desk around 150 unsolved problems, this is just a one of minor problems.
Live tracking sounds: probably enabled positive/negative notification set in your recording profile ... just open profile detail (long click on live-tracking profile or in context menu > edit. Then scroll at bottom.
Reload of inventory: yes, it does this. You want only load an inventory? Well ... since begin, you want to use this logging system only in online. If you use it only online, you won't be uploading a huge list of logs. Otherwise, to load real valid inventory, it firstly needs to upload all pending logs, this makes sense right?
EDIT: ah and chat rooms: do you see a "letter" icon in top of map screen when live tracking is running?
Sorry ... I did not see any response from You that you know this problem. I apologise ;-)
Uawww ... Tab & Hold menu is new to me. I can see the settings. Thanks
Room - I'm not a premium.
A lot of the combination - a lot of problems.
I have a different view of implementing this feature.
I do not know what to say about your imagination. And all the connections.
An overall view is necessary. This is a partial problem in the design of the intent.
There is no need to be paid premium live tracking user to use a chat in Beta version. Maybe we made a mistake and "premium" is by accident needed .. will check it tomorrow, thanks!
Menion is there a list of features that are available through geocaching APIs? This would be helpful when considering the new Locus options and futures.
The only, probably worst documentation I ever saw, is here: . Don't expect any explanation or description what functions exactly do ... nothing like this exists. So mostly from names, you should imagine what feature do.
Menion thanks for answer.
Add to FN Manager:
It would be good to insert the link after tapping on the "log" in the Field Note Manager - jump to the log edit window.
LT Chat - Room:
Any status of an online user?
Whether it is important to write to him and wait for the answer.
Is there any audio notification of the new message?
Or a notification in the android notification bar?
Online status is currently missing, we should definitely add it.
There are no audio/vibration notifications about unread messages, but we also plan to add these. But you should be able to at least see the number of unread messages in the notification area in Live Tracking notification description.
Just thinking about Chat and my personal opinion.
Does this feature have real use and relevance?
Today there are free calls, SMS free, a million social networks and text communicators.
Personally, this option probably never use.
Is this really what we need in Locus?
P.S. I do not want this in any way offend Locus team :-)
I have ideas for an automatic life saving feature. (notification and emergency rescue) It may be a separate application or addon. The advantage is that Locus is mostly run on "risky" activities and already connected to the device's sensors.
If this topic is interesting ... I can write more privately.
LT Chat - Room is still available only for private group, unable to test it now.
Beta updated this morning.
Will the chat system work also on ?
Available room is - Public room.
I'm in it for testing now ;-)
Using the new beta this morning to log a few caches and noticed the "Found Caches Counter" wasn't updating. When I found my first cache it increased by 1 but stayed at that number despite finding several more caches.
Quote from: Condor on May 15, 2018, 15:49:06
Just thinking about Chat and my personal opinion.
Does this feature have real use and relevance?
Today there are free calls, SMS free, a million social networks and text communicators.
Personally, this option probably never use.
Is this really what we need in Locus?
P.S. I do not want this in any way offend Locus team :-)
I have ideas for an automatic life saving feature. (notification and emergency rescue) It may be a separate application or addon. The advantage is that Locus is mostly run on "risky" activities and already connected to the device's sensors.
If this topic is interesting ... I can write more privately.
Even the organization of a trail running race would not rely on an online chat to contact the participants.
It's safer to use text messages, they have everyone's phone number.
In the case of a small group, for example family members who follow you with the LT, they would not use the chat, but whatsapp or a phone call.
Not always more is better. Too many features make applications bigger and sometimes make them more complicated for users and developers (and bet testers ;) )
For example, who does not care about the chat can make the icon that covers the map disappear?
Quote from: lor74cas on May 15, 2018, 16:22:56
For example, who does not care about the chat can make the icon that covers the map disappear?
Good note and question.
I assumed that if I left the room the icon would disappear. It did not happen. Even the tap on the envelope fits me into the original room I'm no longer in.
Thanks for a feedback guys.
Idea behind chat is definitely not to replace some bigger apps like Whatsup or similar. The idea here is to bring instant communication solution between more people where big advantage will be with a connection to Locus Map app.
So first what comes to mind is to send to others some location/point that will immediately appear on the map like the regular point. We were today think also about an option to share some more complicated content like full geocache or for example definition of area. So generally it should be really simple chat were the location (my, my friends, shared place) will play an important role.
And of course, I know that more != better. Anyway, I'm sure that see someone on the map and be able to quickly communicate with him are very connected features.
@Leeds Tyke
thanks! I'll look at it.
Quote from: menion on May 15, 2018, 19:28:28
Thanks for a feedback guys.
Idea behind chat is definitely not to replace some bigger apps like Whatsup or similar. The idea here is to bring instant communication solution between more people where big advantage will be with a connection to Locus Map app.
So first what comes to mind is to send to others some location/point that will immediately appear on the map like the regular point. We were today think also about an option to share some more complicated content like full geocache or for example definition of area. So generally it should be really simple chat were the location (my, my friends, shared place) will play an important role.
And of course, I know that more != better. Anyway, I'm sure that see someone on the map and be able to quickly communicate with him are very connected features.
@Leeds Tyke
thanks! I'll look at it.
With your explanation the proposal of the chat feature has a new point of view.
My first impression was focused only on "chat".
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Looking at the edit / add chat room window, I thought:
Use this layout for the add / edit section of your friends.
"green area and text" and quick delete - small cross.
Also implement the "friends" feature in the popup menu tap to owner (listing, logs) - "Add to friends".
Functions for online Chat appear to be interesting. In this context, yes and chat - as a byproduct.
Quote from: menion on May 15, 2018, 19:28:28
So first what comes to mind is to send to others some location/point that will immediately appear on the map like the regular point. We were today think also about an option to share some more complicated content like full geocache or for example definition of area. So generally it should be really simple chat were the location (my, my friends, shared place) will play an important role.
Anything already in place to share POI's in the chat?
Not yet, it's anyway work in progress.
Without this, chat won't be published to the final version, so not worry :).
The button text for selecting the overlay map has been changed in the beta. It now reads:
If no overlay map selected - CHANGE MAP
If overlay map already selected - SET
I think the text ought to be the other way round:
If no overlay map selected - SET
If overlay map already selected - CHANGE MAP
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
Aaaand new weekend *** Beta version *** is out!
Enjoy the weekend and happy testing!
Thank you for the cross in the magnifying glass.
Layout is inappropriate. (not applicable to exact work).
I wrote about it in detail in helpforum.
If the words are not enough ... find the 3rd branch of the map.
A view of the cursor position on the normal map is essential.
I have a cross (super) but I do not know where ;-)
( (
This change is from puddle to mud.
@menion, arcao
after today automatic update of Locus and GC4L identically problem as reported in V
Quoteif i try to open a cache from POI tab or from label on map, locus close > report/OK
with last Beta and last GC4L all worked fine.
So Geocaching with current Beta isn´t possible :-[
I look at the LT map (as you run) and you run away from the map! :-D
It would be a convenient feature - "Focus" (center the map on the selected user)
Yesterday I would like to test the new version (beta) on a big geocaching tour
i have the same problem as balloni.
So Geocaching with current Beta isn´t possible :-[
Quotewith last Beta and last GC4L all worked fine.
So Geocaching with current Beta isn´t possible
solved with, thanks
The attribute filter also allows you to select an attribute that does not exist. Some prohibitions do not exist. Such as livestock, dangerous area, and others. (
And I announce that the filters do not work at all! +hidden information
I found them to work partly but badly. On the contrary. Looking for a dog. I will give a green dog OK and no results. +hidden information
Chaos with bottom buttons.
clear/delete filter - OK
cancel (zrušiť) - ? the result is the same as the filter
filter - OK
Missing option - delete all currently selected (all to ignore)
I also recommend - tap and hold on the attribute - set to ignore
When working with the filter, the filters return to the base card (the last working one does not remember) - annoying
When the filter is activated, the icon below is white (unlabeled)
And I got into the window from where I can not go back to the filters. Filters will be lost and only a filter of distance. (add screen) +My fault! Click the line next!
( (
( (
For sure, I'm generating a report....
- filter by attributes didn´t work for me > allways no result
- Geocaching filter tab e.g. "min of favorites" > filter, i get the result, ok :)
after next click on "filter button" i end in filter tab "Normal" and not inside tab "Geocaching" to modify my filter conditions :-[
filter by attributes seems to work for newly imported caches but not for existing caches. Presumably, that's how it's supposed to work.
Quote- filter by attributes didn´t work for me > allways no result
after i run "update cache" for the whole folder filter seams to work ;)
"and Attributes (need re-import caches)"
This sentence was very strictly hidden between the pictures! :o
( (
@Leeds Tyke Thanks
Quote from: lor74cas on May 13, 2018, 16:31:25
Quote from: menion on May 11, 2018, 14:16:31
Btw. is anyone using Tasker application for some automation? I've created quite interesting feature ( ) a week ago, so I'm curious if someone find it useful :).
Following this tutorial:
Now google assistant can start the recording profile "live" that I set up in locus with automatic start of livetracking. No need to touch the phone.
An add on to the profile should be the automatic send to your selected contacts by e-mail/sms/whatsup... of message that they now can follow me on locus or on the site.
<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="5.1m">
<Profile sr="prof17" ve="2">
<nme>Bt On Off Locus</nme>
<State sr="con0" ve="2">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3">mydevice</Str>
<Str sr="arg1" ve="3"/>
<Task sr="task16">
<nme>Locus Paused</nme>
<Action sr="act0" ve="7">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3">Locus paused</Str>
<Str sr="arg1" ve="3">default:default</Str>
<Int sr="arg2" val="3"/>
<Int sr="arg3" val="5"/>
<Int sr="arg4" val="5"/>
<Int sr="arg5" val="1"/>
<Int sr="arg6" val="0"/>
<Int sr="arg7" val="0"/>
<Action sr="act1" ve="7">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3">Locus paused</Str>
<Int sr="arg1" val="1"/>
<Action sr="act2" ve="7">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3"></Str>
<Int sr="arg1" val="0"/>
<Str sr="arg2" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg3" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg4" ve="3">tasks: { track_record: { action: "pause", name: "geo" } }</Str>
<Str sr="arg5" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg6" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg8" ve="3"/>
<Int sr="arg9" val="0"/>
<Task sr="task19">
<nme>Locus Started</nme>
<Action sr="act0" ve="7">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3">Locus started</Str>
<Str sr="arg1" ve="3">default:default</Str>
<Int sr="arg2" val="3"/>
<Int sr="arg3" val="5"/>
<Int sr="arg4" val="5"/>
<Int sr="arg5" val="1"/>
<Int sr="arg6" val="0"/>
<Int sr="arg7" val="0"/>
<Action sr="act1" ve="7">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3">Locus started</Str>
<Int sr="arg1" val="1"/>
<Action sr="act2" ve="7">
<Str sr="arg0" ve="3"></Str>
<Int sr="arg1" val="0"/>
<Str sr="arg2" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg3" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg4" ve="3">tasks: { track_record: { action: "start", name: "geo" } }</Str>
<Str sr="arg5" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg6" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg7" ve="3"/>
<Str sr="arg8" ve="3"/>
<Int sr="arg9" val="0"/>
It works but has a some strange behaviour.
First of all each one has to configure his device that triggers the tasker action.
If left blank every BT connected will active the tasker trigger. I usually wear a Garmin forerunner sometimes I share data with bt to my wife phone so I want that the action triggers only when my bt car device connects.
Second I declared a profile to start and stop named geo. But this Locus react in this way to the intent:
If the profile exists in locus than it is started or paused, if it does not exists it starts or pause the default profile (I did not expect this).
Third if there is not any track recording started, the pause intent starts a recording but it starts paused.
This is my 0.0.1 version of the task and needs some improvement but I need some explanation about the 3 points I wrote.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
hmm you are right. I've discovered even worst use-case in route planner, where current system when moving points, complete lost it's usage.
About "the following user", good idea. I'll keep it in my mind.
List of attributes: what a useful page. This list is 100% valid? May I use it and set attributes based on this?
Thanks for a other feedback related to filter, will consider it, thanks.
About first point, this is related to how tasker work.
Second: good point, will improve it
Third: well "pause" should probably work only in case of recording currently run, I'll improve it as well, thanks
Quote from: menion on May 21, 2018, 11:56:54
About first point, this is related to how tasker work.
The 1st point it's about the easy of use of the tasker script:
My idea is to make it generic and if a user want's to fire it up only with a specific device, he can configure it in this way.
List of Attributes
The geowiki page seems OK. Number 66 also agrees with (
According to geoviki, set available options for individual attributes.
*** BETA version 3.31.0 RC ***
Main changes related to new points filter, where is now new "Filter manager", a new screen where you may save/restore predefined filters. Tap on the icon of folder now allows to quickly load folder content based on the predefined filters.
And some other changes as well.
I'm today leaving for a few days vacation, but at the start of the week, I fix reported and found issues and hope that during Wednesday, we will be able to publish new stable version.
Have a nice time!
3.31.0 RC
My opinion on the setting dialogues:
1. An unnecessary complication of the structure of the settings. Why these additional levels, are there still a lot of settings to it?
2. The German translation has become worse, has Google translated?
Unsightly display under map items
( (
in mapsforge maps V4 the roads are shown too thick, this is the same for every theme.
( (
- They seem to work properly
- "filter manager" and Tap menu icon is a good job.
Circle 161m (limit):
- The circle around the final is OK
- the circle around the original coordinates (virtual point) - Not good (there is no limit)
+ recommendation for 161 limits:
- If this function is to be perfect, virtual cache must also be excluded. (Event (M, G), Cito, Earth, Virtual, Lab, L&F)
FN manager:
- Tap and hold on log to edit OK
Cache detail offline log edit:
- Can not edit TB! I will save the log with the TB settings I have visited. Then I want to fix on eg. insert. It can not be changed. The original selection will remain gray (unavailable). Each edit creates a new TB record!
So it works? Definitely not.
(You'll know my troubleshooting, even those that will happen later)
- poor position orientation
(I wrote another place)
Quote from: lor74cas on May 20, 2018, 18:48:50
Second I declared a profile to start and stop named geo. But this Locus react in this way to the intent:
If the profile exists in locus than it is started or paused, if it does not exists it starts or pause the default profile (I did not expect this).
Third if there is not any track recording started, the pause intent starts a recording but it starts paused.
This is my 0.0.1 version of the task and needs some improvement but I need some explanation about the 3 points I wrote.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
With RC version the start intent now works correctly with the specified profile. In case there is no "geo" profile does nothing as expected.
The pause intent pause every running recording and not the specific one "geo".
Happy vacation and stay away from every smartphone

Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Today on Pro LT error. My usual profile changed on it's settings, all fields value was 90. Changed only user name and worked as usual but it was a strange behaviour.(
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Thanks for pre-release feedback guys.
about settings, @Michal give you best possible answer, anyway idea behind it is not to make access to certain settings as fast as possible, but make it as logical as possible.
Cannot say how good is German translation, but you may check it on your own here: . I believe it is very good as usual ;).
"MapItems" layout: thanks.
Roads in V4 themes: to be true, I have no idea how app may affect this.
Circles ... more complicated then it looks. Because you specify a folder for which points circles will be drawn, it complicates a situation. Maybe we may change this system and create a simple function "draw 161m circles around caches", which will then draw these circles correctly about all correct caches/waypoints on the map, no matter if they come from the database, live map etc. What do you think?
Editing of created TB log: yep, it is not possible now. If log is greyed, it should mean that it is already uploaded! I'll look at it.
pause intent: and what you expect? :). You wants "pause", and it happen. No matter what profile is used. Also in docs, there is no info about supported "profile" for "pause" action.
And LT error ... aa yep, we know about it. @Milan look on it tomorrow, we definitelly needs to get rid of it, thanks.
Quote from: menion on May 29, 2018, 21:58:17
Editing of created TB log: yep, it is not possible now. If log is greyed, it should mean that it is already uploaded! I'll look at it.
Do not you mean that seriously?
I've just checked the GCs and yes!
All my
OFF-LINE attempts I NEVER sent online and deleted on the device are recorded on the GC website !!!
The whole thing ..... does not work this way.
I'm going to delete the 30 records from the page ....
When and at what occasion did Locus send it?
+ Edit:
I did not use the option to send an online log.
I did not even use TB to update it once. (I know this action will send a log)
+Another problem (
Yep, seriously. This most probably happens at the moment, you tried to "load" or "refresh" your "inventory".
At this moment, Locus needs to upload all your currently existing (and not yet uploaded) TB logs and after that, it is possible to download real state of your inventory.
You wrote that you do not log caches online? And how you then want to log a trackables? How you logged them in previous app versions? Trackable logs were always uploaded immediately.
But this is an effort (from your side) to make OFFLINE TB logs ;-)
All these problems ... the solution is elsewhere.
Construct functionality so that you can send a TB log without sending the log cache is incorrect. (Border with GC rules).
This is all the more when it's done in the background without a clear action by the user.
E.g.: activity in another cache (inadvertently) sends the TB log from a completely different Offline record.
So, according to the results of my activity (unjustified log on the GC page) I came to the conclusion that not only reload TB sends TB (there is a notice so it is relatively OK). But also LOAD TB! (No Alert!) So LOAD is actually UPLOAD SEND!
If I believed this would ever work smoothly so I suggested to rename the button. But this construction is waiting for further problems. So it does not matter.
Why did you choose this complicated path to a simple result?
Quote from: menion on May 29, 2018, 21:58:17
Thanks for pre-release feedback guys.
pause intent: and what you expect? :). You wants "pause", and it happen. No matter what profile is used. Also in docs, there is no info about supported "profile" for "pause" action.
And LT error ... aa yep, we know about it.
Pause intent has to be directed to a profile.
If I'm not geocaching, as the tasker script is made for, and I want to track my car trip when bt starts the locus recording stops.
It'd be useful an intent to start and stop just LT. It can work inverse of geocaching tasker script. Every time I start my car trip, the car bt connects and starts LT sending a message to a contact with a link something like " look I'm here follow me"
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
hmm, I also think that this solution is complicated. But is there any possible better solution how to log trackables during logging a cache?
I'm aware of your one-click solution (, but it is made for "Logs manager" ... select X logs and upload them together with logging a trackables. What I need is an option to really log a trackable during logging a cache.
So the only solution: change it to "online log" only as before?
"stop" intent, in this case, makes sense, but most common scenario will be request without defined "profile". Ok ... solution ... "name" defined = only apply if this profile is active, otherwise stop always.
Support for Live tracking is planned.
TB log at one cache, essentially as it was for years. The only requirement was to preset (or remember the last state) than the one visited. Whether it is on the old card or down on the main one is one. No offline storage! Just like sending in one batch with a cache. No gray records.
This "card" TB is similarly used in FNM for the whole dose. Follow sequence, synchro as detailed in it.
Really simple and no problems ;-)
Offline logs looked so promising, damn.
Oki, for now, I'll downgrade it to the previous system when the only online log of trackables directly with a cache will be possible. Thanks
Offline record of TB is really unnecessary and especially unrealizable.It is assumption of many variations of problems that can not be solved.
Real use? Nothing reasonable did not think. More importance to save offline log TB is the reason for its later use (send) For this purpose this activity is unnecessary. This action is only done when sending. And it does not matter whether it is a one cache or a lot of cache.
Everything is about saving time, doing unnecessary tasks, automating the process, minimizing errors.
We all want to make Locus the best.
The way Condor describes offline logging of TB's was the way Maaloo Geocaching for Windows Phone worked and it worked OK for me, but there was issues.
For instance, a TB you have with you is logged as visited on cache A,B and C and then dropped at D. And you continue logging cache E and F without the TB.
How is this supposed to work in offline mode if you don't log anything about this while offline?
This will work if you send it to the API in chronologically order while sending the cache visits. I think the RC version would work as intended, but these points needs to be done:
1. Rename the LOAD button so that it is completely clear that this will also upload TB logs. (But I would prefer this button only load TB's)
2. Make sure all TB logs for cache A is deleted when any visit, attended, note or anything else is deleted for cache A.
3. Don't create duplicate visits, drops or anything else for a TB on a given cache. (I think we can live with that deleting a visit on a cache completely and create a new one must be done when you realize a TB is logged wrong. If your intent was to log a drop, but you logged a visit, then delete the local fieldnote and log it once again)
I do not know how to comment and explain the context properly.
The basic question is:
What do we want it to happen?
There is a need for this answer. We want to write TB to a specific cache log. Yes.
So this is what I want and the solution offered is complex and without complications. It is easy to apply for bulk enrollment.
Once again, I emphasize. Any storage of the offline TB log is unnecessary, it does not matter is the source of the problem. It does not require any subsequent action.
Any work with TB is only needed when you send it online. Just how it worked so far. We want automatic setup to be visited. This is the first phase and requirement.
The second is to apply this principle to the bulk log exactly in the same way automatically for all caches in a batch.
How do you solve this use case with your solution?
"a TB you have with you is logged as visited on cache A,B and C and then dropped at D. And you continue logging cache E and F without the TB."
That's the common use case that complicates Condor's one-click solution and it's the reason, why I prefer log of trackables in the same screen, where you log a cache - so in the same moment.
Or did we miss something @Condor? :)
Simple log single cache option:
exactly as it works until now. (required manually for each set visited or drop off)
Variant bulk log:
mark A, B, C click send. Cache D send individually, visited, drop off, grab. Mark E, F, G .... or all and send.
Individual unique decisions drop off, grab, pick up can not be automated. It is an action after a specific decision or action. It's not a repeat activity.
95% of work with TB is visited (own inventory). This activity takes up daily for a 50-100 cache of 1-3 hours. I want to spend 3 hours on nature or sleep or whatever. I want to save 3 hours of mobile phone battery.
The solution retains the principle of maintaining the status quo and the ability to send caches individually as now. Benefit would be to remember the setting you have visited.
New option (in FNM) to mark the range or everything, set TB as the visited and one click. Equipped. Each action is unambiguous and user-driven. No action makes any hits in a different cache or offline record.
I understand your way of doing this and I was used to do this when I was on Windows Phone and Maaloo Geocaching. But it was always a hassle to remember everthing. It starts to get complicated when you have 5 or more TBs, drop them in different caches and visit tens or more caches. You have to write down what you do and be sure to do the right thing when home.
I think Menion's approach is good, but a few bugs have to be sorted out.
Quote from: menion on May 30, 2018, 18:40:52
That's the common use case that complicates Condor's one-click solution and it's the reason, why I prefer log of trackables in the same screen, where you log a cache - so in the same moment.
Or did we miss something @Condor? :)
This is how GSAK is doing it. You edit your logs, tell what to do with each and every TB and at a later stage in time, you send it to groundspeak. It works like a charm.
*** 3.31.0 RC2 ***
The first and only click on the online log and this has happened.
Below TB records continue.
( (
The magnifying glass is now great!
Line spirit! Some bugs ...
Appears when POI notifications are running
( (
Quote from: LocusUser#1 on May 23, 2018, 16:25:35
3.31.0 RC
My opinion on the setting dialogues:
1. An unnecessary complication of the structure of the settings. Why these additional levels, are there still a lot of settings to it?
2. The German translation has become worse, has Google translated?
Hi Frank,
Locus settings are very complex, we all know that, and for many (especially new) users, they were too complicated. In order to make them more intuitive we restructured them. Not on a base of our whims - its new structure comes out of an extensive testing, experimenting and thorough user survey. And as @menion has written, we struggled to rework it on behalf of logic and best possible UX for as many people as possible.
As for the German translations - Locus is translated by users voluteering in Crowdin translation project. If you are sure you could contribute and improve Greman translation, you can participate in it as well.
Quote from: menion on May 30, 2018, 06:49:57
"stop" intent, in this case, makes sense, but most common scenario will be request without defined "profile". Ok ... solution ... "name" defined = only apply if this profile is active, otherwise stop always.
Support for Live tracking is planned.
Hello, tested intent on last version:
track rec started with profile geo
intent sent pause geo, paused current geo recording profile OK
track rec started with profile car
intent sent pause geo, paused current car recording profile NOT OK
Hello Menione, please try again to add to screen rotation preferences. With the new beta menu, you need to click 9x to change it. This is quite a lot. Otherwise I like the new menu, it is much clearer.
Field Note Manager (FNM)
It does not update the list after editing.
Existing record, tap and hold to edit, edit record - delete record, click back, return to FNM list.
This list will remain old with no existing records.
- screenshot with greyed trackables appear after creating a new log? Greyed trackables are already uploaded to, so it looks more like editing of old log.
- and I also saw a "ghost line", just wasn't able to simulate it. I'll look at it once more, thanks
- problem with refresh of FNM ... ah, possible. I'll check it too, thanks.
thanks, so, next version ;)
@Žajdlík Josef
understand. I was thinking about this setting in presets ... mainly on the bike, it is usually a problem. Unfortunately, now it's not possible, but in near future...
- screenshot with greyed trackable
I did a lot of tests ...
Yes, you're right, it's some old records. I do not know where and why does Locus archive them?
These records were tested and deleted. I do not have them stored anywhere.
I have no offline (FN) record at this time.
I open a cache, write a new log, and I will download the TB list to send it. And we'll get a long long gray list!
Now I've looked at it and added another 7 entries! I did not send anything! Each new TB list opening adds additional gray records. I did not send anything.
You understand? ;)
I already have a list of 4 displays :D
I did not use the send button!
And I just looked at the GC and:
23. 5. 2018 Condorik took it to Koral
This old test I do not see in Locus anywhere today send on GC!
I did not use the send button!
I did not even use the TB refresh button
This is what the white records are on the screenshot!!!
+edit 2
I have probably reached some limit (Max TB record? I have them 11)
Because the gray record has ceased to grow.
I'm in the state that I can not make any new TB record anymore.
+edit 3
Maybe if I used the TB refresh button I could go on :D :D :D
I do not want to try it! I do not want another unwanted record on the GC site.
Thank you, Menion, if it was too complicated, just add the option to the quick settings.
Just back from hiking in Scotland, hope it's not too late for some wish for next version ;)
I didn't get the chance to try out the new intents yet, but I'm looking forward to it. However, I'm missing one: "Activate Preset" (by name). With this, intents would be able to set anything that can be done in presets. Furthermore, adding new settings to presets automatically makes intent more powerful.
Case in point: I now have Tasker setups for Hiking, Biking, Car Navigation, etc. that are able to setup all aspects of my phone, start Locus/recording, etc. Only to have to display a popup at the end "Please choose the correct Locus preset now". With such an intent, it would finally be possible to to have a 1-click solution.
And another tiny thing: As you're improving point filters, could you also amend the track filters with a "Activity type" selection?
Hi guys,
quite a long time since last bigger update and quite a lot of feedback from all of you. This month is "king of active users" @Condor (after many many months before when kings were mostly @gynta & @balloni), so thanks :).
The new version is out, so new discussion in new topic, please.
Last unsolved issues:
probably some old problems caused by older system. If you want to get rid of it, please send me again your field notes database file and I'll fix it manually or simply delete this file ( Locus\data\config\gcFieldNotes.db ) if you don't care about your logs in Locus Map. I should at least check what is a problem with your current db.
@Žajdlík Josef
I'll add this setting to Presets, it will just take a while till I do some more changes in the app
too late, version is out. Anyway, most of your changes need some more work. No worry ... June is another month when we may do some improvements in app ;).
Have a nice week!