Locus Map 4, discussion (alpha)

Started by Menion, December 06, 2019, 14:57:45

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For me, the mini icons appear in the bottom row if I chose to have five buttons in the bottom row but revert to normal size when I change to four buttons in the bottom row.

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Permanently hidden bottom & right panel: sorry guys, but not. Both panels are made for quick access to features. The simple logic is: if the panel contains something, display it, if not, hide it. Hide it permanently? Only in rare cases like @luxcalor wrote for example. Anyway, these rare cases may be solved by Presets, so use them. On the second side, accidental hiding of panels causes us only trouble (on the support web) and may confuse users.

I'm also not sure about automatic hiding of empty bottom panel ... have to think about it more. Because as @tapio correctly wrote ... empty panel (automatically hidden) won't appear by double click ... and confused user may only ask "why?".

"Small buttons in the bottom" > got it, thanks John. It is indeed incorrectly wrote shrinking of buttons in case of insufficient space.

@Andrew Heard
it's correct. Map rotation works when GPS is on and the map is centered. I plan to improve the style of these two buttons, so will keep this issue in my mind, thanks. There is also a fact, that you may rotate map by two fingers, which little complicate life :).

GPS > major part of source code is shared between both versions (and will be), so all these technicals, like functions that take care about GPS, are identical.

Problem with "Show view": may you please just check settings > GPS & sensors > Orientation > Compatibility mode. If you change this, "Show view" still displays 180° difference? I just can't find any reason why this should not work on the south hemisphere :/.

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Quote- why you miss the "title" option?
- and what is SS SR?
quick info about version, no long clicks menu/appinfo/appinfo...
and if i run Pro and Beta to compare functions it´s always clear which is used

SS> sunset  SR> sunrise
Quote- the right panel should automatically move up when the bottom panel appears.
see screenshot
Quote- auto-hide option always grayed > do not understand, sorry
solved with answer #129 to luxcalor
Quotead EDIT: no matter what I do, I still see the same content of functions
that was my mistake again... and I'm sure many will make the same one ::)

preset settings have to be made via the edit function of each preset.

Here locus should show a warning message when the user tries to change or move the icons of the preset using the function panel
or you make it work this way ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


QuoteI'm also not sure about automatic hiding of empty bottom panel

At least let this option be for those who don't want to use the bottom panel. :) Thanks


- ahh, SSSR, oki, thanks :)

- resize (cut bottom part after bottom panel appears) of side function panel > doesn't look so, but it's a quite complicated task. No simple solution so far.

- problem with function panel sorting: so you have a preset with predefined function panel so you lost your custom sorting after activation of this Preset, right? Then it's correct expected behavior.
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Menion, idea. If no panel is left on double tap, ie all set to hidden, because user wishes so (flexibility is good 😊) or if user didn't know: in order to prevent support question and in order to help user you could display the window as attached. ie on no bar + double tap.

Any plans for the top bar? To me it would be much more interesting if it could host all functions plus the stuff it already displays. At least, it could be split, there's a wasted right half.
When displaying battery, the old 2 lines of text were a better layout if you have a notch like I have. The text didn't go into the notch area, but now it does. I have attached the old bar and how it worked well eg with my Mate 20 X notch.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 13:03:26
it's correct. Map rotation works when GPS is on and the map is centered. I plan to improve the style of these two buttons, so will keep this issue in my mind, thanks. There is also a fact, that you may rotate map by two fingers, which little complicate life :).
@menion - important qualifier -  settings > GPS & sensors > Orientation > Compass
it appears default for this setting is Orientation via GPS? So map rotation doesn't work if standing still right? Would Auto be better as default setting? Otherwise confusing. Or as suggested before, if compass is ignored because of this above or any combination of settings, maybe compass is grayed out?

BTW two finger zoom would require me to cut 2nd finger tip off cycling glove, not preferred.

Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 13:03:26
Problem with "Show view": may you please just check settings > GPS & sensors > Orientation > Compatibility mode. If you change this, "Show view" still displays 180° difference?
thanks - fixed with Compatibility mode. Interesting. What are the tradeoffs using Compatibility mode? There must be some negative otherwise Compatibility mode would always be used.

New minor issue - from map screen > tap main menu > drag up as far as possible - always drag stops before Settings is displayed. Then require a 2nd drag to see Settings & bottom LOCUS MAP. Intentional? Confusing. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


- thanks for the tip. If we decide to all hiding of all panels, display of settings, in this case, may be useful.

- top bar > I may guarantee that it won't be possible to add actions there, like before. The top panel will remain as a static panel with information. But the final design was not yet done. Notch areas are a problem that needs to be solved, agree.

@Andrew Heard
The default value for orientation source is "Auto-change", not GPS.
I mentioned two-finger rotate as a complication to display the current status. Because if you rotate manually, once you stop, the map does not rotate by compass but is still rotated.

Sensor compatibility mode > interesting. This mode uses the older technique to compute device orientation. It is slower and you may notice that map rotation is not so fluent, it is shaking a little. Not a big problem and because on some devices, non-compatible mode gave incorrect results, we left in the app this fallback option.

Scroll of bottom main menu > good point. Not sure how to solve it, but I'll try. Definitely not an intent.
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Looking for a good solution to backup my current installation.


Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 31, 2019, 08:22:00
The default value for orientation source is "Auto-change", not GPS.
@menion - strange - I had not changed this value but I had performed Reset Preferences more than once. So why would the setting be GPS not Auto-change? Still I make the point, if compass is ignored because of this setting, does it make sense to display the compass? Happy new year. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Without zoom buttons I cannot zoom with one finger. The zoom buttons above the map are not very nice. Why can't the zoom buttons be in the bottom bar as before? For me, this is a worsening improvement.


My setting: auto hide top and bottom panel
- if i double click on visible bottom panel, panels disapeare as expected :)
- if i  double click on visible top panel two information windows open ???
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Long click on zoom button gives zoom slider. Slide up: zoom in, zoom level increases.
One and a half taps and drag up: zoom out, zoom level decreases.
The different direction of zoom is counter intuitive.

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is it possible to install next Alpha beside FREE/Beta?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


nope, Locus Map Free, Locus Map Free (Beta) and Locus Map (Alpha) ... all are the same applications just with a few modifications. They cannot be installed at once.

There are still missing responses on some latest posts, sorry. I usually respond when I work on this stuff, and currently, I finish changes in the new 3.43 version, so expect some news here, next week. Thanks for understanding.
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