[APP] - version 3.33/3.34 ( 26. 9. 2018 )

Started by Menion, September 26, 2018, 21:40:46

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Quote from: menion on November 06, 2018, 15:57:05
hmm ... Locus Map Free and Beta version are equal applications. Google Play serve to user latest available version. So if I publish new final version, it is always younger then Beta version. Also, these Beta versions are mainly to test and validate changes before release, so why to play with them after new version is out?
because it's another app to update when it's not necessary, this time beta + free + free.
Google store has this version of locus:


My experience as Android user is:

  • wake up
  • turn on the phone
  • look for updates,  :o 10..5..7 updates ok let's do it
  • waiting
  • waiting
  • let's look at the new beta  >:( no beta just free

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Hmm ... all these years (maybe 6) it was working this way and it's perfectly valid method for app testing.

Simply: why to keep Beta version when there is already another new version of the same application. Understand that situation here is more complicated because of two versions. Most of the apps that use these Beta tests have single application.

I may enable Beta testing on Pro version, but is it a good idea? I personally something discovers in the field that Beta version crash and for the rest of the trip I use tested working Pro version.

So ... what is the main problem here?
Fact that app was updated is clear after start with the list of news. Fact that app was updated also means, that there is some new production/beta version and it makes no sense to continue in using of the previous version.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on November 06, 2018, 15:57:05
And new "hidden" Expert settings menu
@menion can you please remind me how to enable the Expert settings. After recent un/re-install I lost this "settings". I was reminded by Balloni's screen cap of the possibility of changing track chart colors. A did a system-wide search for "expert" but only found in this most recent post. Strange. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Sure, it was named "experimental settings", but in the recent version we renamed it to "Expert settings". Because of this you most probably found nothing.

Just long click on main menu icon on the map and there is it.
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Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: menion on November 06, 2018, 19:11:55
Simply: why to keep Beta version when there is already another new version of the same application.

If it is not technically too demanding, I would also encourage the separation of the BETA version from the FREE version. Ideally it would have been if BETA were completely independent and stayed functional a few days after the PRO release. Sometimes it happens that the PRO behaves differently than BETA. And then it's a good idea to try if it's only due to experimentation with BETA settings or because of the final changes in the PRO version.


Completely new application on Google Play because of Beta testing is definitely not something I would like to do. Some bigger changes in app Free/Pro system will most probably come next year, so we may talk about this later.
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Not sure if this is new:
On my tab, I got Pro and Beta installed. For both, I turned off Automatic Backups (aside: On the "Edit" dialog, it says "Next backup 10 May 2018", but that should be empty, if auto backups is off).
Still, everytime I boot the tab, both versions create a backup (complete with the "Backup in progress" notification).


GpsTrace add on no more available on the store.

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Hscat add on no more available on the store

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Untraslated web servicies

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Release notes are always in English a friend who doesn't know English asked me what all this stuff stands for.
I know you can't always translate all the notes in all the supported languages, but the title should be translated as the navigation between the release notes page.
I suggest not to expose all the notes but just a link to the web page of the changes.

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Quote from: lor74cas on November 11, 2018, 09:56:15
Release notes are always in English a friend who doesn't know English asked me what all this stuff stands for.

I do share your problem, but won't like any time consuming solutions based on change contents just to make some non technical people happy. We have to remember how frequently we get new change logs and how many languages we do support. This could block alot of time.

I thought about solutions to get this done without spending additional time like some kind of automatic translation. But this would need alot of time to set it up.
Maybe it would be sufficient to hide all and just make just 1 generic mutlilanguage text block:

Locus Map update got installed.
New Version does contain
- 5 new features
- 2 removed features
- 8 bugfixes

Technical details about this change in english: clickable element to unhide technical details


interesting problem with backup. If you tap on "cancel" in backup manager and then return back, "Next backup ..." is there still visible?
I've anyway added one extra check into service that takes care of backup, so it should solve this issue.

thanks for add-ons, removed from the list in app.
Missing translation in "výlety-zábava.cz" ... well, "Czech only" service ;)

About translated news. What do you mean by "title"? Anyway every major version (except smaller one like last time), has own blog post ( http://www.locusmap.eu/news/ ) which summarize all major news and that is translated also into German & Czech.

Also what about checking news on our help desk http://help.locusmap.eu/announcements , where is then simply possible to use web Google Translate like: https://translate.google.com/#auto/de/http%3A%2F%2Fhelp.locusmap.eu%2Fannouncement%2Fversion-3-34-1-11-2018

Summary as @Falco wrote ... I would stay with help desk.
Maybe some direct link to help desk from list of news in app? Will think about it ...
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About translated news. What do you mean by "title"? Anyway every major version (except smaller one like last time), has own blog post ( http://www.locusmap.eu/news/ ) which summarize all major news and that is translated also into German & Czech.
I need to see it again on my friend's phone I have English language on mine, I temporary switched to Italian so I can see it on next update.

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Using the planner if you have a track displayed it's not possible to hide it.
You need to quit the planner and hide the track. Not a big trouble, the planner can restart from the point you left it.

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