[APP] - version 3.45.+ ( 14. 4. 2020 )

Started by Menion, April 15, 2020, 14:07:36

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New version is in the Beta channel, so give it a try.

Mainly @joeloc, check if such a solution makes sense. There are parameters that have more options and there is, of course, no doc for this, so just use set > export > check method, thanks.
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Quote from: menion on May 01, 2020, 08:31:19
New version is in the Beta channel, so give it a try.

Mainly @joeloc, check if such a solution makes sense. There are parameters that have more options and there is, of course, no doc for this, so just use set > export > check method, thanks.
On a first quick glance, export and re-import of extra colors and patterns with gpx seem to work fine. Thanks!

Storing the Locus Database Folder there as well wouldn't be an option? Needs more thinking obviously and some UI work on the Import dialog... just an idea.


Checked Lopoints in "Nearest points" panel. Shouldn't it be independent from "Show on map" option in Lopoints window? Otherwise people will need support.
I'm glad you put some work into the POI system.

It's great that you put Locus specific track information into the gpx xml format.
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I'm not sure if it just appeared with this version or was there before, but I noticed a problem in the strings on the Intervals tab.
I think the Climb Speed column name is made of two separate strings, I noticed because I use the app in italian and it's translated word by word. This becomes a problem when you translate to languages that don't put the adjective before the noun, because you can't change the order of the words.


works ... fine.
I think that the Locus Map folder does not belong to any export format. A folder is too user-dependant, there will be need for some additional test of parent Group, maybe even folder settings ... brr, no please :).

Well ... rather do not think too much about old "LoPoins screen", it really needs (and receive soon) some major rework.

hi, welcome here ;).
Well, these ARE two separate strings. "Climb" is the name for information in the first row and "Speed" for the bottom row. Check units, the climb is in "X m (up) | -X m (down)", where speed is in km/h units (or what you use).

link in top metadata ... as I see, this is made as intent. With this, probably an important link is then visible in all imported objects. The same happens for "time" that may be also in this <metadata> block. Is this wrong you think?
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@menion Wow, how stupid... :( I should have checked with more attention. Well, better this way!


Edit: I see now I have mixed LM3 Pro and LM4 Alfa things together. As while OAM downloading is currently possible in LM3 only, the rest, related to LoPoint DB choice applies to LM4 alpha ( the DB recognition perhaps to both). But I am sure @menion will not get confused :-)

I have noticed 1 not very consistent thing, related to OpenAndromaps placement during Locus-actions OAM download. It has revealed itself with existence of  new beta Locus Poi OAM dB files.

If I download OAM map or its Poi DB from OAM site via Locus actions,
it places the files into mapsVector folder. LocusMap recognizes the <country>_oam.osm.map file, but not <country>_oam.osm.db file, when I try to select the POI dB file from LoPoint selection.

If I move both files to Europe subfolder, where already are respective LoMap files for European countries, LocusMap is able to recognize the POI dB file. If I move it back to mapsVector ( all moves with LM shut down ), it is not able to find DB file again.

I am not sure, if eventual change has to be done in LocusMap application, or in the locus-actions XML file on the OAM site. But I think either Locus should place the files during the download/unpacking to the respective region folder, either it should be able to recognize the POI *.osm.db file in mapsVector as well.

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Did you try clearing Locus cache? Settings > Miscellaneous > Clear temporary data > Temporary files ('cache directory'). This seems to help Locus recognise changed db file locations.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


@johnpercy Thanks, it did help in both LM3 dB file recognition and LM4 alpha dB file choice. But it is still little strange it is ever needed.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk


@poutnikl @menion
To my mind it looks as if the cache is over aggressive.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


I've found one minor problem when downloading OAM LoPoints so refresh of the map did not happened correctly. So try it Libor in next (Beta) version, it should work now, thanks.
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Andrew Heard

I'm not sure whether to make this a new help desk suggestion, create a new general forum topic, or append to this 3.45+ topic. I leave here for convenience & thoughts from @menion...

It appears Locus ignores the Android display "screen zoom" & "font size" settings. I tried reducing both of these settings so I could see more of each point description in Nearest Points, but Locus just ignores the settings. In the screen capture below I have set Font Size=Tiny & Screen Zoom=Small to maximize the amount of onscreen text but it makes no difference. I notice that Locus refreshes the list whenever I change font size, so it is listening to these operating system events. Would it be possible/ does it make sense, to take into account the users overall preference for font size? I tried the phone in landscape mode but this didn't reveal much more of each point description. Thanks for considering. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

However that help topic was a question, not a suggestion. To be fair it was answered accurately. I *really* don't want to shorten my point descriptions just so they are more readable. For context: this limitation has come to prominence with the Nearest Points feature - I can't distinguish any of the nearest points from their truncated descriptions. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Andrew Heard
please try to fully close and re-open the app. For me, it works correctly, it just needs a restart.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on May 11, 2020, 09:43:27
@Andrew Heard
please try to fully close and re-open the app. For me, it works correctly, it just needs a restart.
@menion - a restart makes no difference - the descriptions in the Nearest Points list are always the same font size. Since my last post I have some more observations:

  • The descriptions in the track & points lists are also a fixed font size, but this is OK because the text, if any, wraps to the 2nd line.
  • The descriptions in the Nearest Points list are truncated instead of wrapped to the 2nd line. I count only 15 characters max. can be displayed per point in this list.
  • The font in the Nearest Points list is also from a different family, and appears less compact. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a