[CURSORS] Circle cursors

Started by karlchick, January 05, 2022, 12:52:38

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I created this cursor and having been using it for many years. I thought perhaps others might like to use it, so here it is.

the symbols used are:
  - empty red circle when stationary and your position is based on network signal.
  - red circle with small inner circle when stationary and your GPS position is locked.
  - red circle with rotating arrow when you are moving.
  - red cross when you scroll away from your position.
  - simple red/white compass symbol.
  - darkened/smoked field of view overlay is used for the show view option.

See attached preview (note blue dashed outlines are not displayed, just the size/edges of the images).
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:

Andrew Heard

It took me a little while to remember how to use custom cursors, so I thought I'd write this:
copy Karl's ZIP file (the file name doesn't matter) to Locus/icons/cursors directory, then from LM settings > Controlling > Map screen > Map cursors > select the new ZIP file > enjoy! RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I looks nice but on my phone with fhd the icons are very big. Can i simply scale them down?


Yes that should work, so long as they remain PNG's with masks.

I have a feeling that I could provide different directories with different dpi's for this reason... but I don't understand the manual on this:

User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme: