[APP] - version 3.30.+ ( 15. 3. 2018 )

Started by Menion, March 15, 2018, 12:35:05

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You have corrected the name for Mapsforge v4 maps in layers, good. But if I overlay a vector map on another vector map (may seem strange but never mind), and go to change the style of one or other of the maps, then the name of the Mapsforge v4 map still appears as Blank.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Žajdlík Josef

BETA. Sometimes the cancellation of the crosses is strange to me. Where the dialog box opens straight away, it is ok. However, the "Quick Settings" is strange when I press a switch and I do not have to cancel the dialog. Using the "back" button is not ideal because it is not clear whether the options remain set or canceled. Why is not an arrow in the upper left corner like a route planner?

CZ: BETA. Někdy mi to zrušení křížků přijde divné. Tam, kde se volbou dialogový panel rovnou ukončí je to v pořádku. Ovšem třeba u "Rychých nastavení" je divné když stisknu nějaký přepínač a nemám jak dialogový panel zrušit. Použití tlačítka "zpět" není ideální protože není dopředu jasné jestli volby zůstanou nastaveny nebo se zruší. Proč není v levém horním rohu šipka jako třeba u plánovače tras?


Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on May 05, 2018, 19:37:03
BETA. Sometimes the cancellation of the crosses is strange to me. Where the dialog box opens straight away, it is ok. However, the "Quick Settings" is strange when I press a switch and I do not have to cancel the dialog. Using the "back" button is not ideal because it is not clear whether the options remain set or canceled. Why is not an arrow in the upper left corner like a route planner?

CZ: BETA. Někdy mi to zrušení křížků přijde divné. Tam, kde se volbou dialogový panel rovnou ukončí je to v pořádku. Ovšem třeba u "Rychých nastavení" je divné když stisknu nějaký přepínač a nemám jak dialogový panel zrušit. Použití tlačítka "zpět" není ideální protože není dopředu jasné jestli volby zůstanou nastaveny nebo se zruší. Proč není v levém horním rohu šipka jako třeba u plánovače tras?

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


It's based on this discussion: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=6125.0
An only simple solution for now, is a) keep "x" in the corner for dialogs or b) remove it.

Back arrow in not visible on "quick switch" and some other dialogs, because they are made as "floating no-fullscreen dialog". It may be manually changed.
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Žajdlík Josef

I understand, then you might prefer to keep the original version, but instead of the cross symbol use the "SAVE" button in the upper right corner. I think similarly it is also addressed "Diet". It will be clear that by pressing the changes will be confirmed.

CZ: Chápu, pak by se raději mohla zachovat původní verze, ale místo symbolu křížku použít v pravém horním rohu tlačítko s textem "SAVE". Myslím, že podobně to má řešena i "Strava". Tak bude jasné, že stiskem budou změny potvrzeny.


*** BETA version ***
Biggest change? Logging of caches completely new, more here.
Anyone with troubles with GPS system after screen turn off? May you please give a try to this version? Thanks.
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Hello menion
-after starting live map inside GC4L, Icon and arrow are blinking for download caches, but no cache icon is displayed on map

-if i try to open a cache from POI tab or from label on map, locus close > report/OK
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Doing Menu/Settings/Maps, I have less available options in the beta version than in the pro version.
Normal ?



Thanks @balloni55, issue probably found. Problem are in caches that has attached trackable items.

it's ok since previous Beta version. We are in process of testing. No feedback so far => seems that all ok :). Anyway do not worry, no settings were removed, just few of them moved to "better" place and around half of them renamed/updated description.

EDIT: ah balloni ... problem with G4L will be probably same as here: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=6139.0 . Seems that G4L again incorrectly detect active Locus Map version. Hmm I hope this is already finally fixed and seems not. It's more issue in Locus API then in G4L, just little bit complicated to me to simulate. What about if you open Locus Free (Beta), close it and then terminate G4L over system settings. Does it then help?
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Viajero Perdido

Minor:  In geocache logs, bolded text like **this** isn't handled quite right.  Usually Locus displays that like *this* instead of as bolded text.

Also, I've seen a paragraph (my Attended log on GC7NA5Z) where a **bolded** and an *italicized* word in the same paragraph cause the text between those words to be italicized instead.  A bit odd.

(That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.)


When trying to open a premium cache, Locus crashes.

Premium is not a problem! And some other crashes. I do not see the continuity and cause yet.


QuoteWhat about if you open Locus Free (Beta), close it and then terminate G4L over system settings. Does it then help?
unfortunately not :-[
also GC4L "nearest caches" and "import by GC code" didn´t work
i see loading process of caches, select folder where to store > click on import locus close :-[
do you need a log?
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Beta still gives "Blank" as name of a Mapsforge v4 map overlay on another vector map in the style menu.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


crash is caused only for caches that has trackable items inside. Will be fixed in next version

I'm worried, log won't help here. As I wrote, it's a problem in detection of currently active version of Locus by add-ons. @Arcao already reported some problems here https://github.com/asamm/locus-api/issues/9 , but it should be already fixed in latest Locus API version. Not sure if Arcao already use it.

ah, sorry, so second attempt in next version

Btw. is anyone using Tasker application for some automation? I've created quite interesting feature ( https://github.com/asamm/locus-api/wiki/Action-tasks-(Broadcasts) ) a week ago, so I'm curious if someone find it useful :).
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Beta can not get a network location.

Selecting the alternate google position is OK.
(My mobile phone is currently not reliable) +EDIT My mobile sends only FUSED LOCATION PROVIDER

But another application works correctly!
