[APP] - version 3.26.+ ( 11. 10. 2017 )

Started by Menion, October 11, 2017, 14:11:54

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Hello, Menion!
I can open recorded track in "Route planner". The route planner opens with two shaping points placed on start and end of track,  and with auxiliary point placed in the middle of track. The route placed exactly over track. But when I move auxiliary point, the route rendered as two straight segments (from start to aux. point and from aux point to end). It is a bit confusing.
When I try to Navigate by the track, Locus try to make some voice command at the points where direction of track is changing. Maybe this algorithm can be adopted to create shaping points in route from track shape, so form of route will be better approximation than in current version.


fact that route is then made only from two row segments means that you do not have enabled routing system. Tap on big blue button in bottom left and select how you wants to recompute route after some modifications. If you wants to keep part of route as is, just tap on route on certain places and create shaping point there. Create for example two shaping points before and after segment you wants to modify and then simply drag auxiliary point between. Hope this helps.
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The help manual shows "Delete route" in the illustration instead of "Clear planner".
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Quote from: menion on November 04, 2017, 16:16:00
Good day Tapio,
Route planner expect that you have some unfinished work so it simply allows to quickly continue from where you left. Imagine opposite situation, when you do some planning, you will want to continue, but meanwhile you change you center location, zoom etc. on main map screen and after return to Route planner, you will hardly search for a place, when you end with planning before ...
Yes, but I think it should store the current map center when entering the planner. And go there, if I choose 'delete route'. Or in that 'restored old session' message allow to instantly undo/delete the restored session.
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Hello menion,
two minor issues
- different wording inside point/track tabs > click on folder icon "load all" click on eye button inside folder "show all"

- long click on 3-dot button top right in data window points tab or tracks tab > popup "more options" ????
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

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I've forget to close this topic, so le't continue in discussion in new topic here: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5936.0 . Anyway thanks for help as usually. I believe that now it's Nogo system quite usable as well as new styling system for lines. Hope you all find is useful from time to time ...

thanks, forwarded to @Michal

nice video, thanks!
Please check my instructions once more: Tap on big blue button in bottom left and select how you wants to recompute route after some modifications. If you wants to keep part of route as is, just tap on route!! on certain places and create shaping point there. Create for example two shaping points before and after segment you wants to modify and then simply drag auxiliary point between.

thanks for an opinion. I still vote for simple logical solution: return where you left it ..

- good point with different working, I'll fix it, thanks
- about long click ... probably almost all buttons in top toolbar will have some popup hint. It is added automatically by Android in case, developer attach any text as hint to these buttons ... as I did here. And well, under button is "more options" ;).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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