Web planner / portal

Started by Menion, February 12, 2021, 20:32:44

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Hi guys,
I would like to finally introduce the website we worked on the whole last year. Finally ...

Web planner / portal: https://web.locusmap.app

Core features
Without login or for the users without the Premium subscription

  • web planner with features close to the mobile app, with the ability to export the result into GPX file
  • online LoPoints with fast full-text search
For users with the Premium subscription (same as for free +...)

  • of course same as for free accounts +
  • your synced database of tracks, ready to basic analyze & (metadata) edit
  • automatic sync of changes to your device(s) within few seconds
  • and probably many more but who wants to read all this bla bla  :P

What (we are aware) is currently missing

  • web pages linked in the top toolbar
  • option to register new account directly over web
  • charts! (probably not ready till first public version)
  • ... you tell us

Onřej (@janaton), the guy behind this nice tool, is looking forward to some useful feedback. Use it please together with the new 'MapGooglePlay_4.0.0 - Beta 6_988_beta' version, otherwise sync won't work auto-magically.

Well, that's all ... let's play  ;)
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So on quickly:
1) will there be other types of maps?
2) Is there a chance for a stat stone (day / week / month / year)
3) view of calendars with marked journeys. so it's easier to search for the route you want to display if there are many of them.
4) adding route points, e.g. a monument to visit or a shelter?
5) elevation plot of the route (as I understand from the description in preparation)
6) possibility of synchronization (tapiriik.com or www.fitnesssyncer.com)

Andrew Heard

The popup login screen needs to close upon successful login - attached. I didn't realize I had successfully logged in until I discovered my tracks in My Library.

When I close/ re-open web.locusmap.app while logged in, it would be nice if previous location/ zoom was restored like brouter.de/brouter-web.

It would be nice "down the track" if the web router and app could display (reverse lookup), when available, a road name instead of GPS lat/lon for each via point - attached. PS from itinerary click +, search for name, and the road *is* displayed instead of GPS lat/lon. But can the search for name begin it's search in local area instead of world-wide search - attached?

Web router performance/ UX is fast and reliable. Hopefully other Brouter features will be brought across in due course ;-)

For example, is there a need for a shaping point icon in each route section? With Brouter you just tap/ drag any point on the route to move. If two via points are widely spaced while modifying the route section, the shaping icon is unlikely to be nearby, whereas with Brouter this is not an issue.

Changing profile doesn't result in a recalculation. I guess these are all features in the pipeline.

So far, an excellent start.

(PS. clicked the Post button & lost all my edits, luckily Back button worked. I think I had attached the same file twice. It's hard to tell because the Chose File textbox is unnecessarily short. The forum error msg was unhelpful too. nup - experimented with duplicate attachment on 2nd attempt worked, hmmm) RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


The webplanner doesn't work in the Safari browser on a Mac or iOS (iPhone 12). No map is shown.

...to boldly go where everyone but me has gone before...


Good news.
The page works without any lag.
The point deletion can be done only with the side panel, I prefer a right click on the map on the wrong point.
There is not "no go" circle like in brouter.
The statistics panel is very poor, lacking, for example, the elevation gain and there is no elevation chart with the via point listed (locus style).
It is wonderful to be able to generate the track, save it and synchronize it with the smartphone. The statistics of the saved tracks are richer, it would be enough to make them active while creating the track with the planner.
But it is not possible to modify the saved tracks with the webplanner, the only modifications are name and description.
it's a great start, great job!
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Thanks everyone for your time to give us valuable feedback. Most of your points are already on our roadmap. Currently, our priority is to release V1, fix/improve most critical findings and then summarize and prioritize our list for V2 (marking as v2 but we will deploy features continuously as they are tested and ready to use).

1) Additional types of map are planned but we have no ETA right now
2) Stat stone - this is a good idea. Not planned in the nearest future but we would like to cover this topic more generally and also introduce this not only to web but also into the app.
3) Related to previous point
4) Route points - V2
5) Elevation chart - V1(depending on time)/V2, in V2 other types of charts
6) I can not answer this - @menion?

1) Popup login - I am not sure if I understand correctly. SSO login screen and login dialog should automatically close after succesfull login. Is this working differently or you would prefer some "Logged in succesfully" message displayd?
2) Restoring last location - we have discussed this internally and we have mostly agreed that almost each time we plan route in different location thus remembering last location is not really a benefit. If there is enough votes we can add this as optional settings.
3) Reverse lookup - we know, this is not the best behavior and should be improved in V2
4) Search - again, we are not 100% happy with current behavior but we use external service and do not have much control here. I hope we can also improve this by deploying our own service (hopefully V2)
5) Shaping point - this is technical debt which should be improved as first things within V2
6) Changing profile - you can combine multiple routing profiles within one route, thus no automatic recalculation should happen on profile change. What is missing right now is possibility to change profile of already routed segment (start of V2)

Thanks for reporting! I will try to fix this ASAP but we have limited possibility of testing on iOS so for some time you will probably need to use Chrome :-/

1) Point deleting - should be implemented most probably as context action on right click
2) Nogo circle - not planned right now and we will need to discuss this internally (V2/V3)
3) Planner stats - we will definitely improve here in V2
4) Modifying track on web - this is definitely on of the first tasks for V2 ;-)


I'm logged in, but unsynched. On Chrome/Android on a mobile. Wasn't able to save a planned track. It seems to require a folder, but there is none. Wasn't able to do anything then. It locked Chrome in a way I rarely experienced. Had to go to the Chrome app page in order to stop the Chrome process.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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On a smartphone, it needs a possibility to hide the lower area, ie only full screen map. Otherwise planning is not fun. No good overview.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Quote from: tapio on February 14, 2021, 10:45:44
I'm logged in, but unsynched. On Chrome/Android on a mobile. Wasn't able to save a planned track. It seems to require a folder, but there is none. Wasn't able to do anything then. It locked Chrome in a way I rarely experienced. Had to go to the Chrome app page in order to stop the Chrome process.
It doesn't make sense on the phone either. You can use Locus right away. The web planner only makes sense on the PC?
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


You may be right  :)
For me in order to use it on PC, this web planner has to compete with brouter-web - hard task. E.g., web planner starts with a very zoomed out view... wheras in brouter-web I can save and share a track (and many properties) via the glorious URL "command line" system.

I mean like:

Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
Discuss - Releases - DL latest - Install latest


+1 for Elevation chart  (critical for rout planing)
+1 for additional Maps  (Need für MTB scale here)


For small corrections: It would be nice if you could bevel the line and drag it to another place.
I want a card theme from OAM. Satellite map and OAM map.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: janaton on February 14, 2021, 10:24:37
1) Popup login - I am not sure if I understand correctly. SSO login screen and login dialog should automatically close after succesfull login. Is this working differently or you would prefer some "Logged in succesfully" message displayd?
@janaton for me SSO login screen does not automatically close after successful login; I have tested with Vivaldi & Chome on Windows 10

Quote from: janaton on February 14, 2021, 10:24:37
2) Restoring last location - we have discussed this internally and we have mostly agreed that almost each time we plan route in different location thus remembering last location is not really a benefit. If there is enough votes we can add this as optional settings.
no real benefit for those on the default map right? For those that live elsewhere in the world there is absolutely no reason to see the whole map of UK/Europe each time they go to the router home page. It should be unnecessary to pan & zoom back to their country, let alone location, each time they log in.

Quote from: tapio on February 14, 2021, 12:08:43
For me in order to use it on PC, this web planner has to compete with brouter-web - hard task. E.g., web planner starts with a very zoomed out view... wheras in brouter-web I can save and share a track (and many properties) via the glorious URL "command line" system.

I mean like:

@tapio precisely; everything I test with the new Locus webpage is in comparison to BRouter, but for new Locus users this may not be so important RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione,
1) the displayed map does not distinguish between a cycling route and a cycle path, see scr.
2) the planned route has the same color as the cycle paths and cycle paths. See. scr.
3) It is not possible to recalculate the route when changing the profile, but you probably know that.
4) Question. Will the scheduler be able to work with his own profiles in the future?


First observations:

  • Is editing an existing track planned? Or at least using it as base for a new one?
  • After displaying a track from my library and returning to "Plan", the displayed track is gone. Would be nice to see a displayed track during planning, for reference; but at least the last displayed track should be restored automatically when returning to "My Library". Also, the last position (displayed folder) in the library should be restored, otherwise it's a hassle to click through again.
  • Zoom in is locked at some point, ok, but I think it's too early. The ruler on my screen shows 30m, I think you should allow at least 2 more levels.