[APP] - version 4.25.+ ( 8/2024 )

Started by Menion, August 02, 2024, 12:08:50

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New Locus Map (4) version

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2. 8. 2024 - Locus Map 4.25.0
7. 8. 2024 - Locus Map 4.25.1
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Seems that menion prepares for including all elements of gc4locus in main app. 8)
Or why is the way für the add-on menu in geoache details hidden so deep :P


Not a bug report, granted, but I recently noticed some inconsistency:
The "Dashboard" function panel button shows/hides the dashboard, and long-press brings the option to select a dashboard. But the "Map Overlay" button always shows the selection dialog.
It would be more useful if the button also simply turns map overlay on/off, and the long-press menu offers the option to select (and setup the alpha, etc.). Also given that the detail dialog is available from the "Map-screen content" panel.

And while I'm at it: Any chance for multiple overlays? For example, I have overlays for public transport stops and hiking routes, and would like to show them together...


Another question:
I have the link to a WMS map (e.g. https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0), but I can only find a way to add WMS maps from a directory (where this map is not available). How can I add a WMS map by URL?


Menion, please notice. The bottom command bar in point mode is barely shown. This is independent from using fullscreen mode.

Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Graf Geo

Can't confirm that. Bottom bar is completely displayed for me. Maybe a problem on your device?

SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


Quote from: Graf Geo on August 05, 2024, 15:57:08Bottom bar is completely displayed for me.
Right... I notice it mostly works. Cannot yet tell under which circumstances the problem happens.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: Tapio on August 05, 2024, 15:00:26Menion, please notice. The bottom command bar in point mode is barely shown. This is independent from using fullscreen mode.

But only happens to me with a routeplanner planned track, which I saved, not with recorded tracks.
Only happens at  trackpoint 1 and then subsequently changing to no. 2 etc. With trackpoint 2 the detail popup changes its size with moved overlaying bottom bar, misplaced in the middle close to the location-header. Once I pull the detail popup down to make it smaller, the buttom bar jumps back to bottom, then fully visible, and everything stays fine.
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio

Graf Geo

First trackpoint of a planned track: confirmed.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


Hello, is the new version available in Android Play yet? I have not got the update, and I wait for Stat-kart utpdat...


Thanks guys.

4.25.1 published on Google Play to 50% of users, more next days, + of course Google Drive.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio


Quote from: Graf Geo on August 05, 2024, 19:30:50First trackpoint of a planned track: confirmed.
Fixed in newest version.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
Discuss - Releases - DL latest - Install latest


Quote from: Menion on August 07, 2024, 20:50:304.25.1 published on Google Play to 50% of users, more next days, + of course Google Drive.
Hello menion
click on 3 dot button> puzzle icon
click on each of the GC4L buttons opens the window "caches arround"

Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Omg, you are correct, I've not noticed it  :-X

At least Beta version on the Google Drive, sorry.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Ich benutze fast bei jedem Cache (Multi, Mystery) den 'Berechnen'-Button. Nun ist er in den tiefen der Menustruktur verbannt worden.  >:(

I use the 'Calculate' button for almost every cache (Multi, Mystery). Now it has been banished to the depths of the menu structure.  >:(
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