[APP] - version 3.23.+ ( 3. 4. 2017 )

Started by Menion, April 06, 2017, 11:47:16

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I have problems when export my activities to strava - the activity in strava have 1 hour later than reality...fix this please.

Enviado do meu 2013023 através de Tapatalk


Andrew Heard

A few more thoughts to save space/ make clearer/ more readable in the new weather screen - refer to attachment (Locus VS Meteo)

  • no need for "C" or "F" after temperature
  • no need for 1 decimal of wind speed
  • no need for red & blue thermometer icons
  • no need for month name
The weather icons eg. raining/ thunder are not so clear, whole icon set could be simplified. When displaying "today" the details always start at midnight (generally well in the past). Would it be better to display details starting from "now"? These ideas a mainly based on comparison with the Meteo app which I feel is more readable/ has a slighter better presentation. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Again quite significant difference in min/max temperatures between DarkSky & Meteo data sources (probably nothing can be done but just reduces confidence in DarkSky and means feature won't be used so much): GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Offtopic in LocusMap context, but good for meteo service comparison:

There is nice simple android Weather application Climendo, that provides hourly, 6hour and 10(+) day forecasts, based on several meteo services in parallel.  One can see the average prediction, its reliability and particuler services output as well.  The differences are often quite big.

Dark sky is included for Central Europe forecasts, and as I watch it, it provides inferior predictions, comparing to other ones like  Accuweather , Wundergaound ( quite renown services ) and Foreca. There is also retrospective monthly evaluation, what services provided most reliable forecasts.

( I have a past background as an enlisted air force meteorologist, trained for that for 2 years at the university military department in late 80s , serving for 9 months at a military airfield  in 1989-90.)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: poutnikl on May 19, 2017, 14:51:52
Offtopic in LocusMap context, but good for meteo service comparison:
@poutnikl - not offtopic in that DarkSky and new weather screen is currently beta. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi guys,
@poutnikl : thanks for a tip on "Climendo". From quick compare of providers for few areas, DarkSky is not always worst.

It's a little hard decision for me. Weather in Locus Map is just a "small bonus". There is a plenty of apps focused on weather forecast and they will always be better then Locus. Prices for weather data are quite high so investing for example 300$ for Wunderground forecast per month is just too much. DarkSky, even less precise, may allow a lot more requests, so it may be used also for forecast for recorded tracks (my near future plan).
Anyway suggestions are of course welcome here.
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Žajdlík Josef

Maybe it's a silly idea, but try to consider whether it would always be good to show the weather only for the current and the next day. That's what most predictions do. Cyclists should be enough and who wants longer predictions, downloading the same special application.

CZ: Možná je to hloupý nápad, ale zkuste zvážit, zda by nastálo za to zobrazovat počasí pouze pro současný a následující den. To dokáže většina předpovědí slušně. Cyklistům by to mělo stačit a kdo chce delší předpovědi, stáhne si stejně speciální aplikaci.


Quote from: menion on May 21, 2017, 14:54:44
Hi guys,
@poutnikl : thanks for a tip on "Climendo". From quick compare of providers for few areas, DarkSky is not always worst.

For 1-day and 5-day forecasts of weather and temperature in last about 6 months, Dark sky was never among the 4 picks of the month in past month statistics for Brno/Czech Republic. OTOH, It was 1 of the 4 monthly picks for Hobart/Tasmania, why I checked for curiosity for our fellow Andrew.

No doubts Weather deserves dedicated application, it is clear weather info is just a cheery on the LocusMap cake.


@Žajdlík Josef : not sure it helps with accuracy of forecast, but thanks for idea ;).

@poutnikl: hmm seems you see some comparison on Climendo that I do not see. Oki ...

Not sure how bad forecast from DarkSky is. Previously we used WorldWeatherOnline so if this WWO behave a lot better, I should create system that will use WWO for common forecast as before and use DarkSky later just for a forecast attached to recorded tracks. Libor, may you give me a link where you see comparison for these web services? Thanks
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Žajdlík Josef

@Menion: Based on the fact that today's predictions are generally around 90%, for tomorrow 80%, but the next few days fall below 60%. For the shorter ones, it is more likely that the forecast will be more accurate for all providers.
CZ: Vycházel jsem z toho, že úspěšnost předpovědi na dnešek bývá všeobecně okolo 90 %, na zítřek  80 %, ale další dny klesá pod 60 %. U těch krátkodobějších je tedy pravděpodobnější, že bude předpověď přesnější u všech poskytovatelů.


Understand. Well I've used to use Locus weather forecast only and I really do not want to give up of more days :).

Btw. new Beta just published on Google Play.
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Quote from: menion on May 22, 2017, 08:40:28

@poutnikl: hmm seems you see some comparison on Climendo that I do not see. Oki ...

Not sure how bad forecast from DarkSky is. Previously we used WorldWeatherOnline so if this WWO behave a lot better, I should create system that will use WWO for common forecast as before and use DarkSky later just for a forecast attached to recorded tracks. Libor, may you give me a link where you see comparison for these web services? Thanks 

There is no link for that, or at least I am not sure if it exists on their webpage.

The 3rd icon in Climendo - like a bar chart - brings you to the Historical and accuracy tabs. Few days after a month passes, Climendo - probably on server side - performs a retrospective monthly statistical analysis of agreements of forecast and reported weather and temperature  for 1 day and 5 day forecasts.. For each of these 4 categories, the Climendo client displays a winner of the month, and percentual agrement.

Edit: You can also for each of 6-hour forcast in few next days see forcasts of each of the services. The Dark Sky and WWO regularly differ from the average more than the usual winners Accuweather, Wunderground or Foreca.

It seems Dark Sky  has for some oversea regions like Tasmania(Hobart) or Tierra del Fuego ( Ushuaia ) better results than for the Central Europe, where it is among winners often.

BTW, due statistical nature, the worst members are not always the worst. Exceptionally they can be the best, even if it is a rare thing. And vice versa.

Andrew Heard

Note weather screen date is wrapping in latest beta: GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


magnifier with two finger measure work great, thanks :)
as you wrote it´s not working correctly with map rotation,
is it possible to disable magnifier if map rotation is enabled?
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@Andrew Heard: thanks, I've added few more pixels, hope it will be enough

@balloni55: hmm ... in the end, I've rather fix this ... and well, also disabled big magnifier in case of map rotation. So they all will now work also with enabled map rotation. Thanks for a push ;).
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