[APP] - version 4.10.+ ( 06/2022 )

Started by Menion, June 02, 2022, 13:32:35

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Quote from: Menion on June 19, 2022, 14:54:22
May you simply open in your web browser open the link "RTS2.ngii.go.kr:2101"? This should display, in the text form, a list of mount points so if you may copy & paste the text of that page, it may help, thanks.

It didn't work as you said, so I went to another site.
As in the screenshot, the mount point is either inactive (gray) or active. Click on the active location to select it(but all mount points must be active by default)
Click on the active location, select the mount point, enter the name and password, and then click Save, Locus Map 4 stops and exits the app.


Quote from: Graf Geo on June 17, 2022, 17:06:55

I don't understand why "Routenplaner" was replaced by "Route neuberechnen."
For me this describes a function in navigation, but here it is no recalculation but a modification of an existing track.
Suggestion: Route ändern / editieren / modifizieren... Or rename it "Routenplaner" like it was before.
This is rather a problem of the German translation - the English original is "Re-route" meaning "change the route progress in the route planner". I'll change it to "Route ändern" then. Thanks!
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague
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Graf Geo

Thank you, Michal. I think "Route ändern" is a good solution.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


I guess English is the only language that has reroute as own verb, most languages have 'route' as noun only and then it's the sensitive question what's up with it..a lot of possible words might even sound awkward as noone would use it that way
As long as we write locus without k everything is fine.. ;D


HTML parsing doesn't work, see screenshot.
Best, Lucas
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


*** Beta ***

just published. I hope that most of the reported problems will be fixed. Thanks for testing and excuse me for a few days. Small vacation with family.

Hope you all enjoy this year also some nice "vacation" activities  ;)
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You've worked hard, but unfortunately in the new beta version, the NTRIP client has the same symptoms (mount point inactive, locus map 4 stops when connecting)

Have a good vacation


I displayed many tracks and noticed some display refresh issues, lots of tracks disappearing. Re-appearing after some zooming. Will observe.
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Hmm then without a list of mountpoints, I'm really unable to do something with it. Od you just open thé web:port in thé web browser, what do you see?

It is possible. I did some performance optimizations where this may be a side effect. If you find any steps to simulate it, it should helps a lot, thanks!

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: Menion on June 23, 2022, 21:59:11It is possible. I did some performance optimizations where this may be a side effect. If you find any steps to simulate it, it should helps a lot, thanks!
Seems like it may have been related to something else: I changed the line width of tracks on a folder basis, folder has 120 tracks which are visible. Locus applys it instantly, but displaying, zooming, dragging, map rendering stays very stuttering until I go to track manager, hide all, go to map view, go back in track manager, show all from folder again. Then it runs smooth again.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: Menion on June 23, 2022, 21:59:11
Hmm then without a list of mountpoints, I'm really unable to do something with it. Od you just open thé web:port in thé web browser, what do you see?

As shown in the screenshot, the web page appears in "RTS2.ngii.go.kr:2101" but not in "gnss.eseoul.go.kr:2101"


slowness after the change of style is caused by the future created a few months ago. App now automatically refreshes preview during import and when something changes. So these 120 previews take some time, hmm...

Hmm oki. Anyway, if any NTRIP server does not work, a good start is to print me here a "SourceTable" page content.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download
    The following users thanked this post: Tapio, baegas


"App now automatically refreshes preview" - ah, I remember. I wish I could turn it off because it is dependent on the currently loaded map. Track previews outside of the maps area get a blank background. Here it does more harm and uses cpu than it helps. I'd suggest a per folder submenu, "Refresh previews". More user awareness.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Drawing mode menu has unwanted html displayed at bottom. Also in Classic.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Žajdlík Josef

In the latest Beta version, switching the Dashboard using presets does not work. I selected the Dashboard manually and in all Presets the preset has changed to this type. Now dashboards in presets cannot be set.