[APP] - version 3.23.+ ( 3. 4. 2017 )

Started by Menion, April 06, 2017, 11:47:16

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Andrew Heard

Just looking at the new Weather screen.
A) I don't think 1 decimal digit accuracy for temperature & wind speed is needed or can be justified. The data is not that accurate. My 3 other weather apps only display an integer.
B) The "Today" tab is returned back to by itself when I have selected another tab "Tomorrow" or "Next". Maybe refresh after screen on/ off? Annoying.
C) Personally I'd rather see min/ max temperature on "Today" tab rather than the current temperature
D) I'm not even sure what the temperature in big blue font on the "Tomorrow" tab even means? It's not current/ min/ max/ middle of day/ average?
E) Take a look at the Meteo app for comparison. On the first screen I can instantly see min/ max/ wind/ weather summary for today & 5 more days. The Meteo screen is slightly more compact - hours are integer without unnecessary minutes ":00". Contrast with Locus where that summary data is spread across 3 tabs "Today", "Tomorrow" & "Next". I think the Locus "Next" tab does reveal the details slightly more efficiently than switching back & forth between screens in Meteo.
F) Most important is can the data be trusted. I tried to do a quick comparison of actual data for Milano, Italy between DarkCloud & Meteo. Some figures are wildly different - wind speeds. Which to believe? I think the Locus/ DarkCloud temperatures can't be right - they seem time shifted - maximums at night time! For example Locus maximum temperatures at 23:00 whereas Meteo at more likely 14:00. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef
Menu items not working:
Turn off screen lock
Offline maps / Maps language
and more...

Nefunkční položky v menu:
Vypnout uzamčení obrazovky
Mapy offline/Jazyk mapy
a další...


V 3.23.2
if settings button is in this place i get green info enable/disable....... after long click
whats "experimental" ?

preset autozoom setting
please prevent displaying scale/ruler without ZL value on preview map

Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


- if there is no dashboard enabeled/selected the wording in english and german is wrong
- on my good old SGS2 with small display some text is concealed

- i load a preset with content Sensors > Compass > Auto-change,
next i add new preset but there is no Sensors/Compass :-[ if i add it manually to content of new preset it´s always set to "Hardware compass" and not to Auto-change ???

- the default values of "auto-zoom" for car and bike are crazy, sorry
do you think most of basic locus users drive a Ferrari or ride downhill from Alp D'huez ??
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on May 11, 2017, 19:20:27
- if there is no dashboard enabeled/selected the wording in .... german is wrong
german -> http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=301.msg47568#new
you know it...
but i think it's clear: wrong english word  = wrong translation too


@Andrew Heard: thank you very much for a precise testing of "Weather screen". I agree with most of points. I'll look at it later ...

@Žajdlík Josef: thank you, I completely missed this, fixed!

@balloni55: hehe you found my secret menu I created some time ago because of some testing I needed from one user ... and I left it there as it may be useful one time. It display new option at bottom of "settings > misc". But currently there is only an option to disable hardware acceleration for map drawing.

- problem with missing zoom level value happen also in latest Beta version? It should be improved there, hmm. How to simulate it? Scale bar should not be touchable and should always display these values.

- "Dashboard" text in presets ... "Disable" is correct. If you add Dashboard into preset, then you a) wants to display any dashboard or b) wants to "disable" current dashboard.

- too long text in "Auto-zoom", thanks, improved.

- problem with adding items to preset ... hmm good point. When you create a new preset, then after enabling certain items, they are always set to "default" values and not to current values. Let's try your suggestion to next Beta and we will see.

- default values for auto-zoom: yes, they are funny. I noticed them also during last days. Suggestions are welcome, I'll gladly improve them.
For now I have only better "car auto-zoom": 0 kph/18, 30kph/16, 50/15, 90/14. Needs more testing, but looks good. Suggestions for bike/hike based on own experience are welcome as I wrote.

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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: john_percy on May 05, 2017, 12:33:25
Since the latest update, for me Locus often loses the last map used and opens to a blank (light) map.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
Seems to only happen when last map used was an online raster map (cached?). The Quick Map tab shows that previous map as selected, with text in red. But it's not readily reproducible.

Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quoteproblem with missing zoom level value happen also in latest Beta version? It should be improved
in Beta its ok, sorry ???
QuoteDashboard" text in presets ... "Disable" is correct
i think you misunderstood....
if  dashboard is disabeled user couldn´t disable it again,
so in this case it should  display "Dashboard disabled"
QuoteSuggestions for bike/hike based on own experience are welcome as I wrote.
kph/ZL > 0/20, 5/19, 8/18, 10/19, 20/16
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on May 12, 2017, 10:25:18
i think you misunderstood....
if  dashboard is disabeled user couldn´t disable it again,
so in this case it should  display "Dashboard disabled"
I think I understand correctly. Anyway I still look on "presets" on something like ... preset is bunch of settings/actions that will be performed in moment, I click on preset button. So in this case, I click and this click "disable current dashboard" ( if visible ) or "do nothing" ( if not visible ). That's why "Disable dashboard" still sounds better to me, as it directly say what happen when preset will be selected.
Hmm still think that "Dashboard disabled" is better? Sounds to me like definition of current state, which is not correct.
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hello today while recording a track I searched for some caches, during importing them the track  automatically paused. Strange behaviour.

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


new Beta version
Just a two day work with some more and less smaller improvements. Enjoy it, I have some more field/hike testing next days, so maybe meet on Live tracking ;)

@lor74cas ... hard to say how to help here. Maybe next time try to create a log right after this happen. It may contain something ...
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Žajdlík Josef

After many attempts, I set the auto zoom for more sporty cycling: speed / scale 9/15, 17/16, 25/15, 29/14, 35/13. A more detailed scale than 16 is unnecessary, it is quite suitable for the city. 15 on a regular ride, 14 to know where to go from another village and 13 just for an overview. 15 at speeds below 9 km / h is appropriate if you do not know where to go on.

The new weather does not have a very accurate current value. Personally, I do not use it in Locus; But as the best indicator of the current weather, it seems to me Weather Underground using an extensive network of private weather stations. Here, however, I can not use this network freely.

CZ: Po mnoha pokusech jsem pro sportovnější cykloturistiku nastavil auto zoom takto: rychlost/měřítko 9/15, 17/16, 25/15, 29/14, 35/13. Podrobnější měřítko než 16 je zbytečné, je docela vhodné i do města. 15 na běžnou jízdu, 14 na to abych věděl kudy pokračovat z další obce a 13 jen pro celkový přehled. 15 při rychlostech pod 9 km/hod je vhodná když nevíš kudy pokračovat dál.

Nové počasí nemá moc přesné aktuální hodnoty. Osobně ho v Locusu nepoužívám; ale jako nejlepší ukazatel aktuálního počasí se mi jeví Weather Underground využívající rozsáhlou síť soukromých meteostanic. Zde je ale možné tuto síť využívat volně nevím.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on May 13, 2017, 17:03:54
new Beta version
@menion - play store still shows 1/2 day after your forum post. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hmm you are right, weird.

But on Google Play all seems to be correct, don't know where is the problem.

So at least, here is direct link to download APK.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

I very much like the single tab weather screen. However it immediately crashes for this sequence:

  • tap circle-containing-dot icon
  • tap return button
  • --> boom - "unfortunately Locus Map has stopped" GOLD user ID:c7d47597a