[APP] - version 3.25.+ ( 9. 8. 2017 )

Started by Menion, August 09, 2017, 18:25:00

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Viajero Perdido

Quote from: voldapet on August 18, 2017, 21:34:59I generated for you custom Vietnam osm.db file. You can download it at: https://nas.asamm.com/share.cgi?ssid=0JSywGw

This is far beyond the call of duty.  Thank you!!!

PS, both fixes work quite well.  (I can't believe how fast you guys work!)


@balloni55 : you have to push Arndt little bit :). I have from him some test version for testing of this feature only ...

@Viajero: hmm oki, I'll try to simulate it, thanks.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on August 25, 2017, 10:57:37
@Andrew Heard: testing your exact steps and no problem. Also no-one other reported same problem. Weird, mainly because it cannot be based on any Android version etc.
Please this test version, simulate problem and close app. In Locus/logs directory should be some text logs, so send me them, thanks!
@menion - preset function panel bug reproduced

  • backup 3.25.2 (Pro)
  • restore full into (Beta)
  • function panels 5|15
  • presets > All buttons > Edit > Set function panels 5|0 > set current content > 5|15 > exit > select preset All buttons > OK
  • presets > No buttons > OK (1|0)
  • presets > All buttons > OK (5|15)
  • presets > All buttons > edit > Set function panels 5|15 > exit
  • presets > No buttons > edit > Set function panels 5|0 > exit
  • presets > Walking > edit > Set function panels 5|0 > remove 2 buttons > OK > 3|0 > select preset Walking > OK
  • presets > select All buttons > 5|0 (ERROR - no RHS buttons displayed)
  • presets > All buttons > edit > Set function panels 5|0 (ERROR - should be 5|15)
  • exit Locus
4 files in Locus/logs 26/8/2017 0924..0936, I note lots of exceptions, I hope you can figure out the problem.
LM4.26.2 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

#63 (your preset logging version)
1) Tracks > select existing track > Route planner > "Unfortunately Locus Map has stopped"
2) Route planner (new route), BRouter - add some manual points, BRouter adds blue navigation waypoints, tap on blue point to move, displays the instruction (eg. left) but no option to move/ delete this point? But for other blue points > tap > name > tap arrow > Edit location. Inconsistent - some blue points can be edited, others not.
Should I keep this logging version or upgrade to Maybe above 1 & 2 are fixed in latest beta?
LM4.26.2 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@Andrew Heard: aaaa got it. Complicated issue caused by bigger number of external applications added to functions panel and often change of content. Fixed (hope), thanks!

Version x.1 and x.2 are almost identical except writing to file, so feel free to update to x.2 without worry.

Your second post:
1) this will need a crash log as I'm again not able to simulate it. Probably problem of some specific track only?
2) Currently it is possible to modify only core points that define shape of track (small red, green, blue dots). Blue dots you talk about, are probably navigation commands that are just simplified for drawing in route planner, but agree it looks similar to defined "via points". This is anyway complicated task that is somewhere between route planner and track editor ... will have to think about it more. Thanks
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on August 26, 2017, 10:47:12
@Andrew Heard: aaaa got it. Complicated issue caused by bigger number of external applications added to functions panel and often change of content. Fixed (hope), thanks!
@menion - excellent

Quote from: menion on August 26, 2017, 10:47:12
Your second post:
1) this will need a crash log as I'm again not able to simulate it. Probably problem of some specific track only?
I've tried 4 different tracks. All quite different, short/ long/ circular/ linear/ different maps. All same problem. Have generated a log and emailing now. Huge file.

Quote from: menion on August 26, 2017, 10:47:12
2) Currently it is possible to modify only core points that define shape of track (small red, green, blue dots). Blue dots you talk about, are probably navigation commands that are just simplified for drawing in route planner, but agree it looks similar to defined "via points". This is anyway complicated task that is somewhere between route planner and track editor ... will have to think about it more. Thanks
blue dots - correct - BRouter navigation commands; confusing from a UX point of view; pity a way of providing unified route planning/ track editing UX is not being considered.
LM4.26.2 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Thanks Andrew, log helped. You use app in different way and because of this i wasn't able to simulate it. Workaround ... display track on the map and then start route planner, it helps. Will be anyway in next version, thanks!
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Andrew Heard

OK, that method doesn't crash. However existing circular (out & back) track > Route planner > results in very short loop track of few 10's of metres of recalculated route from start to end (at nearly same point) because there are no waypoints in example tracks. Is this your intention? Of course, if existing track is point-to-point (not a loop) then this issue doesn't occur.

For Route planner > menu > Add new point > Select location: why does this window not have "Select on map"? When a green point (eg. start or end point) is tapped > Edit > "Select on map" is an option. So why the difference? How do you add a new point at an arbitrary location by choosing on the map?

Also when a point is added, choice is add to start/ end/ route, but what if there are two waypoints and you want to add the point in between them? Where is the point actually added when "add to route" is selected? Wouldn't it be better you can tap any place on the existing track, and then chose to "add new point"?

I love the new bottom statistics panel, and the elevation graph which can be dragged up.

When using the Route planner if I change the compute engine, why I don't see the route recalculated?
LM4.26.2 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 27, 2017, 09:45:02
OK, that method doesn't crash. However existing circular (out & back) track > Route planner > results in very short loop track of few 10's of metres of recalculated route from start to end (at nearly same point) because there are no waypoints in example tracks. Is this your intention? Of course, if existing track is point-to-point (not a loop) then this issue doesn't occur.
Well this is complicated. Such very short route happen right after recalculation, right? It's because definition points are only at start and end.
Try to create such route with latest Locus Map version! Definition of route (green/blue) dots should be preserved now!! so original track should be 1:1 restored in route planner and this problem does not happen (in case you used also some middle point to define this "round trip"). Anyway with old track or track imported from file, this happen.

Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 27, 2017, 09:45:02
For Route planner > menu > Add new point > Select location: why does this window not have "Select on map"? When a green point (eg. start or end point) is tapped > Edit > "Select on map" is an option. So why the difference? How do you add a new point at an arbitrary location by choosing on the map?
Ah thanks, should not be in context menu of point as well.
How to? Simply center map center cross to required place and tap on bottom left "+" button. Or even better, long click on wanted place which gives you even three choices where to place new point as you mention below.

Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 27, 2017, 09:45:02
Also when a point is added, choice is add to start/ end/ route, but what if there are two waypoints and you want to add the point in between them? Where is the point actually added when "add to route" is selected? Wouldn't it be better you can tap any place on the existing track, and then chose to "add new point"?
To add point in middle ... fastest is long click on map on place you wants to add and choose "Add to route". Locus tries to find best possible place in middle of track or in worst case add point at start or end of route.

Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 27, 2017, 09:45:02
When using the Route planner if I change the compute engine, why I don't see the route recalculated?
And why it should? System is same as before ... defined engine is applied on new added or changed track parts. There is still option that you wants part compute by one engine and second part by different. Locus gives this option ...
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New Beta version

What needs mainly test, it work in new Route planner screen. Hope you will find it useful as is now :).
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Andrew Heard

Testing with
This beta expires in only 2 days! Not much time to test.

So far preset function panels are working reliably! Well done.

What is use-case for dashboard in track info? It works but not sure of purpose.

Route planner...
Quote from: menion on August 27, 2017, 12:01:24
Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 27, 2017, 09:45:02
existing circular (out & back) track > Route planner > results in very short loop track of few 10's of metres of recalculated route from start to end (at nearly same point) because there are no waypoints in example tracks.
Well this is complicated. Such very short route happen right after recalculation, right? It's because definition points are only at start and end.
Try to create such route with latest Locus Map version! ...Anyway with old track or track imported from file, this happen.
I am discussing old track recording, with no waypoints, not creating a new route. Why should the Route planner perform a recalculation when I open this old track? For a circular track this results in no track (nearly same start/ end point). As you say in question below, Route planner does not perform recalculation for change of compute engine, so inconsistent for user/ not the expected behavior.

Quote from: menion on August 27, 2017, 12:01:24
Quote from: Andrew Heard on August 27, 2017, 09:45:02
When using the Route planner if I change the compute engine, why I don't see the route recalculated?
And why it should? System is same as before ... defined engine is applied on new added or changed track parts. There is still option that you wants part compute by one engine and second part by different. Locus gives this option ...
So reverse of previous question/ experience. There is an unwanted recalculation when track opened, but no recalculation when I change compute engine. Could compromise & more flexible solution be to add Recalculate button to the Tools menu so user has full control? Use case: I add start and end point, route is calculated for given profile. I want to see if alternate profile is more suitable. Should the route be recalculated when I switch profile, seems intuitive, otherwise how to force recalculation? Only way at present is to add a unwanted point.

Overall is working much better, although I have confusing BRouter messages at times. I started the Route planner; all working fine; added a few points; then below when I added next point (existing road, BRouter data should exist) I got various error messages (unfortunately often disappear before time to get screen cap). The BRouter message means nothing to an average user, only the developer:

Is there a BRouter error code? Maybe Locus can map the error code to a more user-friendly message? In my case the correct RD5 files exist, so I can't yet explain these errors yet. And, the previous route segment (not shown in screen cap) was corrected calculated and displayed.

Issue: start new route > Tools > Add new point > chose point. 2nd Tools > Add new point > chose point. But no route is added. So - "Add new point" is re-positioning the cursor to the point but doesn't add the point. The user still has to tap the + button. OK, valid argument for each side, but "Add new point" is really just "Move to point". I think "Add new point" should actually add-the-point. If incorrect the user can just undo the operation.

Issue: if there is no route, can Tools > Clear plan button be disabled? Then no need for user to see message "Nothing to remove"?

Issue (as mentioned before): Tools > Add new point > there is no "Select on map" option?

Finally: with this intense testing I note phone UI was getting less & less responsive. Implying some task is using more & more CPU. As I was only using Locus it would suggest is related to Locus and/or BRouter. Not a good sign. Can anyone suggest some non-root app or method for display % CPU per process? I don't have any Linux experience in this area of debugging. I tried ES Task Manager but not working like I expect.

LM4.26.2 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Thanks for a feedback Andrew!
2 days, hmm at least motivation for me to do updates and publish one more Beta version.

Use-case of dashboard ... I need to experiment with it, but my idea is to remove "stats" tab and replace it with dashboard, so everyone may define layout as he wants.

Route planner: ah if I understand correctly ... you open recorded circular track in Route planner and Locus automatically recalculate it? It's a bug, I'll look at this, weird it does not happen to me.

BRouter messages: no error codes from BRouter unfortunately. As you may see, third message is already polished. I do not know previous two, mainly second is interesting as it looks more like problem in BRouter code.

Add new point: I have changed this because it is common situation that you search for a point and result was added to track without option to check if you really wants it. Also with option to add point not just to end of track, it may make sense to let user choose, right?

Tools > Clear : have to ask Petr what is from UX point better. Grey button that cannot be tapped ( and you may not know why ) or button where you get error message when you tap ( but at least know why ).

"Select on map" missing > explained previously "How to? Simply center map center cross to required place and tap on bottom left "+" button. Or even better, long click on wanted place which gives you even three choices where to place new point as you mention below."

CPU usage: cannot help much here as I do not use any such tool, if you find any common pattern why this happen, it will be welcome. In Beta version exists two tools that may help here. If device (Locus) starts to be really slow with simple moving of map, long click on main menu button > Measure method usage and then just move with map for a while. It generates file with recorded all function calls, so it may help me to check if there is all ok. Thanks
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Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione, the new beta does not go to Xperii M with 4.4 at all. The application crashes at startup.

CZ: Ahoj Menione, nová beta nejde na Xperii M s 4.4 vůbec spustit. Při startu hlásí pád aplikace.


Ah thanks, I think I got it ... on my older Xperia it happen as well, perfect, thanks!
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on August 29, 2017, 06:53:06
Use-case of dashboard ... I need to experiment with it, but my idea is to remove "stats" tab and replace it with dashboard, so everyone may define layout as he wants.
clever idea!

Quote from: menion on August 29, 2017, 06:53:06
Route planner: ah if I understand correctly ... you open recorded circular track in Route planner and Locus automatically recalculate it? It's a bug, I'll look at this, weird it does not happen to me.

Quote from: menion on August 29, 2017, 06:53:06
Add new point: I have changed this because it is common situation that you search for a point and result was added to track without option to check if you really wants it. Also with option to add point not just to end of track, it may make sense to let user choose, right?
I think the menu name is confusing - it does not add a new point, only move to a new point.

Quote from: menion on August 29, 2017, 06:53:06
Tools > Clear : have to ask Petr what is from UX point better. Grey button that cannot be tapped ( and you may not know why ) or button where you get error message when you tap ( but at least know why ).
Yes, +/- with each method. There are other places (not Route planner) where buttons are disabled.

So idea of Recalculate button in Tools menu?
LM4.26.2 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a