[APP] - version 3.23.+ ( 3. 4. 2017 )

Started by Menion, April 06, 2017, 11:47:16

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22. 5. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

13. 5. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
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5. 5. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
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1. 5. 2017 - Locus 3.23.2 - new version
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28. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

27. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

25. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

18. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

13. 4. 2017 - Locus 3.23.1 - new version
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10. 4. 2017 - Locus - BETA version
- news after app starts

3. 4. 2017 - Locus 3.23.0 - new version
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Andrew Heard

@menion could the new feature #full style editor for track recording# listed in the release notes be explained please?
LM4.26.3.3 RC12 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi, sure.
Open settings for a single track recording profile. Previously here was option to specify width and color of visible line on a screen. Now, there is an full "style editor" for track lines, so you may define symbols, width, units and so on ...
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Andrew Heard

Wow - very nice!! I have wanted more control over the line. Thanks.
LM4.26.3.3 RC12 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Bucky Kid

Hi, here a visual bug in Locus 3.23: Main menu shows duplicated Maps command, possibly it obscures former command?



Interesting, how this happen? :).
Please simply long-click on duplicate "maps" icon and choose different option as you need.
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All window titles are upper cased now. Not only does it look ugly, it also shortens the number of visible letters of a track name considerably. Also it doesn't represent the real track name. Unintentional bug? Or did Locus UI team suddenly develop a love FOR SHOUTING :)


:) ... I've just yesterday reduced font size a little, so it should help. And it's more love in "same everywhere". Dialogs usually had all uppercase, full screen not.
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Žajdlík Josef

3.23.01 Beta
The new beta version of me at the scale of the map does not show the number approaches.

CZ: V nové beta verzi se mi u měřítka mapy nezobrazuje číslo přiblížení.



Quote from: menion on April 10, 2017, 09:28:40
:) ... I've just yesterday reduced font size a little, so it should help. And it's more love in "same everywhere". Dialogs usually had all uppercase, full screen not.
Don't understand. So far, my tracks were windowtitled correctly, for example rmx_2009-08-08_MoabPorcupineRim. And now it changed to RMX_2009-08-08_MOABPORCUPINERIM. And that is better because... ?

But never mind... there are far bigger issues with the whole view/edit separation mess. A little uppercasing really can't destroy much :).


Quotebut NEW with option "Unimportant messages also on map screen" > on/off.
hello menion
where can i find this setting?

BTW, after update of new beta some buttons on sidepanel are gone e.g. "presets" and external app "screenrecorder"
and on  first use i  wonder whats going on with "map rotation" till i found changed settings in "sensors" for compass for this i found no info in release notes :-[
Locus Map 4.27.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: joeloc on April 11, 2017, 08:12:18
But never mind... there are far bigger issues with the whole view/edit separation mess. A little uppercasing really can't destroy much :).
maybe a help topic @joeloc? Microsoft Visual Studio tried All Caps font in menus a few years back, looked really ugly, and was later dropped. I do agree if I type a track name in mixed case, the window title should reflect my intention. All uppercase is ugly.
LM4.26.3.3 RC12 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Thanks @balloni55, I have really forget info about compass at into news. Therr is also a small issue in one moment of rotation, will be fixed.
Notification centre will be chnaged once more so do not search for settings now.
And lost buttons ... hard to help. There was no change in code ...

Guys, thanks for feedback. Just yesterday I was searching about this some information because of joelocs post and also because I myself don't like it ad much as I expected :). Since next version it will be changed and all titles will be left in original case. Thanks for push

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on April 12, 2017, 07:29:19
I have really forget info about compass at into news. Therr is also a small issue in one moment of rotation, will be fixed.
@menion - I've noticed for quite a while that map rotation when in "auto" mode and speed is 0km/h is very "unfiltered" and often rotates wildly. When moving after setting speed, rotation with GPS is nice and smooth. Rotation with "GPS Status" app is also nice and smooth, so can't just be my phone. Is this "small issue" of compass rotation you refer to? I have a video I can upload to demonstrate problem if necessary.
LM4.26.3.3 RC12 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hello Andrew, and we talk here about latest Beta version or about public Google Play version 3.23.0? In Beta, compass was changed once more and there happen only small issue.
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