[APP] - version 3.23.+ ( 3. 4. 2017 )

Started by Menion, April 06, 2017, 11:47:16

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Nono it isn't. There is only hidden "mess" in sizes for various lines that needs to be united :). As I see, here is width incorrect, I'll fix it, thanks.

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Bucky Kid on April 18, 2017, 12:02:40
Fixed, the style of created track is controlled by Settings → Maps → Points and Tracks → Track width.
For some reason it was reset to 3px. After increasing the width, built up track is well visible again.
weird - mine is (correct) 10px. Hasn't changed with app releases. Glad you solved it.
LM4. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: menion on April 18, 2017, 16:54:56
Nono it isn't. There is only hidden "mess" in sizes for various lines that needs to be united :). As I see, here is width incorrect, I'll fix it, thanks.
Please also check the width of the line from last added point to map cursor while 'Add new route & measure'.



Hi guys,
new Beta with some smaller useful news ( autozoom & autozoom and screen on/off in presets ) and some more fixes as usually.

@ta-ka: thanks, I've found another places where units were not set correctly, so let's try another round ...
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Hi menion
Quotenew Beta with some smaller useful news autozoom
my first impression
1. window "speed auto-zoom" didn´t keep always on
2. whats the map preview for? EDIT: set ZL
3. after i insert e.g. 40 > ADD i get a warn info "Speed (km/h") EDIT: its only if keyboard is visible
4. where can i set the depending ZL to set speed?
5. if all "Zooms" are deleted info says "tap button on top to create one", this button isn´t at top....
6 after click on any set "Zooms"  > FC
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello balloni, thanks for testing.
May you please give me few more information to some points? Thanks
1. do not understand
3. there should be only error in case, this speed value already exists. But this should be as a small red warning directly in edit field
5. ah, thanks, I used already existing text and did not correctly checked it's content. Improved
6. thanks, fixed
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Quote from: menion on April 25, 2017, 11:53:48
@ta-ka: thanks, I've found another places where units were not set correctly, so let's try another round ...

Hi menion.
hmm... the issue is still there with I noticed that the line width of the 'Line to GPS' is thicker as well.
It might be device specific issue because I see those thick width lines only on LG G3 valiant device with stock Kitkat (4.4.2). I didn't provide device info before. sorry for that.


Quote1. window "speed auto-zoom" didn´t keep always on
my locus setting Display/Always screen on is enabeled and set "Always"
but this window get dark after a few seconds

see behavior on 3.

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Žajdlík Josef

Hi Menione, the "auto speed" function is very nice thanks. I have encountered three smaller problems so far.
1) Click on the item in the list below (the settings you have set) will cause a fall and a restart of Locus.
2) Setting new list items is not very intuitive at first. Instead of "speed" text, it would be enough to write "speed to the map scale".
3) When I turned on GPS, the map scale did not change according to speed. Only when the speed has changed to some set value from the list has changed.

Ahoj Menione, funkce "auto speed" je velmi pěkná, díky. Narazil jsem zatím na tři menší problémy.
1) klik na položku v seznam dole (připravená nastavení) způsobí pád a restart Locusu.
2) Nastavení nových položek seznamu není zpočátku moc intuitivní. Stačilo by k textu "rychlost" dopsat "rychlost k nastavenému měřítku mapy".
3) Když jsem zapnul gps až za jízdy, měřítko mapy se nezměnilo podle rychlosti. Až ve chvíli kdy se rychlost změnila k některé nastavené hodnotě ze seznamu, proběhla změna.

Andrew Heard

Tap on any preset > auto zoom ZL/speed list item or bin icon results in instant crash for me too :(
The Back button doesn't respond in preset > auto zoom dialog.
The preset > auto zoom enable|disable setting is ignored. Maybe because Back button is ignored? If I enable, exit, go back in to preset, the auto zoom is disabled again.

Also crashing in settings > Maps > Advanced > Auto zoom too, not just presets.

Just thinking more about this new configurable Auto Zoom feature as a cyclist and motorist, in it's current form where ZL level is only related to speed, it is of no help. As a cyclist I have a fairly constant speed and ZL is more closely related to distance (than speed) to next navigation turn or announcement. For example as I approach roundabout speed is constant, but I zoom in to just see exits. So I would like to see a ZL list where ZL is set according to distance or speed, or in a simpler auto-adjust mode the ZL is set/ optimized so that current position and next turn are both visible on the screen.
LM4. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Thanks guys, I believe I've improved it and fixed few more issues. Also please be aware that speed values needs to be sorted in bottom list. If they are not because of previous version, just remove them and add new values.

@Andrew Heard: understand. I think we may leave it for now and think about it later. I can imagine one checkbox button "Smart navigation mode", that will take care about this automatically and zoom a little bit more when closer to navigation point etc.
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Andrew Heard

Apologies for off-topic but I just followed instructions to vote for Locus Free as best app - http://www.locusmap.eu/will-you-help-us-win-a-best-app-of-the-year-competition-in-locus-homeland/?utm_source=application&utm_medium=Locus%20Map%20Free. Your instructions to English-only speakers need improvements. When I visit this site I just see long list of app icons.  I eventually found & selected Locus Free, and clicked button at bottom of page "Odestat moje hlasy". What "Souhlasím se zasíláním novinek provozovatele ankety společnosti Internet Info" says I have no idea. Click I'm Not A Robot, then click ODESLAT. If you want non-native supporters to vote you need to make it as easy as possible for them!
LM4. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Thanks Andrew, this is more on @Michal

I have also today found one remaining issue with auto-zoom, probably as Josef wrote before. In case, zoom for speed "0 km/h" is not defined, auto-zooming won't work till you reach first defined zoom level. I've fixed it now.
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Žajdlík Josef

It looks like in version, most of the problems of the "auto zoom" feature are picked up. I would also recommend minor editing in order list items. Top of the list by number, now the list with more items is unclear.

CZ: Vypadá to, že ve verzi je většina problémů funkce "auto zoom" vychytána. Doporučil bych ještě drobnou úpravu v řazení seznamu položek. Nejlépa asi podle číslovky, nyní je seznam s více položkami nepřehledný.



- my post #37 no improvement :-[
- if i click on a set "zoom value" > km/h and ZL appeare to modify :) but if the speed value of set "zoom value" is 0.0 km/h and i click on this one, only the ZL appeares but not the speed value
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4