[Theme] Tiramisù 4 for OAM V5 - Tiramisu is alive!

Started by Magellan, February 20, 2022, 08:31:35

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My thanks to the author of this wonderful rendertheme - Maki!

After the post of the author of Tiramisu EOL, this theme has been corrected and developed.

The rendertheme has now been corrected with the latest changes in routes (hiking, MTB, cycling) in OAM with an update date of January 2022e.

Added new POIs, Bike-Park scale IMBA tracks, trails and lots of little things.

Because the theme is designed for a distant outdoor, all icons are always displayed as soon as they appear in the map data and in urban conditions can lead to oversaturation of the map and mutual overlap of icons. Therefore, use layers in the theme menu more actively and turn off unnecessary ones. Still, a topic for areas where POIs are scattered more widely.

From Tobias Kuen's Elevate family of themes, this theme is the closest to the Elements theme.



Great theme.

For the changelog, the waking up of dusty rusty school Russian knowledge is advantage. I can still read  cyrilicsand understand it without much  troubles. :-)

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Привет Pout, were you able to load the theme as a zip? Locus reports errors, I just managed to make it working in unpacked format. пока пока 😉
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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@tapio, hmm testing and no problem in the downloaded zip file. Even a legend works correctly (in the latest Beta). Nice theme btw!
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: tapio on February 21, 2022, 14:30:34
Привет Pout, were you able to load the theme as a zip? Locus reports errors, I just managed to make it working in unpacked format. пока пока 😉
ZIPed theme worked for me too. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a
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Ah sorry guys, my bad, I didn't see the attachments here but downloaded an outdated version from the website.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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AFAIK, I unpacked it manually into the themes directory.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk


good morning
congratulations for the work done.
I would like to recommend a change in display priority.
trails that are part of a multi-stage route are displayed with that name.
for example the "Cammino di Dante" is displayed as a CD, the "Cammino di Sant'Antonio" CSA.
thus the main reference is lost, which is the path number.
in the event of an emergency intervention, the primary indication is the number of the path that circumscribes an area much smaller than the entire path.
so too are many who walk the individual paths and not the entire path.
if possible, priority should be given to the path number or even better for example "409 - CD7"


Quote from: ivan on March 07, 2022, 12:47:38
good morning
congratulations for the work done.
I would like to recommend a change in display priority.
trails that are part of a multi-stage route are displayed with that name.
for example the "Cammino di Dante" is displayed as a CD, the "Cammino di Sant'Antonio" CSA.
thus the main reference is lost, which is the path number.
in the event of an emergency intervention, the primary indication is the number of the path that circumscribes an area much smaller than the entire path.
so too are many who walk the individual paths and not the entire path.
if possible, priority should be given to the path number or even better for example "409 - CD7"
Hi, ivan

It's impossible, I've made sure of it. The REF value is always given preference to the superior route in iwn|nwn|rwn|lwn|own if there is more than one route. And this happens at the stage of formation of the map. If I understand correctly how this is done by the OAM developer. Also, any concatenation, such as "409 - CD7", is not supported in the rules.

Or maybe you have an example render theme for OAM V5 that shows what you want? Then I could see how it's done.


Every now and then I notice that certain streets with Tiramisu are not displayed. With the other themes they are displayed. I use openandromaps.
What can be the reason for this?

Henk van der Spek

I will give it a go again next three weeks. About track names: the older Elevate  I have onboard does display both, like: E3 and 2749. So does FZOAM but Vonluntary V5 does not (only 2749).
Both is the number on the track and the label like E3 sort of in a separtate label.
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Could you give me details of the location or way you are looking at, please. I'd like to investigate for Voluntary theme also.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Henk van der Spek

In Slovakia, see screenshot with coordinate 's. The blue one is the E3.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


With Voluntary V5 I have E3 and 2749 displayed on the two tracks as shown. I've looked at this and I can see no way of changing that with OAM maps.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Henk van der Spek

Ok John but right I cannot get it done. Seen the color coding you are using 'hiking and wintersport', right? I refreshed the theme also. I will try later when we get there. By the way, on my wife's Android 11 phone I did see the E3 marking at that spot.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13