Locus Map 4, discussion (alpha)

Started by Menion, December 06, 2019, 14:57:45

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Hello Menion,

may I ask, when there will be a new Locus 4 Alpha Version.
I'm a user of Locus Pro and I appreciate it very much, that you are developing it further. But I'm excited about the implementation of Brouter in Locus 4. I would like to see the possibilities like in Brouter web (3 alternate Routes, safest routes, river routes etc.) .
Thank you very much for your hard work and  this wonderful App.

Kind regards




Hello Jochen,
I'm for quite a long time working on a new detail screen for points, but within a few weeks, new Alpha will be published. Anyway, do not expect any improvements regards BRouter system. Improvements regards offline routing are planed on the March+.
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Thank you for your answer, Menion. Good to hear, that we can hope to see Brouter integration in spring.

Version has expired today ... and  changed to Free Version.  :'(
Is there a new Alpha planned?

I use it on my tablet ... and to be honest I'm now so familiar  ;) with this version that I really miss it.


Nice to read it Jonny :). I also have problems to work with recent public Free/Pro version now  ;D

I spend an unfortunately unbelievable amount of time (more than a month) on creating united screen for points and I'm still not perfectly satisfied with it  :(. Anyway, I'll try to close most of remaining problems and generate a new Alpha version hopefully during this week.
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So let's move a little ;)

New Alpha version for testing.

Three major changes:

- I'm trying to unite work with points. So in this version is introduced new screen visible over the map and also everywhere in the app, that display detail of points. It should be fully working for all points except geocaches (here is currently an option to display old screen). The same system will be created for tracks, once we all will be satisfied with points :).

- Route planner: a new itinerary that displays a list of all shaping/via points with the option to reorder. Optionally in the RP settings is an option to enable chart for segments ;)

- Route planner: when using online GraphHopper, you now get an alternative route (if GH server think it exists). There is missing some more simple way to compare both routes, anyway, it's already well usable.

Feedback is of course welcome.

Version for download here
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Thanks menion!  :) Interesting news in the route planner. I will test the next days. Here is a small color problem...



Thanks erfi. The dark mode is currently not actively developed. I left it as a final step once all will be done in a basic "light" version.
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Andrew Heard

The route planner itinerary panel looks great! I have noticed the calculated BRouter route sometimes has a strange extra parallel light purple route segment - see screen cap?

The new points panel looks good so far. No problems. Without doing an item-by-item with current points panel am not sure exactly what has changed though/ what new features to test. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Are you really using BRouter? This looks more like an alternative route that should be produced by online GraphHopper.

In the new point screen, should be no new features for now. The main point here is to remove floating labels where you need to click ... and wait and wait ... to get more info about the point/geocache. I made this screen a lot lighter (so faster to load) and mainly you see everything immediately on the map screen together with the whole bottom toolbar filled by functions.
Also, the edit screen for points is reworked to the new (technically better) system, so it should be faster and definitely more flexible for future improvements.
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add new photo point > FC

add new point, "symbol&title" icon didnt change to related  folder icon and no prefilled date
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


It's far from clear that Settings is to be found not be tapping More Functions (picture 1) but by sliding the pop up menu further up (picture 2).

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -
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I just figured out two problems/strange behaviour in new version.
1. App crash when pressing the "Log" button while being in pop-up of geocache.
2. GPS turns on automatically every time the big button (center button) is pressed.

Very nice work for an Alpha


Testing "Map manager" and function "maps" have the identical icon

T:  see screenshot
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Route planner: change order shaping / via points, I like it very much. But leaving the menu is not easy. Long click and slide
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)